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Finnish to English: Excerpt from a news article on engineering and IT used for ship building ‒ UK English General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: IT (Information Technology)
Source text - Finnish Keinotodellisuutta kehitetään laivanrakentajien avuksi
Keinotodellisuutta hyödyntävän tutkimushankkeen tavoitteena on korvata paperipiirustukset ja kannettavat tietokoneet mobiilisovelluksella ja virtuaalisilmälaseilla, joilla voidaan lisätä käyttäjän näkemään ympäristöön siitä vielä puuttuvia kohteita.
Turun yliopiston BID Innovaatiot- ja yrityskehitys -keskus on käynnistänyt kaksivuotisen MARIN-tutkimushankkeen, jonka tavoitteena on kehittää apuvälineitä meriteollisuuden käyttöön.
Käyttäjä näkee puuttuvat kohteet virtuaalilaseilla
Keskeisenä ajatuksena on korvata työmaaolosuhteissa hankalat paperipiirustukset ja kannettavat tietokoneet mobiilisovelluksella ja virtuaalisilmälaseilla, joilla voidaan lisätä käyttäjän näkemään ympäristöön siitä vielä puuttuvia kohteita.
Laitteilla voi nähdä esimerkiksi, mitä putkistoja tai kalusteita vielä rakenteilla olevaan tilaan on tarkoitus asentaa, tai tarkistaa, että tilan asennukset pitävät yhtä suunnitelmien kanssa. Tällä teknologialla tavoitellaan kustannussäästöjä työvaiheiden nopeutumisen ja virheiden vähenemisen kautta.
MARIN-hanke tutkii lisättyä todellisuutta (augmented reality), eli sovelluksia, joissa näkökenttään lisätään virtuaalisia kohteita käyttäjän nähtäväksi.
Sovellusalueena on laivanrakennus ja muu meriteollisuus. 3D-mallinnus kuuluu laivanrakennukseen olennaisena osana jo nyt. Pyrkimyksenä on käyttää näitä malleja hyväksi vielä konkreettisemmin tuomalla ne näkyviin rakennettavan tilan sisään.
Samankaltaista tekniikkaa voidaan hyödyntää muillakin alueilla. Kun esimerkiksi korjausrakentamisessa seinän takana kulkevien putkien ja johtojen paikat voidaan nähdä keinotekoisesti, niihin ei porata vahingossa.
Lisättyä todellisuutta voidaan käyttää myös esimerkiksi helpottamaan kaupunkiympäristössä navigointia tai antamaan museossa kävijöille tietoa näyttelyjen esineistä. Myös peliteollisuus on merkittävä sovellusalue.
Vuoden 2014 toukokuun loppuun kestävän projektin tavoitteena on kehittää prototyyppilaitteisto, jolla voidaan arvioida teknologian käyttökelpoisuutta ja ratkaisujen käytettävyyttä telakkaympäristössä.
Translation - English Virtual reality in development to aid ship builders
Virtual reality is being utilised in a research project that aims to replace laptops and technical drawings on paper with a mobile application and virtual reality glasses which can be used to add missing objects into the user's environment.
The Business and Innovation Development (BID) unit at the Finnish University of Turku has initiated a two-year research project called MARIN, which aims to develop tools that can help the maritime industry.
Virtual reality glasses help in visualising missing objects
The main idea is to replace impractical paper drawings and laptops with a mobile application and virtual reality glasses at the working site. The advanced technology can be used to insert missing parts and objects into the environment the user is watching.
The devices help in visualising, for example, what kind of pipework or equipment is planned for installation into a space that is still under construction. The devices can also be used for checking that the installations in a space correspond to the plans. This technology provides a means for gaining cost savings through faster working phases and fewer errors.
Augmented reality applied to industry applications, museums, games...
The MARIN project is researching augmented reality, which refers to applications where virtual objects are added to the user's field of vision.
The range of application involves ship building and other areas of the maritime industry. Three-dimensional modelling is already an essential part of ship building. The goal is to utilise the 3D models even further by inserting them inside a space that is being built and making them visible.
Similar technology can be used in other areas as well, such as reconstruction. When the location of pipes and cables can be seen artificially, they can be avoided during drilling.
Augmented reality can also be used to ease navigating in an urban environment or to provide information to museum visitors on exhibition items. The games industry is another significant area of application.
Before its end at the end of May 2014, the project aims to develop a prototype that can be used for evaluating the usability of the technology and its solutions in a shipyard environment.
Translation education
Master's degree - University of Joensuu, Finland
Years of experience: 15. Registered at Nov 2010. Became a member: Nov 2010.
English to Finnish (University of Joensuu, Finland, verified) Finnish to English (University of Joensuu, Finland, verified) Swedish to Finnish (University of Joensuu, Finland, verified)
I am a Finnish native speaker living currently in Loviisa, Finland. I hold a Master's degree from the former University of Joensuu, Finland (nowadays a part of the University of Eastern Finland).
I majored in English translation and studied Swedish translation, IT for translators, as well as culture and communication as minor subjects.
I am also a member of the Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters (SKTL). I appreciate all client relationships that include good communication and reliable payment, and I am willing to make a test translation if required. At the moment, I am open to propositions for new client relationships.
