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<b> Spanish-English and French-English freelance translator specialising in literature, journalism, science and social sciences
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Spanish to English: The Future for DNA Vaccines in the Prevention of Viruses in Aquaculture General field: Science Detailed field: Agriculture
Source text - Spanish Tampoco existen vacunas comercializadas para la mayoría de estos virus y, por el momento, solamente existen tres vacunas autorizadas frente a virus de peces: una vacuna frente a IPNV (virus de la Necrosis Pancreática Infecciosa) para salmón en Noruega, una frente a iridovirus en Japón y otra frente al virus hemorrágico de la carpa en China. La prevención de las patologías causadas por virus está recomendada por la FAO y la OIE y la UE para que la Acuicultura pueda ser alternativa a las pesquerías.
Dentro de los virus que afectan a peces, los rabdovirus son el grupo de virus más numeroso. En este grupo se incluyen el virus de la septicemia hemorrágica (VHSV) y el virus de la necrosis hematopoyética infecciosa (IHNV), las dos patologías víricas con mayor impacto y repercusión mundial en el cultivo de peces...
Mimetizan la infección viral mejor que otras vacunas, ya que la expresión de la proteína se da en el interior de las células inyectadas, lo que conlleva que esta proteína correctamente plegada y modificada post-traduccionalmente se procese vía los complejos mayores de histocompatibilidad (MHC) de clase I y de clase II, lo que hace que se genere una respuesta inmune protectiva que implica tanto la activación de células T cooperadoras como citotóxicas específicas. En este aspecto serían semejantes a las vacunas vivas atenuadas, pero sin sus problemas asociados de posible reversión.
Translation - English What is more, there are no vaccines on the market for the majority of these viruses and currently there are only three licensed vaccines for fish viruses: one to immunize against the IPNV (infectious pancreatic necrosis virus) in salmon in Norway, another against the iridovirus in Japan, and one for the haemorrhagic virus which affects carp in China. The prevention of viral pathologies is recommended by the FAO and the World Organisation for Animal Health (IOE), as well as the EU in order to make Aquaculture a viable alternative to fisheries.
The largest group of viruses affecting fish are rhabdoviruses. These include viral haemorrhagic septicaemia (VHS) and the infectious haematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV); the two viral pathologies which have the most impact and repercussions on fish farming around the world.
DNA vaccines mimic the viral infection more effectively than other vaccines because protein expression occurs inside the injected cells, which means the correctly folded and post-translationally modified protein is processed via the class I and class II major histocompatibility complexes (MHC). This generates a protective immune response that involves both activation of T helper cells and specific cytotoxics. In this way they resemble live attenuated vaccines but without the problems associated with potential reversion.
French to English: Interview with Luc Besson General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - French Luc Besson, pape du cinéma français qui se rêve industrie, mais qui s’accroche à ses privilèges, revient sur sa façon de fabriquer un projet. Le Cinquième Elément ouvre le Festival de Cannes.
Le Sujet
J'ai commencé par écrire un roman à l'âge de 16 ans. Je n'ai pensé à une transposition cinématographique que bien plus tard. C'est en fait venu petit à petit. Le Cinquième élément est certainement celle de mes films qui s'attache le moins à la réalité; c'était mon projet le plus fou et le désir de faire un film de vrai divertissement. Mais on ne travaille jamais pour un public particulier; on espère simplement qu'un public sera séduit, touché, ému, et peu importe d'ailleurs son nombre. Pour Le Dernier Combat, par exemple, les spectateurs étaient relativement peu nombreux....mais très heureux; pour Le Grand Bleu, le public était beaucoup, beaucoup plus important et les gens étaient tout aussi heureux, même si ce n'était pas forcément les mêmes! Le Cinquième Élément est réellement une invitation au voyage, à l'évasion. Je crois qu'il faut ressentir ce besoin, cette envie et qu'il faut être dans cet état d'esprit pour profiter pleinement du film.
Le Montage
Le montage est la deuxième phase d'écriture pour moi. Dans la construction d'un scénario, vous mettez les mots dans un certain ordre; au montage vous faîtes la même chose , vous mettez bout à bout des plans pour leur donner une dimension, une émotion. Cela se manipule de la même façon. Si le scénario est le menu, le tournage c'est la pêche, la chasse et la cueillette. On ne cuisine pas, on ramène poissons et gibiers. Le montage, lui, est la plus grande des cuisines.
