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Source text - Estonian Erilist tähelepanu pööratakse külmakerkelistele lõikudele. Selgitatakse välja kogu külmakerget põhjustanud looduslike faktorite kompleks. Mulde ja teeala pinnaste uurimiseks ja hüdrogeoloogiliste tingimuste määramiseks rajatakse 3…5 puuraugulised põikprofiilid. Kasutatakse punktiga 2.2.3. ette nähtud puurauke nende asukohti nihutades või rajatakse täiendavad puuraugud Profiilide arv oleneb külmakerkelise lõigu pikkusest ja hüdrogeoloogilise situatsiooni keerukusest, kuid igale üle 100 m pikkusele lõigule rajatakse vähemalt kaks profiili. Külmakerke uurimisel pööratakse erilist tähelepanu pinnaste niiskuse muutumisele nii horisontaalselt kui ka vertikaalselt. Selleks võetakse mitte harvemini kui iga 0,5 m tagant pinnaseproov, millel määratakse laboratoorselt looduslik niiskus ja lõimis. Eriti oluline on määrata tolmu (mölli)- ja saviosiste sisaldus. Uuringu tulemusel määratakse külmakerke tüüp (süvakülmakerge-põhjavete toimel või- madal-pinnavee toimel tekkinud külmakerge) ja tekkepõhjus ning antakse soovitused iga külmakerkelise situatsiooni likvideerimiseks. Külmakerke uurimiseks on sobivaim aeg kerke maksimumist kuni hääbumiseni s.o. kuni maapinna täieliku ülessulamiseni. Külmakerget võib uurida ka talve
teisel poolel kui talviste sulade tulemusel on pinnaste niiskus maksimaalne ja mulle on uuesti läbi külmunud. Läbikülmununa on külmakerkeline pinnas omandanud iseloomuliku mikrokihilise tekstuuri, mis enamasti on väga hästi jälgitav. Taolist kihilisust tuleb täpselt
dokumenteerida: hinnata üksikute kihikeste paksus, jää vahekihtide ja –suletiste olemasolu jm. Kui varasema projekti järgi nähti ette ehitada muldesse külmakergete vähendamiseks drenaazisüsteem või ehitada dreenivast pinnasest dreenkiht, tuleb küsitleda tee haldajaid drenaazi tulemuslikkusest. Kui taolistel lõikudel esineb ikkagi külmakerkeid tuleb uurida miks drenaaz ei tööta. Põhjuseks võib olla süsteemi (kihi) ummistumine või jäeti drenaaz hoopiski ehitamata. Sageli on põhjuseks mulde nõlvadele lükatud paks mullakiht, mis on nõlval vettpidavaks ekraaniks ja muldes on veetase isegi kõrgemal kõrvalolevast maapinnast. Läbikülmumisel põhjustab see pindmise külmakerke. Kahtluse korral kaevatakse mulde nõlvale vaod mulla või muu vettpidava ekraani (lubjakivi sõelmed nõlval või
peenratäite pinnasena) uurimiseks.
Translation - English Special attention is paid to road sections with frost heaves. The whole complex of natural factors that have caused frost heaves is to be determined. Cross sections with 3…5 boreholes are to be made in order to study the soils in the embankment and the road area and for determining the hydro-geological conditions. Borehole locations determined in paragraph 2.2.3. may be shifted and additional boreholes may be drilled. The number of surveyed cross sections depends on the length of the road section with frost heaves and the complexity of its hydro-geological situation, but at least two cross sections are to be studied on each section of 100 m. A special attention is to be paid to the horizontal and vertical changes in moisture level of the soil. In order to determine it, soil samples are to be taken with a maximum step of 0.5 m. The natural moisture content and granulometric composition of the samples are to be determined in a laboratory. It is especially important to determine the content of dust (silt) and clay particles. As a result of the survey the type (deep frost heave due to the ground water action or shallow frost heave due to the surface water action) and cause of the frost heave is to be determined and suggestions for eliminating each of those frost heave situations are to be given. The best time for studying the frost heave is from its maximum to the disappearance, i.e. until the ground will have been completely unfrozen. Frost heave can also be studied during the second half of winter when due to the winter thaws the moisture content of the ground has reached its maximum, just before the embankment freezes over again. When the soil inclined to frost heave has frozen over, it obtains a characteristic structure with micro-layers. This can usually be easily observed. This kind of layers will have to be documented in detail: thickness of single layers, existence of intermediary ice layers or capsules etc. are to be determined. If an earlier design has taken measures to diminish the occurrence of frost heaves and has required a construction of a drainage system or the usage of draining soil in the embankment; information about the effectivness of those measures is to be requested from the road maintenance company. If frost heaves still occur in such sections, its causes are to be determined. It might be that the drainage system (layer) has clogged up or that it was never built. Often it is caused by a thick layer of soil heaped on the slopes of the embankment, which does not let the water out and thus the water level in the embankment is even higher than in the surrounding area. If the soil is then frozen over it causes shallow frost heave. If this kind of situation is suspected grooves are to be dug on the slopes of the embankment in order to study the soil or any other water resistant screen (limestone screenings on the slope or as a fill for road shoulders).
Translation education
Master's degree - Timisoara West University
Years of experience: 18. Registered at Sep 2010.
From 2007 I've been working as a translator for a road design company. Most of the texts are from the following fields: road design, road facilities (bridges, tunnels etc), geology, utility networks, environment, economy.
From 2011 I'm a self employed translator specializing on technical translations, environmental issues and marketing texts. I'm passionate about translating in a way that the text would sound Estonian, as if it was originally written in this language. I pay great attention to detail and to using the correct terminology, which saves the client a lot of time on post editing. I also have a lot of firsthand contacts in the technical and environmental field, so it's often possible to get expert information about which term is actually used in any specific context.
Keywords: English to Estonian, German to Estonian, Romanian to Estonian, technical translations, environmental translations, tõlked, marketing translations, webpage translations, road design, bridges. See more.English to Estonian, German to Estonian, Romanian to Estonian, technical translations, environmental translations, tõlked, marketing translations, webpage translations, road design, bridges, environment, natural sciences, construction chemicals, survey translations, employee surveys. See less.