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Indonesian to English - Rates: 0.04 - 0.07 USD per word / 10 - 10 USD per hour English to Indonesian - Rates: 0.04 - 0.07 USD per word / 10 - 10 USD per hour
Indonesian to English: Business/Commerce Articles General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Mining & Minerals / Gems
Source text - Indonesian KPC Menang Tender Batu Bara
PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) memenangkan tender pengadaan batu bara untuk proyek pembangkit listrik tenaga uap (PLTU) Tanjung Jati B, Jepara, Jawa Tengah.
General Manager Tanjung Jati B Basuki Siswanto mengatakan pertimbangannya harga KPC yang paling menarik diantara perusahaan lainnya.
"Harga KPC terendah kita tinggal menunggu keputusan dari Dewan Direksi PLN," ujar dia ketika dihubungi di Jakarta Kamis 18 Maret 2009.
Menurut sumber di PLN, KPC mengalahkan empat peserta tender lainnya, yakni Berau Coal dan Indominco. Sejauh ini, mereka tengah menyelesaikan proses administrasi untuk penyelesaian tender tersebut.
Harga yang disepakati oleh PLN dan KPC adalah Rp 740 ribu per ton dan pengiriman dimulai Juli 2009. Jumlah pasokan batu bara KPC sekitar 1 juta ton per tahun selama 5 tahun.
KPC sudah menang tapi menunggu keputusan final dari PLN, tinggal masalah adminsitratif. Akan diumumkan dalam waktu dekat," kata dia.
Translation - English KPC Wins Coal Supply Contract
PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) has won a contract to supply coal to Tanjung Jati B coal-fired power plant in Jepara, Central Java.
According to Basuki Siswanto, General Manager of Tanjung Jati B Power Plant, KPC won the five-year contract because it offered the most competitive price, compared to other tender participants.
“KPC offered the lowest price, and it is currently in the process of being approved by the board of directors of PLN (State-owned Electricity Company),” he said on Wednesday, March 18.
KPC beat four other tender participants, including Berau Coal and Indominco, a source said. They are currently in the process of finalizing the tender documents.
KPC will supply coal for the next five years at 1 million tons per year starting from July 2009. The agreed price was Rp 740,000 (approx. US$61.87) a ton.
“KPC has won the tender, but it still has to wait for the final decision from the PLN, it is only administration issue. It will be announced shortly,” the source said.
Indonesian to English: Investment/Merger/Acquisition News General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Insurance
Source text - Indonesian Panin Insurance Tambah Saham di Panin Life
Panin Insurance membeli saham Panin Life sekitar 30,53 juta unit.
PT Panin Insurance Tbk meningkatkan kepemilikan saham di PT Panin Life Tbk sekitar 30,53 juta saham.
"Tujuan pembelian saham tersebut untuk meningkatkan investasi sama pada Panin Life," kata direksi Panin Insurance, Suwirjo Josowidjojo dan Syamsul Hidayat, dalam penjelasan tertulis perseroan yang dipublikasikan Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), Kamis 12 Maret 2009.
Pada 27 Februari, Panin Insurance membeli lima juta saham pada harga Rp 59 per unit. Selanjutnya pada 2 Maret membeli 1,03 juta saham (Rp 57 per unit), 4 Maret sebanyak satu juta saham (Rp 56-57), dan 5 Maret 2009 pada harga Rp 50 per unit sebanyak 20 juta saham.
Sebelumnya, Panin Life juga meningkatkan kepemilikan saham pada PT Bank Panin Tbk (PNBN). Perseroan telah membeli 500 ribu saham pada harga Rp 420-425 per unit.
"Transaksi dilakukan pada 23 Februari 2009," kata Presiden Direktur Panin Life, Fadjar Gunawan, dalam penjelasan tertulis perseroan yang dipublikasikan BEI akhir pekan lalu.
Berdasarkan data biro administrasi efek PT Blue Chip Mulia, per 2 Maret 2009, komposisi kepemilikan saham Bank Panin lebih dari lima persen terdiri atas Panin Life (44,81 persen) dan Voltraint No 1103 PTY LTD (38,21 persen).
Translation - English Panin Insurance Increases Its Ownership in Panin Life
PT Panin Insurance Tbk acquired 30.53 million shares of Panin Life
PT Panin Insurance Tbk announced that it had increased its share ownership in PT Panin Life Tbk by acquiring approximately 30.53 million of its shares.