I translate with the following language pairs:
Working tools
-Trados Studio 2022
-memoQ Working fields
-Mech engineering
-Environment & Ecology
-Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
-Materials (plastics, ceramics, etc.)
-Paper / Paper Manufacturing
-Marketing / Market Research
-Construction / Civil Engineering
-Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
-Science (general)
-Sports / Fitness / Recreation
-Computers (general)
-Tourism & travel
Please contact me for rates and further information. My rates are not expensive and they are not suspiciously cheap either.
Some of my previous translation assignments (including direct clients and work done via translation agencies)
operation manual of a die-head used for manufacturing PVC pipes; resort descriptions and annual global reservations directory of a global company providing vacation ownerships; subtitling videos and translation of educational material for a global bike manufacturer; documents relating to work safety (9 pcs); material relating to an identity client software for a global ITC company;
tender template for a Finnish ITC company; website and PowerPoint presentation for a Finnish ITC company; attachments of an invitation to tender relating to Electronic Recruitment Service for the Finnish Government; service desk contact and help information for an IT solutions provider's website; PowerPoint presentation regarding the town of Savonlinna, Finland; user manual for an air conditioner; electronic bicycle registration form for a global bicycle company; external communications work sheet for a global oil company;
tire, wheel and bicycle descriptions for a global bicycle manufacturer; reviews and comments on a global bicycle manufacturer's products; material relating to warranty and loyalty programmes for a global bicycle manufacturer; half of an operation and maintenance manual of a hydraulic shovel; texts on aftermarket, clothing and textiles for a global bicycle manufacturer; subtitling of several marketing videos for a global bike manufacturer; automotive documents; product desciptions relating to fibre optics; commercial for an airline; part of a file system manual, localisation of website content and press release for a global ICT company; product descriptions and website content for a global bicycle manufacturer; content for a global bicycle manufacturer's website;
renewal decision of the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes) regarding a protective agent; text on medical opinions and statements of a medical needle cutting device; short translation and update to a questionnaire regarding the use of mobile phones and computers; product descriptions of audio and video products to a global manufacturer's website; short text on a barrier system used for creating queues and separating crowds; brochure on IT managed services; content for a global bicycle manufacturer's retail system and website; website translation for a global plastic and rubber compound retailer and provider; plot synopses of TV series for a global online TV show and film provider; 11 work safety documents for a global chemical company; description of a textile ply wind-up system (relating to tyre manufacture);
short text on LED displays; large amount of text for a global bicycle manufacturer's retailer website application regarding products + two shorter texts for use in commercial website; document regarding the European Quality Framework for long-term care services; website content for a global bicycle manufacturer; small amount of content for a query; two short texts for commercial use regarding EC Declaration of Conformity; short commercial description of two chalk boards; tv show synopses for an online tv show and movie provider; short text of a game's promotional demo; short commercial text x 3 for a large car manufacturer; HTML strings of instructions for a GPS device manufacturer; 11 documents relating to environmental issues and work safety of a chemical company; PowerPoint presentation regarding environmental issues of a chemical company; short product description of a commercial display board; operating and safety instructions for a multi-use device (jump starter, air compressor, work light, charger, power converter);
tender proposal from an electronic service platform provider with case study documents; ICT marketing and website texts; short commercial text for an international bicycle manufacturer x 3; non-product descriptions and web content for an international bicycle manufacturer; assembly and operating instructions for a children's steerable electric toy car; web content for an international bicycle manufacturer x 2; assembly and operating instructions of an industrial can dryer; catalogue content for an international bicycle manufacturer; operating instructions for a snow blower; operating instructions for an RC car;
assembly instructions for a swinging horse; user manual of a water mist extinguishing system; user manual of a water mist extinguishing system; 2 safety data sheets regarding a chemical substance and flue dust; bicycle part term list; instructions for transportation, assembly and operating instructions of an industrial can washing machine; 11 documents relating to work safety of a chemical company; instructions for use of a bicycle computer;
description, operating manual, as well as service and maintenance instructions of a Selective Non Catalytic Reduction (SNCR) system for combustion plants; instructions for use of a submersible bilge pump; product packaging descriptions of a retractable tie down strap, knife sharpener, earmuff, safety helmet, truck cargo net, washing brush and salt & pepper grinder; instructions for use of an earmuff;
instructions of an RC helicopter; a short text on psychosocial well-being; an owner's manual of a drivable electric toy car; instructions for use of a metal detector; instructions for use of a multi-use transfer pump; a new laptop's product description; a short scientific article about food price inflation; website text of a renovation company; translation assistance of an IT system description; notes of a PowerPoint file relating to Global PC Standardization of a company; two user manuals of household grills; a press release on bioenergy; several handouts relating to work safety; articles of organization of a company;
an excerpt from the Finnish environmental permit authority's decision regarding a mining permit; an activity services description for a website of a Finnish company organising fishing safaris; an introductional text for a museum; a tender for lifecycle management; an earmuff's product description; product information of a rusk; barber-hairdresser documents; a study of ice load measurements on a ship's propeller blade; documents relating to public transport system equipment; website content for an investment gold trading company; fan heater instructions; an IT environment maintenance contract; text regarding a printer's features; translation work in a project on accounting and file management; text on display technology; lighting equipment; dairy technology equipment; translation assistance for a social media/marketing website project; user guides of material handling machines.
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