Member since Mar '13

Working languages:
German to French
English to French
French (monolingual)

S-Zett - Adélaïde Noblet
Translation, interpreting, transcription

Schiltigheim, France
Local time: 20:36 CET (GMT+1)

Native in: French Native in French
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on Willingness to Work Again info
26 positive reviews
(3 unidentified)

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Total: 2 entries
User message
Looking for an experienced translator EN>FR or DE>FR ? Here are you right!
Account type Freelancer and outsourcer, Identity Verified Verified member
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Blue Board affiliation:
Services Translation, Editing/proofreading, Software localization, Transcription, Interpreting
Specializes in:
Tourism & TravelMarketing
Business/Commerce (general)Human Resources
Advertising / Public RelationsEducation / Pedagogy
Internet, e-CommerceFurniture / Household Appliances
Cooking / CulinaryFinance (general)


All accepted currencies Euro (eur)
KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 158, Questions answered: 84, Questions asked: 93
Project History 4 projects entered    2 positive feedback from outsourcers

Blue Board entries made by this user  7 entries

Payment methods accepted Wire transfer
Glossaries Agriculture, Commerce, Contrats, Cosmétiques, Cuisine, Expressions, Géographie, Imprimerie / Edition, Industrie automobile, Peinture

Translation education Other - Université Nancy 2 & double-diplôme franco-allemand HTW Saarbrücken - IAE Metz
Experience Years of experience: 16. Registered at Jan 2013. Became a member: Mar 2013. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials N/A
Memberships N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Indesign, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Events and training
Jeune traductrice, réactive et dynamique.

Délais courts possibles.

N'hésitez pas à me solliciter pour vos travaux de traduction et/ou relecture ainsi que pour vos missions d'interprétariat!
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 170
PRO-level pts: 158

Top languages (PRO)
German to French130
French to German24
English to French4
Top general fields (PRO)
Pts in 3 more flds >
Top specific fields (PRO)
Medical (general)16
Mechanics / Mech Engineering12
Medical: Pharmaceuticals12
Automotive / Cars & Trucks9
Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright8
Pts in 15 more flds >

See all points earned >
Keywords: français, allemand, franco-allemand, French, German, Franco-German, Französisch, Deutsch, traductions spécialisées, interprétariat. See more.français, allemand, franco-allemand, French, German, Franco-German, Französisch, Deutsch, traductions spécialisées, interprétariat, interprétations, traducteurs, interprètes, traduire, communication, collaboration, collaborateurs, coopération, missions, partenaires, partenariats, expériences, relectures, relecteurs, révisions, corrections, correcteurs, projets, formations, conseils, translations, interpreting, translators, interpreters, translate, cooperation, assignments, works, partners, partnerships, collaborators, experiences, proofreading, proof-readers, proofer, editing, revisions, re-readings, projects, trainings, communication consultants, Fachübersetzungen, Dolmetscherdienste, Dolmetscherwesen, Fachübersetzerin, Dolmetscherin, übersetzen, Kommunikation, Zusammenarbeit, Kollaboration, Kollaborateuren, Mitarbeit, Kooperation, Aufgabe, Auftrag, Einsatz, Aufgäbe, Aufträge, Einsätze, Partnerin, Partnerschaften, Erfahrungen, erneute Lektüren, Korrekturen, Korrekturleserin, Prüfungen, Projekte, Weiterbildungen, Unternehmensberatung, double-diplôme, multiculturels, interculturels, international, mobilité, réactivité, confidentialité, disponibilité, qualité, bilingue, France, Allemagne, Aquitaine, culture, dual-degree, multicultural, intercultural, mobility, reactivity, confidentiality, privacy, availability, quality, bilingual, Germany, knowledge, Doppelabschluss, multikulturell, interkulturell, Flexibilität, Mobilität, Reaktivität, Vertraulichkeit, Ansprechbarkeit, Dienstbereitschaft, Qualität, zweisprachig, Frankreich, Deutschland, Kultur, sites web, plaquettes commerciales, catalogues, brochures, documents, flyers, Internet, Ethernet, notices d’utilisation, notes d’information, CGV, conditions générales de vente, publicités, correspondances, courriels, mémoires, rapports de stage, mémos, journal du personnel, journaux du personnel, magazine du personnel, presse, contrats, dépliants, websites, sales brochures, company brochures, user instructions, precautions, user manuals, memos, general terms and conditions, ads, adverts, advertisements, letters, emails, dissertations, reports, headlines, contracts, pamphlets, Webseiten, Unternehmensbroschüre, Kataloge, Dokumente, Hinweise, allgemeine Verkaufsbedingungen, allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen, AGBs, Werbungen, Briefe, E-Mails, Diplomarbeiten, Bachelorarbeiten, Masterarbeiten, Mitarbeiterzeitschriften, Firmenpräsentationen, Werbeslogans, Vertrag, Verträge, Prospekte, salons, foires, congrès, expositions, visites, visites d’entreprises, exhibitions, shows, fairs, fair trade, congresses, visits, Fachmesse, Tagung, Ausstellungen, Besichtigungen, Betriebsbesichtigungen, tourisme, voyager, voyages, guides, touristiques, loisirs, circuits, vacances, hébergements, hôtellerie, restauration, restaurants, tourism, travel, journeys, trips, touristic, spare time, leisure, tours, holiday, accommodations, hosting, hotel trade, hospitality, caterings, restaurant industry, Tourismus, Touristik, Reisen, Reiseführerin, Stadtführerin, touristisch, Freizeit, Rundfahrten, Urlaub, Ferien, Unterkunft, Unterkünfte, Hotellerie, Gastronomie, Stadtführungen, environnement, préservation, protection, énergies renouvelables, développement durable, écologie, recyclage, environment, protection, environmental conservation, energy, energies, powers, renewable energy, sustainable development, ecology, recycling, Umwelt, Umweltschutz, erneubare Energien, nachhaltige Energien, nachhaltige Entwicklung, Ökologie, Wiederverwertung, œnologie, viticulture, vins, champagnes, cépages, cultures, vignes, vendanges, caves, oenology, wines, grapevines, vineyards, grape-harvest, cellars, Önologie, Weinkunde, Weinbau, Weinkultur, Weine, Champagner, Traubensorte, Reben, Weinlesen, Kellereien, aéronautique, aviation, aeronautics, Aeronautik, Luftfahrtindustrie, Flugzeugindustrie, entreprises, commerce, business, management, RH, ressources humaines, marketing, mercatique, gestion, RP, relations publiques, recrutement, company, companies, firms, trade, HR, human resources, administration, PR, public relations, recruitment, Firma, Firmen, Unternehmen, Betriebe, Handel, Personalwesen, Verwaltung, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Rekrutierung, Einstellung, certificats, diplômes, licences, CVs, lettres de motivation, candidatures, certificates, degrees, diplomas, cover letters, covering letters, applications, Zeugnisse, Zertifikate, Abschluss, Abschlüsse, Bachelor, Master, Lebenslauf, Lebensläufe, Bewerbungsbriefe, Bewerbungsschreiben, Bewerbungen, botanique, plantes, flore, jardinage, fleurs, jardins, botany, botanical, plants, flora, gardening, flowers, gardens, yards, Botanik, botanisch, Pflanzenwelt, Gartenarbeiten, Blumen, Gärten, cuisiner, culinaires, pâtisseries, recettes, cooking, cookery, culinary, baking, cakes, pastry, recipes, kochen, backen, kulinarisch, Gebäcke, Rezepte, animal, animaux, animals, Tieren. See less.

Profile last updated
Nov 14, 2024

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