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<b>Trilingual translator/interpreter (German, Spanish, English). </b> Freelance translator and interpreter since 1997</b>; Court interpreter. Translations accepted by German and Swiss Embassy and the Austrian Consulate General in Austria in Santo Domingo.
Account type
Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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English to Spanish - Rates: 0.10 - 0.17 USD per word / 60 - 85 USD per hour Spanish to English - Rates: 0.10 - 0.17 USD per word / 60 - 85 USD per hour German to Spanish - Rates: 0.10 - 0.17 USD per word / 60 - 85 USD per hour Spanish to German - Rates: 0.10 - 0.17 USD per word / 60 - 85 USD per hour English to German - Rates: 0.10 - 0.17 USD per word / 60 - 85 USD per hour
German to English - Rates: 0.10 - 0.17 USD per word / 60 - 85 USD per hour
Translation Volume: 18 days Completed: Aug 2008 Languages: German German to English German to Spanish
Full corporate website translation into two languages + locale + proofreading
Creation, translation and proofreading of the corporate webpage IBSA, Institut für Biostruktur-Analysen AG is an international company with presence in nearly 30 countries.
It developed and offers the analysis of one's genetically predetermined biostructure and hence identifies a person's innate strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
Marketing, Business/Commerce (general), Advertising / Public Relations
No comment.
Translation Volume: 14 days Completed: Sep 2007 Languages: German to English German to Spanish
Full corporate website translation into two languages + locale + proofreading
Trilingual corporate website of, a Swiss company located in the Dominican Republic, dedicated to training personnel in everything related to interpersonal communication skills, sales and others.
Marketing, Business/Commerce (general), Advertising / Public Relations
No comment.
Blue Board entries made by this user
4 entries
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Visa, Money order, PayPal
Sample translations submitted: 1
English to Spanish: The Teenager's Guide to the Real World General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English Chapter 1:
Money Really Matters
Have you ever wondered why so many adults spend so much time worrying about money? Why do millions of adults get up every morning and go to work for 8 or 10 hours a day? Why do adults spend so much time discussing taxes and prices and the cost of living? Why are news shows and newspapers so full of economic news? Why do married couples frequently fight about money?
To understand adults, you have to understand money. Once you understand money, adults make a lot more sense.
For any normal adult living in America today money ranks right up there next to oxygen. Without money you cannot eat. You have no place to sleep. You cannot drive. You have no freedom. If you don’t have money, you are forced to live in a homeless shelter or on the street. If you have ever been to a homeless shelter, you can understand why that is not an appetizing option. It is this simple reality that causes adults to be so concerned about money.
Most teenagers do not understand the importance of money. They also do not understand the amount of money that is required to live a normal life. This occurs for a very simple reason—parents provide teenagers with everything. Teenagers, therefore, live in a dream world. The moment you exit this dream world and have to live life yourself, your opinions about money will change dramatically.
What I would like to do in this chapter is show you how much money it takes to live a normal life in America. Once you understand that, adults and everything about them begin to make a lot more sense.
Translation - Spanish Capítulo 1:
El dinero realmente es importante
¿Te has preguntado alguna vez por qué los adultos se pasan tanto tiempo pensando en dinero? ¿Por qué motivo es que millones de adultos se levantan cada mañana y van a trabajar durante 8 ó 10 horas por día? ¿Por qué es que los adultos se pasan tanto tiempo discutiendo sobre impuestos y precios y el costo de la vida? ¿Por qué es que los noticieros y los periódicos están tan llenos de noticias económicas? ¿Por qué es que las parejas casadas discuten con frecuencia sobre dinero?
Para entender a los adultos, tienes que entender lo que es el dinero. Una vez que entiendas lo que es el dinero, los adultos te harán mucho más sentido.
Para cualquier adulto normal que vive en los Estados Unidos hoy día, el dinero es casi tan importante como el oxígeno. Sin dinero, no puedes comer. No tienes dónde dormir. No puedes conducir. No tienes libertad. Si no tienes dinero, estarás obligado a vivir en un asilo para desamparados o en la calle. Si alguna vez has visitado un asilo para desamparados, entonces ya sabes por qué razón eso no es una opción apetitosa. Es esta simple realidad que provoca que los adultos se preocupen tanto por el dinero.
La mayoría de los adolescentes no entienden la importancia del dinero. Tampoco entienden la cantidad de dinero que se requiere para vivir una vida normal. Esto pasa por un motivo muy sencillo – los padres suplen a los adolescentes con todo. Por ende, los adolescentes viven en un mundo de ensueño. En el momento en que salgas de ese mundo y tengas que vivir la vida a cuenta propia, tus opiniones acerca del dinero cambiarán dramáticamente.
Lo que quiero hacer en este capítulo es enseñarte cuánto dinero se necesita para vivir una vida normal en Estados Unidos. Una vez comprendas esto, los adultos y todo relacionado a ellos comienza a hacer mucho más sentido.
Years of experience: 28. Registered at May 2010.