“Its purpose is to enhance common investment in Panin Life,” said members of the Board of Directors of Panin Insurance, Suwirjo Josowidjojo and Syamsul Hidayat, in the company’s stock exchange announcement published by the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) on Thursday, March 12.
On February 27, Panin Insurance acquired five million shares of Panin Life at the price of Rp 59 per unit. Later, the company acquired 1.03 million shares (Rp 57 per unit) of Panin Life on March 2, one million shares (Rp 56-57 per unit) on March 4, and 20 million shares (Rp 50 per unit) on March 5.
Previously, Panin Life had increased its share ownership in PT Bank Panin Tbk (PNBN). The company had acquired 500 thousand shares of Bank Panin at the price of Rp 420-425 per unit.
“The company acquired these shares on 23 February 2009,” said the President Director of Panin Life, Fadjar Gunawan, in the company’s stock exchange announcement published by the IDX last week.
Indonesian to English: Contract Agreement General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - Indonesian PERJANJIAN KERJASAMA
No. …………………………
Perjanjian ini (“Perjanjian”) dibuat pada hari ini, …………….tanggal …………..oleh dan antara:
1. __________________, sebagai pemegang merek dagang ___________ berkedudukan di Jakarta, dalam hal ini melalui Kantor Cabang di .............................. beralamat di ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ yang diwakili oleh ............................................................................, selanjutnya disebut PERUSAHAAN; dan
2. ............................…………………….............., pengusaha/swasta, *) beralamat di ………………………………………………………………..………………………
dalam hal ini bertindak untuk diri sendiri dan untuk melakukan tindakan hukum tersebut dalam Akad ini telah memperoleh persetujuan dari suami/istrinya, yaitu ……….......................……....... yang turut menandatangani Akad ini/sebagaimana ternyata dalam surat persetujuan tertanggal ………...............……............................…..;*), selanjutnya disebut NASABAH.
Para Pihak bertanggung jawab atas pajak-pajak yang timbul sehubungan dengan Akad ini berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.
Akad ini berlangsung untuk jangka waktu [*] terhitung sejak tanggal [*] dan akan berakhir pada tanggal [*].
1. Akad ini akan berakhir dengan sendirinya tanpa untuk itu dibutuhkan suatu pemberitahuan tertulis dari satu pihak kepada pihak lainnya pada saat berakhirnya jangka waktu akad ini.
2. Masing-masing Pihak dapat membatalkan Akad ini dengan memberikan pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu kepada Pihak lainnya selambat-lambatnya 14 (empat belas) Hari Kerja sebelum tanggal efektif berakhirnya Akad ini berdasarkan pemberitahuan tersebut dalam hal terjadi peristiwa-peristiwa sebagaimana tersebut dalam Pasal 8 Akad ini.
3. Atas pengakhiran Akad sebagaimana tersebut dalam ayat 2 Pasal ini tidak akan mengurangi kewajiban masing-masing pihak yang telah timbul sebelum tanggal berakhirnya Akad.
4. Para Pihak sepakat untuk mengesampingkan ketentuan Pasal 1266 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata sepanjang dibutuhkannya suatu keputusan Pengadilan dalam pengakhiran Akad ini.
1. Semua surat menyurat atau pemberitahuan-pemberitahuan yang harus dikirim oleh masing-masing pihak kepada pihak lain dalam Akad ini mengenai atau sehubungan dengan Akad ini, dilakukan dengan pos “tercatat” atau melalui perusahaan ekspedisi (kurir) ke alamat-alamat yang tersebut di bawah ini :
2. Surat menyurat atau pemberitahuan-pemberitahuan dianggap telah diterima berdasarkan bukti pengiriman pos tercatat atau bukti penerimaan yang ditanda tangani oleh pihak-pihak yang berhak mewakili KOPERASI atau NASABAH.
