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English to Indonesian: Practical Guide of Democratic Accountability General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Government / Politics
Source text - English This guide makes the case for the idea of democratic accountability by incorporating the political dimension of service delivery into a debate that has primarily focused on social dynamics. Governments that are accountable to voters or to representative and oversight bodies—such as a national assembly, political parties or a supreme audit institution—capable of imposing consequences on them are more likely to respond to citizens’ demands than governments that are not. It is in the democratic checks and balances that accountability can be a driver for change in service delivery. Research shows that countries with low levels of service delivery tend to have one thing in common: they have no provisions, or only very weak ones, for effective sanctions or rewards.
The assessment framework focuses on relationships linking individuals, their elected representatives and the state, including at the local level, where public services are delivered, ideally in ways that fulfill the human rights of men, women, boys and girls. In this sense, the assessment framework is as much intended to guide an assessment exercise as it is a means to jointly devise concrete actions to deepen democratic accountability in the provision of services.
This guide aims to strengthen democratic accountability (meaning both social and political accountability) in service delivery in countries that are emerging or consolidated democracies.
Translation - Indonesian Panduan ini menjadi wadah bagi gagasan pertanggungjawaban demokrasi dengan memasukkan unsur politik penyampaian layanan ke dalam perdebatan yang intinya berfokus pada dinamika sosial. Pemerintah yang bertanggung jawab terhadap pemilih atau perwakilan dan badan-badan pengawasan—seperti majelis nasional, partai politik atau lembaga audit tertinggi—yang mampu menjatuhkan konsekuensi kepada mereka, kemungkinan besar akan menanggapi permintaan warga negara daripada pemerintah yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Hal tersebut terdapat di dalam pemeriksaan dan penyeimbangan (checks and balances) bahwa pertanggungjawaban dapat menjadi penggerak perubahan dalam penyampaian layanan. Riset menunjukkan bahwa negara-negara dengan tingkat penyampaian layanan yang rendah cenderung memiliki satu kesamaan: mereka tidak memiliki ketentuan, atau hanya memiliki satu ketentuan yang sangat lemah, terhadap efektifitas sanksi atau penghargaan.
Kerangka kerja penilaian berfokus pada hubungan kerja yang mengaitkan para individu, perwakilan mereka yang terpilih dan negara, termasuk di tingkat daerah, yang layanan publiknya disampaikan, idealnya dengan cara yang memenuhi hak asasi lelaki, perempuan, remaja putra dan putri. Dalam hal ini, kerangka kerja penilaian sebesar mungkin ditujukan untuk memandu pelaksanaan penilaian sebagai sarana agar bersama-sama merancang tindakan konkret untuk memperdalam pertanggungjawaban demokrasi dalam penyediaan layanan.
Panduan ini bertujuan untuk memperkuat pertanggungjawaban demokrasi (artinya baik pertanggungjawaban politik maupun sosial) dalam penyampaian layanan baik demokrasi di negara-negara demokrasi baru maupun yang terkonsolidasi.
Indonesian to English: Remarks on XXX's Collective Action General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: International Org/Dev/Coop
Source text - Indonesian Catatan tentang Aksi Kolektif
XXX akan melaksanakan aksi kolektif dalam berbagai tingkatan, mulai dari tingkat lokal hingga internasional, baik yang bersifat perayaan untuk kampanye/pendidikan publik, maupun untuk kekuatan kolektif kelompok perempuan basis serta aktivis perempuan/LSM, bahkan sampai ke kemungkinan perlunya ‘urgent action’ untuk solidaritas perempuan dll, yakni:
1. Tingkat lokal/propinsi, di lokasi dampingan anggota XXX berada, antar dampingan dan antar LSM, serta bersama pemangku kepentingan.
2. Tingkat pulau Sumatera (tingkat XXX dari 8 propinsi) dan jaringan di dalam pulau, baik tingkat kelompok dampingan maupun antar LSM, serta bersama pemangku kepentingan.
3. Tingkat Nasional dengan jaringan LSM nasional mitra XXX dan jaringan Mitra XXX, serta antar kelompok perempuan dampingan/kader (pertemuan nasional kelompok perempuan akar rumput & pemangku kepentingan).
4. Tingkat internasional dalam review konvensi atau berbagai kesepakatan internasional, maupun perayaan untuk solidaritas perempuan dari semua tingkatan.
Translation - English Remarks on Collective Action
XXX will implement a collective action in various level, starting from local level to international one, whether it's only ceremonial for campaign/public education, or collective strength for women-based group and women activist/NGOs, even to the possibility of requiring 'urgent action' for women solidarity, etc. namely :
1. Local/provincial level, at the assisted location where member of XXX resides, between assistance and between NGO, and together with stakeholder.
2. Sumatera island's level (level of XXX from 8 provinces) and networking within the island, whether the level of assisted groups or between NGOs, together with stakeholder.
3. National level with national network of NGO as XXX's partner and network of XXX's partner, as well as between women's/cadre's assisted groups (national meeting of women's grass root & stakeholder).
4. International level in reviewing convention or various international agreements, or ceremony for women solidarity from all levels.
English to Indonesian: Section I of UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - English Section I: Introductory Rules
Scope of Application*
Article 1
1. Where parties have agreed that disputes between them in respect of a defined legal relationship, whether contractual or not, shall be referred to arbitration under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, then such disputes shall be settled in accordance with these Rules subject to such modification as the parties may agree.
