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Translation Volume: 3089 words Completed: Aug 2008 Languages: English to Bosnian
Financial / HHRR translation - edition job
Business/Commerce (general)
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Translation Volume: 14000 words Completed: Jan 2006 Languages: English to Bosnian
English to Bosnian voice phrasebook
Ms. Mukić has worked as a translator on quite a significant project for Ectaco, Inc. in 2006, namely: English to Bosnian voice phrasebook. Ms. Mukić was employed on a freelance basis. In this position she did an excellent job. Ms. Mukić has always been responsible and a hard worker and her recommendations proved to be accurate and thorough; therefore Ectaco Inc. can recommend Ms. Mukić without any hesitation as freelance consultant and proofreader for your institution.
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
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Blue Board entries made by this user
23 entries
Sample translations submitted: 1
English to Bosnian: Can you elaborate on this historical parallel that terminated the Medieval Times?
Source text - English 400 years ago, millions of common people of Europe learned to read and write through the invention of the printing press and the translation of the first books from Latin into the spoken languages. This ‘liberation from illiteracy’ terminated the medieval times in Europe and ignited what is known today as modern times. No force, no wars, no dictatorship could prevent millions of common people then to give up their right to reading, writing, knowledge and to a dignified life.
In a similar way today no war, no abandoning of civil rights, no ‘Big Brother’ state will be able to stop the liberation of mankind from the yoke of the pharmaceutical cartel. Too many people have already died in vain, too many economies have already been ruined by these corporate interests and now the people of the world are understanding why all that is happening and they will continue to fight for their right to natural health.
Our campaign “Make Health - Not War” shows the interest of the pharmaceutical industry behind the current war and the next ‘world war’ already announced by former CIA-Director James Woolsey. It is also a call to action, not to allow that to happen. Everyone, anywhere in the world can immediately take advantage of the great breakthroughs in the area of natural health. Every household, every doctor’s office, every hospital and every health care system that takes advantage of natural health approaches deprives the pharmaceutical interest groups from the money they need to finance the next war. This is why the two areas are so connected.
Translation - Bosnian Prije 400 godina, milioni od običnog naroda u Evropi su nučili čitati i pisati uz pomoć pronalska tiskane štampe i prevoda prve knjige sa Latinskog na jezike koje su govorili. Ovo “oslobađanje od nepismenosti” okončalo je vrijeme srednjeg vijeka u Evropi i zapalilo vrijeme koje je danas poznato kao moderno vrijeme. Ni jedna sila, ni jedan rat, ni jedan diktator nije mogao spriječiti milione običnih ljudi da se odreknu svojih prava da čitaju, pišu, uče i žive dostojanstveno.
Na sličan način i danas ni jedan rat, ni jedno kršenje civilnih prava, ni jedna “Veliki Brat” država neće biti u stanju da zaustavi oslobođenje čovječanstva od jauka farmaceutskog kartela. Već je previše ljudi uzaludno umrlo, previše je ekonomija uništeno zbog intersa tih korporacija i sada stanovništvo zemlje razumije zašto se sve to događa i oni će nastaviti da se bore za svoje pravo da imaju prirodne lijekove.
Naša kampanja “Pravite zdravlje- ne rat” pokazuje interes farmaceutske industrije koja stoji iza ratova koji se trenutno vode i iza sljedećeg “svjetskog rata” koji je već najavljen od strane bivšeg direktora CIA-e Džejmsa Vulsija. To je također poziv na akciju, ne dozvolite da se to desi. Svatko, bilo gdje u svijetu može odmah uzeti učešće u velikom proboju u područje prirodnih lijekova. Svako domaćinstvo, svaka doktorska ordinacija, svaka bolnica i svaki zdravstveni sistem koji uzme učešća u približavanju prirodnim lijekovima, lišava zainteresirane farmaceutske grupe novca koji im je potreban da finansiraju sljedeći rat. Zato su ta dva područja toliko povezana.
Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Acrobat Reader 6.0, Microsoft Office 2010, Microsoft Office 2010, PractiCount & Invoice 3.0, Smartcat, Passolo, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Online Editor, Trados Studio
Work experience:In the last 8 years, I have been working for the number of agencies listed below:-Alcatranz-m.Lingua Worldwide-OXFORD OUTCOMES-Janus.Ru-DELVIN WORLDWIDE S.A.-Hogart Language Services-OLX Free Calssifieds-Verbatim-E-translation-Lyric Labs-Specta-Babylon Expert-Crotex-Palex Ltd.-Ectaco, Inc.-The Mostar Fund-Good Enterprise SZ Limited-Applied Language Solutions - Translation Company-EGB Translations-Idea Translation-Paspartu-Allied Modlingua Services Pvt. Ltd.-Nomen-Lingo24-MEDIA CONSULTA-Merle & Sheppard Language Consulting-Godis International Consultation Center Co.,LtdSome of my clients:-ManageEngine, ZOHO Corporation-Auslogics-Toshiba Carrier Corporation-DHL-Yendo-NOKIA-4yachting-Caterpillar-STOKKE®-Lexington School District Two – West Columbia-Google-LIVING WITH HEART FAILURE®-Electrolux Professional-European Commission-WORLD TV (US)-SEBIA-The People’s Insurance Company of China-P&G-Panera Bread (US)-Press Ganey Associates-Vorwerk-Hewlett-Packard Company- T9-Brother-PHPMM Insurance CompanyReference:
''This letter confirms that Crotext team (viz. ...., ...., ....., Kornelija Mujkic) has been working for Palex Ltd. from December 2008 till present as one of our vendors providing localization services from English into Croatian. They assisted us with a large project related to a printer manual and performed a good job, demonstrating great communication skills during our co-operation. Because of their high professional standards, stable quality of work and time-sensitive delivery, we can gladly recommend Crotext to anybody who is looking for a professional and reliable partner.''
''I would like to recommend Ms. Kornelja Mujkic to your attention as a translator of English/Bosnian. I have employed her services for over five years and Ms. Mujkic has proven herself to be an excellent translator - reliable, patient, clever and quick-witted. '' (Timothy Dunne, Co-Director of The Mostar Fund)
''Ms. Mukić has worked as a translator on quite a significant project for Ectaco, Inc. in 2006, namely: English to Bosnian voice phrasebook. In this position she did an excellent job....Ectaco Inc. can recommend Ms. Mukić without any hesitation as freelance consultant and proofreader for your institution.'' (Marina Lytkina, Translation Manager, ECTACO INC.)
''Ms. Mukić has ever worked on a Croatian language project for our company. It was about English to Croatian insurance sheet. The project was an excellent one, and our client showed his satisfaction with it. Ms. Mukić is a responsible and trustful worker. '' (Dorothy Huang, Project Manager, Godis International Consultation Center)
''Ms. Mukić performed several assignments of edition and translation in several projects, and our customer was highly satisfied with the results.
Besides, she delivered the job meeting with the deadlines in every occasion.'' (Diego Javier Sansone, Director of Operations, Idea Language Services, LLC)
Keywords: English-Bosnian, English-Croatian, English into Bosnian, English into Croatian, Bosnian, Croatian, Bosnian Translator, Croatian Translator, Manuals, Technical devices. See more.English-Bosnian, English-Croatian, English into Bosnian, English into Croatian, Bosnian, Croatian, Bosnian Translator, Croatian Translator, Manuals, Technical devices, Mechanic, Electrical, Tools, Household appliances, Advertising, Public Relations, Media, Multimedia, Mobile phones, Surveying, Textiles, Clothing, Fashion, Marketing, Market Research, Cooking, Culinary, Food & Dairy, General, Conversation, Greetings, Letters, Government, Telecommunications, Proofreading, Politics, Human Resources, Tourism & Travel, News, Website…. See less.
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