3. Dalam hal terjadi perubahan alamat dari alamat tersebut di atas atau alamat terakhir yang tercatat pada masing-masing pihak, maka perubahan tersebut harus diberitahukan secara tertulis kepada pihak lain dalam Akad ini selambat-lambatnya 5 (lima) hari kerja sebelum terjadinya perubahan alamat yang dimaksud. Jika perubahan alamat tersebut tidak diberitahukan, maka surat menyurat atau pemberitahuan-pemberitahuan berdasarkan Akad ini dianggap telah diberikan sebagaimana mestinya dengan dikirimnya surat atau pemberitahuan itu dengan pos “tercatat’ atau melalui perusahaan ekspedisi (kurir) yang ditujukan ke alamat tersebut di atas atau alamat terakhir yang diketahui/tercatat pada masing-masing pihak.
Translation - English
No. …………………………………
This Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into on this day, ................... dated ............................... by and between :
1. _____________________ as the trademark holder of ___________ having its registered office at Jakarta, in this matter acting through its Branch Office at .............................. domiciled at ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ represented by ............................................................................, hereinafter referred to as COMPANY.
2. ...........................…………………….............., entrepreneur/business, *) domiciled at ………………………………………………………………..……………………………………
in this matter acting for and on behalf of himself/herself*) and to perform the legal acts stipulated in this Agreement has obtained consent from his/her*) husband/wife*), ……….......................……....... who also signs this Agreement/as was expressed in the consent letter dated ………...............……............................…..;*), hereinafter referred to as CUSTOMER.
All Parties are responsible for all taxes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement under applicable laws and regulations.
This Agreement is effective for the period of [*], from the date of [*], and will expire on the date of [*].
1. This Agreement shall expires when it reaches its expiry date without requirement of written notice by either party.
2. Either Party may terminate this Agreement by giving prior written notice to the other Party within 14 (fourteen) Business Days prior to the effective expiry date of this Agreement based on such notice upon the occurrence of events mentioned in the Article 8 of this Agreement.
3. The termination of Agreement mentioned in clause 2 of this Article shall not affect the obligations of either party arising out of prior to the expiry date of this Agreement.
4. Parties agree to disregard the provision of Article 1266 of the Indonesian Civil Code so long as there is a need for Court order in terminating of this Agreement.
1. All correspondence and obligatory notifications between the Parties under this Agreement in relation or in connection with this Agreement shall be sent through “registered” mail or through a courier company (courier) to the following addresses:
2. All correspondence and notifications shall be deemed to be received based on proof of the registered mail delivery or receipt signed by authorized parties representing COOPERATIVE or CUSTOMER.
3. In the event of changes to the address mentioned above or to the most recent registered addresses of the respective Parties, the changes must be notified in writing to the other Party under this Agreement by no later than 5 (five) business days prior to the intended changes of address become effective. In the event that either party hereto fails to notify such changes, then all correspondence and notifications under this Agreement shall be deemed to be received appropriately after such correspondence and notifications were sent through “registered” mail or through a courier company (courier) to the above addresses or to the most recent registered/known address to each party.
Indonesian to English: Company Profile of a Mining Company General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Mining & Minerals / Gems
Source text - Indonesian Pertamina adalah perusahaan minyak dan gas bumi yang dimiliki Pemerintah Republik Indonesia (state-owned oil company) yang dibentuk pada tanggal 10 Desember 1957 dengan nama PT PERMINA. Pada tahun 1961, perusahaan ini berganti nama menjadi PN Permina, dan setelah digabung dengan PN PERTAMIN di tahun 1968 namanya berubah menjadi PN Pertamina. Dengan diberlakukannya Undang Undang No. 8 Tahun 1971, nama perusahaan menjadi Pertamina. Nama Perusahaan ini tetap digunakan pada waktu Pertamina berubah status hukumnya menjadi Perseroan Terbatas pada tanggal 9 Oktober 2003, menjadi PT Pertamina (Persero).
Sesuai dengan ketentuan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 22 tahun 2001, Pertamina tidak lagi menjadi satu-satunya perusahaan yang ditunjuk Pemerintah untuk melakukan bisnis di bidang produksi dan pendistribusian BBM di dalam negeri (Public Service Obligation, PSO) dan penyelenggaraan kegiatan bisnis PSO dimaksud akan diserahkan kepada mekanisme persaingan usaha yang wajar, sehat, dan transparan dengan penetapan harga sesuai yang berlaku di pasar.