Le Cadre
Je fais toujours le cadre et ne me contente pas de regarder le plan sur un écran vidéo. Je l'ai fait un peu sur Subway, pas mal sur le Grand Bleu et, sur Nikita, j'ai finalement fait le cadre seul. Cela change également le rapport avec les acteurs car il y a beaucoup plus d'intimité. Il m'arrive même parfois de donner de nouvelles indications dans la prise et ainsi de changer des choses dans le coeur même du plan...
Le Jeu
En fait, c'est une comédie. D'ailleurs, sur le tournage, les comédiens "poussaient" de partout : ils étaient tous drôles et avaient une grande envie de jouer, de s'amuser avec leurs personnages. Dès que Bruce Willis, Chris Tucker ou Milla Jovovich s'échauffaient, le jeu, et je dirai même le délire, pouvait commencer...La première scène de Ruby Rhod (Chris Tucker) est une vraie scène de comédie musicale! Nous répétions beaucoup pour avoir des marques, une base de travail et ne pas perdre de temps pendant le tournage avec ses impératifs techniques extrêmement importants. Les répétitions se faisaient sans texte pour garder de la distance et dès que les comédiens étaient "chauds", j'arrêtais. Il faut dépoussierer mais ne pas aller trop loin pour ne pas perdre de la spontanéïté. Il y a de l'action, mais ce n'est pas un film d'action. Si je devais définir Le Cinquième Élément, je dirais que c'est 1/3 de Brazil, 1/3 de La guerre des Étoiles et 1/3 de Jacques Tati! Gary Oldman, après avoir vu le film, m'a dit: "C'est Star Wars sous acide! »
Bruce Willis
Bruce Willis est d'abord un très bon acteur. Le problème est que les stars de l'envergure de Bruce sont souvent utilisées comme telles et non pas comme des acteurs. Bruce peut tout faire, tout jouer et je pense qu'il s'est amusé sur ce tournage parce qu'il pouvait justement faire des tas de choses différentes. Je n'avais pas écrit le rôle de Korben Dallas en pensant à lui - je n'écris d'ailleur jamais pour quelqu'un en particulier. Ce qui m'intéresse, c'est d'écrire globalement un personnage et ensuite de faire un travail d'approche du personnage avec l'acteur. Et l'important est de se dire à la fin du tournage qu'aucun autre acteur n'aurait pu interpréter ce rôle. J'aime ce sentiment: Christophe Lambert était le meilleur pour Subway, Jean-Marc Barr pour Le Grand Bleu ou Jean Réno pour Léon. Bruce Willis était en tout vas l'idéal pour ce film: il a, je crois, battu tous les records de vitesse: je lui ai apporté le script qu'il a immédiatement lu et 2 heures après il m'a dit "oui, c'est OK, je le fais!" Je croyais rêver...
Translation - English Luc Besson, high priest of a French cinema which dreams of being an industry yet still clings to its privileges, discusses the way he creates a project. The Fifth Element opens the Cannes Festival.
The Idea
I began by writing a novel at the age of 16. The idea of transferring it to film came much later on. In fact, it was something that happened gradually. Of my movies, The Fifth Element is certainly the one that is furthest from reality. It was my craziest project and came from a desire to make a truly entertaining movie. But we never work for a particular audience; we simply hope that some people, no matter how many, will be seduced, touched and moved. There were relatively few people who watched Le dernier combat (The Last Battle), for example, but they were satisfied. The Big Blue, on the other hand, had a large and important audience who were equally satisfied but they were not necessarily the same people! The Fifth Element is really an invitation to go on a journey, to escape. I think you need to feel that need, that desire and to be in that state of mind in order to really enjoy the movie.
Editing is the second stage of writing for me. When creating a scenario you put the words in a particular order; when editing you do the same thing: you assemble your shots in order to give them a certain dimension and emotion. It’s done in the same way. If the scenario is the menu, shooting is the fishing, hunting and picking. We don’t cook, we gather fish and game. Editing is the most important part of all.