2. The parties to an arbitration agreement concluded after 15 August 2010 shall be presumed to have referred to the Rules in effect on the date of commencement of the arbitration, unless the parties have agreed to apply a particular version of the Rules. That presumption does not apply where the arbitration agreement has been concluded by accepting after 15 August 2010 an offer made before that date.
3. These Rules shall govern the arbitration except that where any of these Rules is in conflict with a provision of the law applicable to the arbitration from which the parties cannot derogate,that provision shall prevail.
* A model arbitration clause for contracts can be found in the annex to the Rules.
Translation - Indonesian Bagian I: Peraturan Pendahuluan
Cakupan Penerapan*
1. Ketika para pihak telah menyetujui bahwa sengketa di antara mereka dalam kaitannya dengan hukum tertentu, baik kontraktual atau tidak, akan dirujuk ke arbitrase menurut Peraturan Arbitrase UNCITRAL, maka sengketa tersebut akan diselesaikan sesuai dengan Peraturan ini, tunduk pada modifikasi yang disetujui para pihak.
2.Para pihak dalam perjanjian arbitrase yang ditandatangani setelah 15 Agustus 2010 akan dianggap telah merujuk ke Peraturan yang berlaku pada tanggal dimulainya arbitrase tersebut, kecuali para pihak telah setuju untuk menerapkan versi tertentu dari Peraturan. Anggapan tersebut tidak berlaku dalam hal perjanjian arbitrase telah ditandatangani dengan menerima setelah 15 Agustus 2010 suatu tawaran yang dibuat sebelum tanggal tersebut.
3. Peraturan ini akan mengatur arbitrase kecuali dalam hal salah satu dari Peraturan ini bertentangan dengan ketentuan hukum yang berlaku terhadap arbitrase yang tidak bisa dikurangi pihak manapun bahwa, ketentuan tersebut yang berlaku.
* Model klausul arbitrase untuk kontrak dapat ditemukan dalam lampiran Peraturan.
Indonesian to English: Company Handbook General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Human Resources
Source text - Indonesian BAB I
Telah dimengerti dan dipahami bersama oleh perusahaan dan karyawan bahwa peraturan Perusahaan ini secara umum mengatur persyaratan dan ketentuan dalam hubungan kerja antara perusahaan dan karyawan, yang bertujuan memelihara hubungan kerja yang baik dan harmonis antara perusahaan dan karyawan serta menjamin kelangsungan usaha perusahaan.
Tujuan dan Ruang Linglwp
I. Peraturan Perusahaan ini bertujuan untuk :
a. Menjelaskan hak-hak dan kewajiban Perusahaan dan Karyawan.
b. Menetapkan syarat dan kondisi kerja Karyawan
c. Menciptakan kondisi kerja yang harmonis dan sehat antara Perusahaan dan Karyawan.
d. Menjamin harkat hidup dan kesejahteraan Karyawan.
e. Menjamin kelangsungan serta perkembangan Perusahaan.
2. Peraturan Perusahaan ini, hanya memuat ketentuan-ketentuan pokok sedangkan ketentuan pelaksanaannya diatur dengan peraturan sendiri, dengan memperhatikan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.
3. Peraturan Perusahaan ini berlaku untuk setiap Karyawan Perusahaan.
4. Dalam hal Perusahaan mengadakan perubahan nama atau penggabungan dengan badan atau bentuk lainnya, maka isi Peraturan Perusahaan tetap berlaku bagi seluruh Karyawan pada saat terjadinya perubahan tersebut dan selama jangka waktu berlakunya Peraturan Perusahaan.
Translation - English CHAPTER I
It is clearly understood and shared by the company and employee, that the company regulation generally manages the terms and conditions of working relationship between the company and employee, which its objectives is to maintain the good and harmonious working relationship between the company and employee, as well as to guarantee the sustainability of the company's business.
Objectives and Scope
1. Objectives of the company regulations are:
a. To explain the rights and obligations of company and employee;
b. To determine the working terms and conditions for employee;
c. To create a harmonious and healthy working condition between the company and employee;
d. To guarantee the employee benefit and their valuable life;
e. To guarantee continuity as well as development of the company.
2. The company regulation will only contain principal clauses while the implementation clauses will be arranged separately in its own regulations, by concerning the applicable laws.
3. The company regulation will apply to each employee.
4. Should the company change its name or merge with other institution, the content of the company regulation will still be applied to all employees during the time of changing and during the validity of the company regulation.
Years of experience: 17. Registered at Jan 2010. Became a member: Sep 2010.
HPI (Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia)
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My educational background is in Hotel Administration, and I have worked in several companies from the resort ownership, the US Embassy, Nokia Networks, and the last one was Ericsson, before I decided to resign and fully concentrate on being a freelance translator.
In order to have a balanced life, I love doing altruistic activities during my spare time, besides traveling to places both in Indonesia and abroad, going to the museum, and do outdoor sports.
Translation will always be my passion, and I have translated many documents, ranging from general correspondences, certificates (birth, marriage, divorce, death), contracts, guidelines, web articles, surveys, manuals/instructions, reports, training materials, books, promotional/marketing tools, and much more.
Besides translating a document, I also do subtitling for various TV programs, company profiles, and Indonesian films; transcription; transcribing; post-editing; proofreading; notetaking for conferences/meetings/discussions; and occasionally work as a Communication Access Real-Time Translator for people with disabilities. And with the rapid technology nowadays, I'm also doing the MTPE i.e., Machine Translation Post-Editing.
My objective is to work hard and smartly in order to give the best quality of translation to the client/end-user. I can guarantee that you will not be disappointed of having me as a translator in your project as I always deliver my service before the deadline.
Please email me should you need to ask further questions about my competence.