Pendirian PT Pertamina (Persero) dikukuhkan berdasarkan akta Notaris Lenny Janis Ishak, SH No. 20 tanggal 17 September 2003, dan disahkan oleh Menteri Hukum dan Hak Azazi Manusia (HAM) melalui Surat Keputusan No.C-24025 HT.01.01 pada tanggal 09 Oktober 2003. Pendirian Perusahaan ini dilakukan mengikuti ketentuan-ketentuan yang tercantum dalam Undang-Undang No. 1 tahun 1995 tentang Perseroan Terbatas, Peraturan Pemerintah No. 12 tahun 1998 tentang Perusahaan Perseroan (Persero), Peraturan Pemerintah No. 45 tahun 2001 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Pemerintah No. 12 tahun 1998, dan Undang-Undang No.40 tahun 2007.
Sesuai akta pendirian PT Pertamina (Persero), maksud perdirian Perusahaan Perseroan ini adalah untuk menyelenggarakan usaha di bidang minyak dan gas bumi, baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri serta kegiatan usaha lain yang terkait atau menunjang kegiatan usaha di bidang minyak dan gas bumi tersebut.
Adapun tujuan dari Perusahaan Perseroan adalah :
a. Mengusahakan keuntungan berdasarkan prinsip pengelolaan Perseroan secara efektif dan efisien.
b. Memberikan kontribusi dalam meningkatkan kegiatan ekonomi untuk kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran rakyat.
Untuk mencapai maksud dan tujuan tersebut, Perseroan melaksanakan kegiatan usaha sebagai berikut:
a. Menyelenggarakan usaha di bidang minyak dan gas bumi beserta hasil olahan dan turunannya.
b. Menyelenggarakan kegiatan usaha di bidang panas bumi yang ada pada saat pendiriannya, termasuk Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi (PLTP) yang telah mencapai tahap akhir negosiasi dan berhasil menjadi milik Perseroan.
c. Melaksanakan pengusahaan dan pemasaran Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) dan produk lain yang dihasilkan dari kilang LNG.
d. Menyelenggarakan kegiatan usaha lain yang terkait atau menunjang kegiatan usaha sebagaimana dimaksud dalam huruf a, b, dan c.
Lingkup usaha Pertamina terdiri atas bisnis energi di sektor hulu dan sektor hilir. Bisnis sektor hulu meliputi eksplorasi dan produksi minyak, gas, dan panas bumi yang dilakukan baik di dalam negeri maupun di luar negeri. Kegiatan usaha ini dilakukan melalui operasi sendiri oleh Perusahaan (own-operation) dan melalui kemitraan dalam bentuk kerjasama secara JOB (Joint Operation Body), TAC (Technical Assistance Contract), IP (Indonesian Participation), PPI (Pertamina Participating Interest), BOB-BSP (Badan Operasi Bersama-Bumi Siak Pusako) untuk minyak dan gas dan JOC (Joint Operating Contract) untuk panas bumi. Bisnis di sektor hilir meliputi kegiatan pengolahan minyak mentah (refinery), pemasaran dan niaga produk-produk hasil minyak, gas dan petrokimia, dan bisnis perkapalan terkait untuk pendistribusian produk-produk Perusahaan. Produk-produk yang dihasilkan meliputi Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM), Non BBM, Liquid Petrolium Gas (LPG), Liquid Natural Gas (LNG), Petrokimia, dan Pelumas (Lube Base Oil).
Translation - English Pertamina is a state-owned oil and gas company, established on 10 December 1957 under the name of PT PERMINA. In 1961, the Company changed its name to PN Permina, which later on became PN Pertamina following its merger with PN PERTAMIN in 1968. With the enactment of Law No. 8 Year 1971, the Company's name became Pertamina. This name had been retained until Pertamina changed its legal status into a Limited Liability Company on 9 October 2003, and the Company has up to the present become PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO).
Pursuant to the provisions of Law No. 22 Year 2001, Pertamina is no longer assigned by the Government as the sole institution responsible to the production and distribution of domestic fuel (Public Service Obligation, PSO) and such PSO activity will be conducted based on fair, healthy, and transparent business competition with prices to be determined based on market conditions.