I always do the camerawork and don’t simply watch the shot on a video screen. I did it a little on Subway, quite a bit on The Big Blue and on Nikita I finally did the photography myself. It changes the rapport you have with actors because there is greater intimacy. I sometimes even give new direction during the take, changing things right at the core of the shot…
Actually, it’s a comedy and there were comedians sprouting up everywhere on set. They were all funny and had a great desire to play with their characters. Once Bruce Willis, Chris tucker or Milla Jovovich were warmed up, the game, I could even say the madness, could begin…The first scene with Ruby Rhod (Chris Tucker) is right out of a musical comedy! We rehearsed a lot to create points of reference and a working foundation and so as not to waste time during filming with its extremely important technical constraints. Rehearsals were done without scripts to keep a certain distance and once the actors were warmed up I stopped. You need to shake off the dust but never go so far as to lose spontaneity. There is action but it’s not an action movie. If I had to define The Fifth Element I’d say it is a third Brazil, a third Star Wars and a third Jacques Tati! After watching the movie Gary Oldman told me: “It’s Star Wars on acid!”
Bruce Willis
Bruce Willis is firstly a great actor. The problem is that stars of the stature of Bruce are often used simply as stars and not as actors. Bruce can do everything, act everything and I think he enjoyed himself on set precisely because he could do so many different things. I didn’t write the role of Korben with him in mind – I never write with anyone particular in mind. What interests me is writing a character in a global sense and then refining the details with the actor. The important thing is to be able to tell yourself at the end of filming that no other actor could have acted the role. I like that sensation: Christophe Lambert was the best for Subway, Jean-Marc Barr for The Big Blue or Jean Reno for Leon. Bruce Willis was totally right for this movie. I believe he broke all the speed records; I brought him the script and he read it immediately and two hours later he said “Yes, it’s fine. I’ll do it!” I thought I was dreaming...
Spanish to English: Football is a minority sport General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Journalism
Source text - Spanish El fútbol es de minorías
Hay un feo hábito cultureta de enfrentar el fútbol y la lectura en desigual partido, olvidando que el gusto por el fútbol es muy transversal y no niega el aprecio por la literatura. Al revés, tampoco, pero la hinchada tiene a favor que la secretaría de estado de Deportes es muy considerada y no se pasa el día reprochando a millones de españoles que no vean ni un solo partido al año o no sepan recitar una alineación. Se lee poco, es cierto, pero los lectores de una ciudad llenarían un estadio si acordaran reunirse en tal lugar cada domingo a partir de las cinco de la tarde. A fin de cuentas, ¿que ven los aficionados? ¿Un par de partidos por semana? Menos de 200 minutos de fútbol.
A estas alturas del Mundial de fútbol, espero no haber visto ningún partido. Cuando se dice que el fútbol interesa a todo el mundo se miente. La audiencia que sigue los grandes partidos del año rara vez supera los nueve millones de espectadores, lo que deja a la hinchada en minoría: a 31 millones de españoles el fútbol les da igual. Este Mundial está fuera del alcance de 4.000 millones de personas. ¿Qué media de audiencia logrará globalmente? No llegará a la mitad más uno de la audiencia posible. El fútbol es pasión de minorías – lo que justifica su interés general – y por eso me produce simpatía.
El fútbol es concentración y la lectura, dispersión. Es normal que los lectores no se reúnan en campos de fútbol y de agradecer que la televisión no retransmita un espectáculo tan estático. Desde que no se lee en los refectorios ni en los talleres de costura, desde que hay millones de títulos a disposición para una lectura en bajo, en la intimidad y cuando venga la gana, los individualistas lectores han desarrollado un sentido minoritario por el que les resultaría repugnante que su afición se manifestara con modales futbolísticos. ¿Pertenecería usted a la Peña Kenzaburo Oé Oé Oé? ¿Le gustaría que los seguidores de Paul Auster rompieran farolas, volcaran contenedores y se bañaran en las fuentes públicas para celebrar que ha acabado una novela? ¿Acudiría con un bombo para atronar en las presentaciones de Mario Vargas Llosa? Se ve haciendo la ola ante una edición crítica de “Marinero en tierra”? No.