Spanish to English (Dominican Republic: Supreme Court of Justice) English to Spanish (Dominican Republic: Supreme Court of Justice) German to Spanish (Dominican Republic: German Embassy) Spanish to German (Dominican Republic: German Embassy) German to Spanish (Swiss Embassy Santo Domingo)
memoQ, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint
Though a freelance translator since 1997, languages have been a part of my life all along:
I was born and raised in Germany and had a trilingual upbringing (German and Spanish at home, English at school, among friends and through music since age 8).
I worked in the tourism industry for 10 years and had the opportunity to give my all in these languages. Every other day, native English speakers would ask which U.S. state I'm from(!).
I am the only trustworthy and non-binding translator registered at the German Embassy in Santo Domingo , living in Santiago.
As part of my ongoing education, I was sworn in as a judicial interpreter for the Dominican Republic.
To date, I have translated over 4,800 documents (e.g. certificates, diplomas, licenses, CVs, court-ordered documents, business reports, retail, business/commerce, marketing, general, conversation, greetings, letters, others).
I have also served as a consecutive or simultaneous interpreter for several companies, such as Colgate-Palmolive and Würth.
My current typing speed: up to 304 characters per minute.
German, Spanish, English... whichever the source or target language, pick two and I'll work for you!
For more information, please contact me via e-mail with the subject title "Inquiry about your profile".
Keywords: Traductor, Übersetzer, Übersetzer in Santiago, Übersetzer in der Dominikanischen Republik, Übersetzer in Santiago de los Caballeros, deutschsprachiger Übersetzer, deutschsprachiger Übersetzer in Santiago, deutschsprachiger Übersetzer in Santiago de los Caballeros, beglaubigter Übersetzer, beglaubigter Übersetzer in Santiago. See more.Traductor, Übersetzer, Übersetzer in Santiago, Übersetzer in der Dominikanischen Republik, Übersetzer in Santiago de los Caballeros, deutschsprachiger Übersetzer, deutschsprachiger Übersetzer in Santiago, deutschsprachiger Übersetzer in Santiago de los Caballeros, beglaubigter Übersetzer, beglaubigter Übersetzer in Santiago, beglaubigter Übersetzer in Santiago de los Caballeros, beglaubigte Übersetzer in Santiago de los Caballeros, Translator, Traducción, Übersetzung, Translation, deutsch, alemán, German, español, spanisch, Spanish, inglés, englisch, English, deutsch-spanisch, español-alemán, German-English, English-German, deu-spa, esp-al, Ger-Eng, Eng-Ger, autónomo, autonomo, independiente, freiberuflich, Freelance, heiraten, Heirat, Dominikanische, Dominik., Dom. Rep., Dominikanische Republik, Dominikanischen Republik, dominikanisch, dominicana, dominicano, dominicanos, Dominikaner, Dominikanerin, Dominikanerinnen, Traumfrau, Herzblatt, Urkunde, Heiratsurkunde, Heiraten in der Dominikanischen Republik, heiraten, Heiraten auf der Dominikanischen Republik, Dom Rep, übersetzen, traducir, translate, Hochzeit, Dolmetscher, dolmetschen, Dollmetscher, dollmetschen, interpretar, intérprete, intérprete judicial, interpreter, interprete, interprete judicial, Tourismus, tourism, turismo, Fremdenverkehr, Training, entrenamiento, Trainings, entrenamientos, cursos, seminarios, transcripciones, transcripción, Transkription, transcription, Verkauf, ventas, venta, sales, PayPal, Paypal, Pay Pal, paypal, pay pal, Handel, comercio, commerce, Linguistics Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs, Lebenslauf, Lebensläufe, Diplom, Diplome, Lizenz, Lizenzen, diploma, diplomas, currículum, curriculum, currícula, CV, resumé, resume, resumes, idioms, expresiones idiomáticas, Idioms, Maxims, Sayings, General, Conversation, Greetings, Letters, phone interpretation, consecutive, konsekutiv, Chuchotage, Law, Advertising, Public Relations Science, Names, Religion, International Organization, Development, Cooperation, Geography, Metrology, History, Human Resources, Finance, Engineering, Nutrition, Poetry, Literature, Education, Pedagogy, Anthropology, Manufacturing, Telecom, telecommunications, Sports, Fitness, Recreation, Internet, e-Commerce
Hardware, Furniture, Household Appliances, Cinema, Film, TV, Drama, Scheidung, scheiden, divorcio, divorciar, divorce, annulieren, annullieren, anular, anulación, Partnervermittlung, Partner, agencia matrimonial, agencia de matrimonio, matrimonios, marry, marrying, meet, meeting, woman, women, Dominican, Latin, Latina, Latin-American, wife
Start Deutsch A1, nivel A1, Profesor de alemán, Profesor de aleman, profesor de alemán, profesor de aleman, Deutschlehrer, clases de alemán, clases de aleman, clase de alemán, clase de aleman, Deutschunterricht, profesor de alemán en Santiago, profesor de alemán en Santiago de los Caballeros, clases de alemán en Santiago de los Caballeros, clase de alemán en Santiago de los Caballeros, alemán A1, alemán nivel A1. See less.