PT Pertamina (Persero) was established under Notarial Deed of Lanny Janis Ishak, SH No. 20 dated 17 September 2003, and ratified by the Minister of Law and Human Rights under the Decree No.C-24025 HT.01.01 dated 9 October 2003. The Company's establishment was pursuant to the provisions set forth in Law No. 1 Year 1995 on Limited Liability Company, Government Regulation No. 12 Year 1998 on Public Company (Persero), Government Regulation No. 45 Year 2001 on the Amendment to Government Regulation No. 12 Year 1998, and Law No. 40 Year 2007.
Based on the deed of establishment of PT Pertamina (Persero), the purpose of the Company’s establishment is to engage in oil and gas business domestically and overseas, as well as in other business activities related to or in support of the oil and gas operations.
The objectives of the Company are:
a. To generate profits based on the principle of an effective and efficient management of a limited liability company.
b. To contribute to the welfare and prosperity of the people through the improvement of economic activity.
To achieve the above objectives, the Company conducts the following business activities:
a. To conduct oil and gas business including the processed products and their derivatives.
b. To conduct business activities in geothermal power plants (PLTP), the construction of which has reached the final stage of negotiation and the plants are presently owned by the Company.
c. To conduct the exploration and marketing of Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) and other products from LNG refineries.
d. To conduct other related or supporting activities of the Company as stated in points a, b, and c above.
Pertamina’s scope of business covers upstream and downstream energy business sectors. The upstream business sector comprises exploration and production of oil, gas and geothermal energy, conducted both domestically and overseas. This activity is carried out by the Company’s own operation and through partnerships in the form of joint operations, such as JOBs (Joint Operation Bodies), TAC (Technical Assistance Contracts), IP (Indonesian Participation), PPI (Pertamina Participating Interest), BOB-BSP (Joint Operations Body Bumi Siak Pusako) for Oil & Gas and JOCs (Joint Operating Contracts) for Geothermal Energy. The downstream business sector includes crude oil processing (refinery), marketing and trading of oil and petrochemical products, and shipping business related to the distribution of company products. The Company’s own products comprise Fuel (BBM), Non-fuel (Non-BBM), LNG, Petrochemicals and Lubricants (Lube Base Oil).
English to Indonesian: Gadget and Consumer Electronic General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Electronics / Elect Eng
Source text - English The Japanese consumer electronics maverick is the world’s largest supplier of liquid crystal displays, which first illuminated calculators and are now lighting up sales of electronic organizers, the gizmos that store phone numbers, appointments, memos, you name it. Sharp plans to use the technology to hang a flat TV on your wall and put a computer in your pocket.
Less than a quarter the size of its Osaka neighbor Matsushita and not half as big as glamorous compatriot Sony, Sharp has forged a path all its own. The secret? Sharp is, well sharp at keeping one eye on research, the other on the ever-changing consumer. The reward? In the fiscal year that ends March, 31, Boris Petersik, analyst at Barclays de Zoete Wedd in Tokyo, figures that operating income will fall only 10%--not bad in a consumer electronics recession when rivals’ profits will drop further or disappear.
Although RCA was experimenting in the 1960s with LCDs, made by sealing liquid crystal between sheets of glass, Sharp designed one into a calculator in 1973. The company has since put the screens on portable computers, mini-color TVs, projectors, and more. It claimed a 38% share of the $2.1 billion world market for LCDs in 1991, a business expected to hit $7.1 billion in 1995.
The Wizard, a 10-ounce, 7-by-3.7-inch organizer based on displays and semiconductors developed for Sharp calculators, began as a product of the Personal Home/Office Electronics Division, fondly called “Phoo-ey.” Says Gil DeLiso, now head of the division that markets it in the U.S: “We saw that lifestyles were becoming busier. People had more information to manage.” The gadget, aimed at business travelers, was introduced in 1988.
Translation - Indonesian Pakar elektronik asal Jepang ini merupakan pemasok display kristal cair (liquid crystal displays/LCD) terbesar di dunia, yang awalnya digunakan untuk menerangi kalkulator dan kini menyinari penjualan perangkat organizer elektronik, sebuah peranti canggih yang menyimpan nomor telepon, janji, memo, dan semuanya. Sharp berencana menggunakan teknologi ini untuk menggantung TV di dinding Anda dan menempatkan komputer di saku Anda.