En el fútbol todo son colas. Para sacar la entrada, para acceder al campo, para salir. A la cola le siguen el embotellamiento y la caravana. El lector detesta hacer colas, ese fracaso de la distribución que sólo anima a editores y libreros en septiembre para los libros de texto y en el nuevo curso de “Harry Potter”. De esas dos ocasiones sólo la de “Harry Potter” tiene entusiasmo lector, pero, aun con la cursilería del barniz cultural, los padres preferirían no tener que estar aguantando cola para que el crío compre otra historia del mago miope, aunque estén encantados de que lo quiera tener, de que lo lea y de que cada volumen sea más gordo. El entusiasmo librero queda enturbiado con los libros de texto por el debate anual del precio fijo. Yo no haría cola ni por un inédito de Raymond Chandler, pero no se puede decir que no haya hinchada literaria. ¿Los lectores que hacen colas en la feria del libro para que el escritor les dedique el ejemplar hacen algo muy distinto de los que piden a Beckham que les firme una camiseta?
Javier Cuervo, La Vanguardia (July 2006)
Translation - English Football is a Minority Sport
There is a terrible tendency among cultural types to judge football versus reading as an uneven match, conveniently ignoring the fact that football appeals to a broad spectrum of people, and this doesn’t preclude an appreciation of literature. Nor does a love of literature prevent anyone from appreciating football. Football supporters are fortunate, however, that the Minister for Sport is considerate enough not to spend all day chastising millions of Spaniards for not watching a single game all year or for not memorising a line-up or formation. While it is true that we read relatively little, readers from one city could fill a stadium if they got organized and gathered there every Sunday at five in the afternoon. When it comes down to it, what do supporters watch: a couple of games a week? That’s less than 200 minutes of football.
At this stage in the World Cup I hope not to have seen one single match, which shows that it’s simply not true that everyone is interested in football. Audiences for the biggest matches of the year seldom exceed nine million viewers. In other words, football fans are in the minority: 31 million Spaniards just aren’t that bothered either way. For four billion people, watching the World Cup isn’t even an option and average audience figures won’t reach more than half the potential number. Football is the passion of a minority, which makes it moderately interesting to a wider audience and which is why I can relate to it.
While football brings people together, reading means they are dispersed. Readers don’t meet up at football grounds and we should be grateful that, even if they were to do so, such a display of total inactivity would not be broadcast on television. Since people no longer read aloud in refectories or in dressmakers’ workshops, and since there are millions of books at one’s disposal for reading quietly, in private and whenever the mood takes one, individualistic readers have developed a sense that they are in the minority and would be quite appalled if reading were to adhere to football-style etiquette. Would you join the Kenzaburō Ōe fan club (Ōe… Ōe… Ōe…)? Would you like it if followers of Paul Auster smashed streetlamps, overturned rubbish bins and jumped into public fountains to celebrate his finishing a novel? Would you bang along on a bass drum during presentations by Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa? Do you see yourself doing the Mexican wave for a critical edition of Rafael Alberti’s poetry anthology Marinero en tierra? No, I didn’t think so.
Everything in football is about queuing up: to buy your ticket, to get into the ground, and to get out. Queues are followed by traffic jams and tailbacks. People who read loathe queues. They signify a failure to distribute a book properly and only get publishers and booksellers excited when they are for textbooks or because Harry Potter has started a new school year. Of these, only the launch of the latest Harry Potter arouses readers’ enthusiasm. However, despite their rather pretentious cultural stamp of approval, parents would rather not queue up just so their offspring can purchase yet another tale about the short-sighted wizard. That said, they are delighted that their children want to buy it, happy when they read it and happier still when each volume in the series turns out to be thicker than the last. Meanwhile, booksellers’ enthusiasm for textbooks is marred by the debate that occurs annually in Spain over the fixed pricing system. I wouldn’t even queue for a previously unpublished Raymond Chandler, but that’s not to say there are no literary fan clubs. Is queuing up at book fairs for the author to sign and dedicate a book to you really any different from asking Beckham to sign a football shirt for you?