Dengan hanya berukuran kurang dari seperempat tetangga Osakanya, Matsushita, dan hanya separuh besar rekannya yang lebih terkenal, Sony, Sharp telah berhasil menciptakan jalurnya sendiri. Rahasianya? Sharp, sesuai dengan namanya, benar-benar tajam dalam menempatkan satu matanya pada penelitian, dan mata lainnya pada perilaku konsumen yang selalu berubah. Hasilnya? Pada tahun fiskal yang berakhir pada 31 Maret, Boris Petersik, analis di Barclays de Zoete Wedd di Tokyo, memperkirakan penghasilan operasional perusahaan ini hanya akan turun 10%--tidak terlalu buruk dalam kondisi resesi elektronik seperti sekarang saat keuntungan pesaing akan jatuh jauh lebih rendah atau bahkan menghilang.
Meskipun RCA telah bereksperimen dengan LCD, yang dibuat dengan menyekat cairan kristal di antara dua lembar kaca, sejak 1960an, Sharp-lah yang pertama merancangnya menjadi kalkulator pada tahun 1973. Sejak saat itu perusahaan telah menempatkan layar tersebut pada komputer portabel, TV mini berwarna, proyektor, dan masih banyak lagi. Perusahaan mengklaim menguasai 38% dari 2,1 miliar dolar AS pasaran LCD dunia pada tahun 1991, sebuah bisnis yang diperkirakan akan mencapai 7,1 miliar dolar AS pada tahun 1995.
Wizard, perangkat organizer seberat 280 gr berukuran 7 x 3,7 inci serta berbasis display dan semi konduktor yang dikembangkan untuk kalkulator Sharp, pada awalnya merupakan produk Divisi Elektronik Rumah/Kantor atau Personal Home/Office Electronics Division, yang lebih dikenal sebagai “Phoo-ey.” Menurut Gil DeLiso, pimpinan divisi yang memasarkan produk ini di AS, “Kami melihat gaya hidup sekarang semakin sibuk. Orang-orang kini memiliki lebih banyak informasi untuk diatur.” Gadget yang ditujukan bagi para pelancong bisnis ini mulai diperkenalkan pada tahun 1988.
Years of experience: 22. Registered at Mar 2009.
I am a freelance English to Bahasa Indonesia translator/journalist based in Indonesia with more than 10 years working experience in translation, journalism, advertising, and web publishing, including several years working as a full-time translator/reporter at a Singapore-based IT magazine and translator/writer at a reputable news portal in Indonesia ( and a freelance translator for more than a dozen companies, both MNC and domestic, in Indonesia. Currently I am working as a freelance translator at two international companies and around six local translation agencies.
I would like to offer my services to your agency. I have attached my Curriculum Vitae that addresses your requirements and shows my employment record and educational qualifications. My specialization include IT and Consumer Electronic, Website and Internet, Software Localization, Legal and Financial translation, Human Resource/Company Manual, Sociology and Politics, Telecommunication, Environment, Forestry, Medical, Mining, Tourism, and many others.
At interview (online or offline), I can show that I have:
- experience in translating/editing a wide variety of articles, documents, news, brochure, newsletters, company profile, annual report, environmental assessment report, website content, features, and books as shown on my CV
- excellent news writing/translating skills, capable of making a short and concise summary of a long article and news
- a solid history of translating/editing in various publications including print and online
- experience of working in an editorial team and contributing to the success of that team
- high-level translating/editing skills, structural editing, copy writing/editing and proofreading including brochure, annual report, newsletter, internal magazine, etc.
- research skills and the ability to analyse the accuracy of research.
My preferred rate and capacity are as follows: Min. USD 0.05 per source word or USD 15 per hour, with a capacity of approx. 3000 words per day
For your further consideration, I have a bachelor degree from Gadjah Mada University, well versed in English and Bahasa Indonesia, strong analytic skills, hardworking, creative, fast-learner, detail-oriented, and able to work under pressure and with minimum supervision. My home office equipment includes a desktop and laptop computer with daily backups, as well as high speed Internet access. With each project I undertake, I guarantee high quality work on or before deadline and prompt response to your phone and emails.
Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to the opportunity to working with you and discuss the position further.
Keywords: English, bahasa Indonesia, Indonesian, translator, computer, IT, telecommunication, business/commerce, social science, software. See more.English, bahasa Indonesia, Indonesian, translator, computer, IT, telecommunication, business/commerce, social science, software, localization, user guide, manual, . See less.