Spanish to English: Extract of an essay from La Duda by Isabel del Rio General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Spanish Hay un hombre que decidió un día erigir un parapeto en torno suyo: de gestos y palabras, pero también de sentimientos. Para hablar de este hombre podría iniciarse el relato con algo meramente anecdótico (al menos así eran para él estas cosas): fue una confesión que le hiciera alguien a ese hombre, pongamos por caso una mujer. Una mujer que, por ejemplo, se hubiera enamorado sin más y estrepitosamente de ese hombre (y como presentía la existencia del parapeto, lo quería derribar para hacer suyo a quien hubiera al otro lado). El objeto de este ejercicio sería demostrar que el hombre, defendiéndose con uñas y dientes de esa posible intrusión en su intimidad, está dispuesto a recurrir incluso al simulacro, o dicho de otro modo menos fatídico, está dispuesto a ampararse en la irrealidad. Se demostrará con el presente texto que los individuos prefieren proteger las posiciones ocupadas, aunque sean insatisfactorias o desechables, antes que descubrir territorios no explorados en los que tal vez les espera la dicha o la fortuna: no pierden de vista el peligro de malograr lo conocido y de ganar muy poco a cambio, y se justifica la pasividad aduciendo que la hondura de la belleza o bondad de lo nuevo se terminará canjeando por el arrepentimiento y por recuerdos ásperos e imprecisos. En todos produce desasosiego lo irreconocible, pero para algunos – los menos, los más impresionables – la hazaña está precisamente en el descubrimiento; aunque la novedad lleva en sí un germen de amenaza a lo establecido, en ella es visible el destino que nos arrastra, y a veces es inevitable – y hasta hermoso – dejarse arrastrar.
El relato se dilatará a propósito porque el tema requiere un tratamiento confuso o laberíntico, esto es, emprender un rumbo, seguir por otro, intercalar un texto (que aquí se facilitará en la versión definitiva como sueño narrado, y no en forma de apuntes), todo ello con pasajes de exposición que contendrán información detallada y en la que no nos adentraremos pues se dejará a la discreción del autor: habrá un largo pasaje sobre el pasado del hombre en cuestión, donde se narrará su infancia en la que se sentía excluido de su familia por determinados defectos somáticos (de nuevo, que especule el autor), su adolescencia en la que se le marginó por diversos motivos (seguramente porque comprendió que las enseñanzas que le impartían podían también ser profanadas del mismo modo que le profanaban el cuerpo las afecciones que padecía), se describirán los países en los que vivió siempre como extranjero (hasta el suyo propio, a la larga, terminó siendo un paraje ajeno e incomprensible), sus relaciones fallidas con otros seres; y por último el presente: sobre el presente no se dirá nada en estas notas, no se divulgará si el hombre es o no feliz.
Translation - English There was a man who made up his mind one day to barricade himself in, with gestures, words and feelings too. The tale of this man could begin with nothing more than a simple anecdote (which was, in fact, how he viewed such things). It was something confessed to this man, let’s imagine, by a woman: a woman who, for the purposes of illustration, would have fallen simply and spectacularly in love with this man, and sensing the barricade he had put up, she would seek to knock it down and claim whoever she found the other side for herself. The aim of this exercise would be to show that this man, fighting tooth and nail to defend himself and his privacy from this potential intrusion, will even resort to pretence, or to put it in less ominously, will seek refuge in what is not real. This text will show how people would rather protect already entrenched positions, even when they are unsatisfactory and only useful temporarily, than discover new unexplored territories where happiness and good fortune might await them. They are unable to see beyond the danger of losing what they are used to while gaining little in return; and to justify this passive stance they claim that any great beauty or goodness granted will eventually give way to regret, leaving only painful and vague memories. When faced with the unfamiliar everyone feels a certain unease, but some (the minority, the most impressionable among us) find heroic achievement precisely in the act of discovery. Novelty by its very nature implies a potential threat to what is known, but in it we witness destiny sweeping us along; and simply being swept along is at times inescapable and can even be beautiful.
The tale will be purposely drawn-out because the subject requires a somewhat confusing and convoluted explanation, embarking first on one course, then following another, and inserting additional text (which here in the final version will flow like a stream of consciousness narrated dream rather than being in note form). This will be accompanied by passages disclosing detailed information, which we will not enter further into until the author sees fit. There will be a long passage about the past of the man in question recounting his childhood when he felt excluded from his family due to certain corporal defects (once again pure speculation on the part of the writer), as well as his adolescence, during which he was ostracised for various reasons, no doubt because he saw that the teachings imparted to him could be defiled much in the same way that the afflictions he suffered defiled his body. The countries in which he lived will be described; countries where he remained a stranger (even his own country in the long run became an incomprehensible alien place). His failed relationships with others will also be examined. And finally the present, but these notes will say nothing about the present; whether or not this man is happy will not be divulged.
French to English: Extract from a divorce settlement contract General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - French A défaut de décision expresse de la gérance dans les mêmes formes que ci-dessus et dans le délai d'un mois de la réception de la notification, l'agrément est réputé refusé.
En cas d'agrément, la cession doit être régularisée dans les 2 (deux) mois de la notification de l'agrément; à défaut, le cédant est réputé avoir renoncé à la cession .
.. Défaut d'agrément:
En cas de refus d'agrément, les dispositions des articles 1862 et 1863 du Code Civil s'appliqueront.
Ces articles sont ci-après littéralement reproduits:
"Art. 1862. Lorsque plusieurs associés expriment leur volonté
"d'acquérir, ils sont, sauf clause ou convention contraire, réputés acquéreurs à proportion du nombre de parts qu'ils détenaient antérieurement.
"Si aucun associé ne se porte acquéreur, la société peut faire acquérir les parts par un tiers désigné à l'unanimité des autres associés ou suivant les Modalités prévues par les statuts: La société peut également proceder au rachat des parts en vue de leur annulation.
"Le nom du ou des acquéreurs proposés, associés ou tiers, ou l'offre de rachat par la société, ainsi que le prix offert sont notifiés au cédant. En cas de contestation sur le prix, celui-ci est fixé conformément aux dispositions de l'article 1843-4, le tout sans préjudice du droit du cédant de conserver ses parts.
"Art. 1863. Si aucune offre d'achat n'est faite au cédant dans un délai de six mois à compter de la dernière des notifications prévues au troisième alinéa de l'article 1861, l'agrément à la cession est réputé acquis, à moins que les autres associés ne décident, dans le même délai, la dissolution anticipée de la société.
"Dans ce dernier cas, le cédant peut rendre caduque cette décision en faisant connaître qu'il renonce à la cession dans le délai d'un mois à compter de la dite décision. "
Translation - English In the absence of an explicit decision from management adhering to the format above, and within a period of one month following receipt of notification,approval is deemed denied.
If the transfer is approved, it must be formalised within two (2)
months following notification of approval; failing this, the transferor is considered to have waived the transfer.
No approval granted:
Where approval is not granted, provisions in articles 1862 and 1863 of the Civil Code will apply.
These articles are reproduced verbatim below:
"Art. 1862. Where several partners express their wish to acquire, they are, unless there is a clause or agreement to the contrary, deemed purchasers in proportion to the number of shares they held previously.
"Where no partner stands as purchaser, the company may have the shares acquired by a third person designated by the other partners unanimously or according to the terms provided for by the statutes. The partnership can also initiate the redemption of
the shares for the purpose of cancelling them.
"The transferor shall be notified of the names of the proposed purchaser or purchasers, partners or third person, or of the offer of redemption by the partnership, as well as the price offered. In the event of disagreement on price, the latter shall be fixed in accordance with the provisions of Article 1843-4, none of which affects the right of the transferor to keep his/her shares.
"Art. 1863. Where no purchase offer is made to the transferor within a period of six months after the last of the notifications provided for in Article 1861, paragraph 3, approval of the transfer shall be deemed granted, unless the other partners
decide on early dissolution of the partnership within the same time period.
"In the latter case, the transferor may render that decision null and void by making it known that he/she waives the transfer within a period of one month following said decision."
Translation education
Master's degree - St Andrews University
Years of experience: 22. Registered at Jan 2011.
IoLet Diploma in Translation (Spanish-English) all 3 papers passed first time; MA Hons French/Psychology 2.1 with 1st in translation; 1 year Diploma course in Spanish-English Translation with experience of translation in science, social science, literature and journalism; 1 semester MA course in Spanish-English bilingual translation with experience in translation in ecology, food, travel and tourism; 1.5 years fully freelance translator with repeat projects in translation from Spanish and French in various technical, general and legal (Cvs, contracts, correspondence), artistic/literary, educational, charity and journalistic texts; various translation and proofreading experience including academic papers on economics and leisure during 3 years living in France and 10 years living in Costa Rica.
I am British and resident in London.
I only agree to carry out work that I know I can complete on time and to a professional standard.
I also have 13 years experience as a teacher of English, Literature, Spanish and French.
Keywords: English, Spanish, French, Psychology, Life sciences, Social Sciences, Costa Rica, Literature, Translator, Proofreader. See more.English, Spanish, French, Psychology, Life sciences, Social Sciences, Costa Rica, Literature, Translator, Proofreader, Academic, Journalism, Philosophy. See less.