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La fase finale del lavoro dello staff nel produrre un film sarà registrare sulla pellicola ogni scatto per il regista. Lo staff che si occupa del tagliare e riunire le parti della pellicola, dopo aver selezionato con molta cura , aver accettato o rigettato una scena, da ogni scena, da un insieme di sequenze collegate, si forma un collegamento delle immagini, un semi-prodotto. Di nuovo il regista e il tecnico audio registreranno sul nastro il dialogo di ogni scena ,effetto, suono, musica (inclusa anche la canzone del film ), ecc. Da un cumulo di registrazioni si perviene ad un prodotto semi-finito costituito da suoni legati.
Alla fine il fotografo continuerà con la luce per l’insieme delle immagini, regolerà la fase tecnologica, registrerà i suoni e l’illuminazione sull’immagine della pellicola, completando questa parte del prodotto, si passa ad asciugarlo. In questo momento la produzione dell’intera pellicola è completata.
Il compito dell’attore nella fase finale è registrare il dialogo. In sala registrazione, nell’immagine che viene proiettata l’attore, guardando se stesso sullo schermo, ricerca la corretta interiorità del personaggio e i cambiamenti del pensiero, dei sentimenti, mentre doppia sentimentalmente il dialogo ascoltato. Di notevole importanza è anche la forma data alla bocca che deve corrispondere all’immagine.
L’addetto al suono e l’attore entrambi sperano, attraverso il dialogo, di elevare la qualità del film.
Nella vita attuale, la lingua è l’espressione del pensiero che non può mancare all’umanità, un importante metodo di trasmissione dei sentimenti. In questo modo, il film è verosimile alla natura e costituisce un’arte la cui caratteristica è proprio il fatto che ricordi la realtà. Naturalmente non si può non avere la propria lingua. Certamente lo sviluppo dei film è iniziato con il periodo muto. Dopo, non solo si ha il dialogo, ma si ha anche il suono, si ha il doppiatore ecc. L’immagine vivace e una lingua ricca portano ad una visione dell’immagine ancora più veritiera e capace di influenzare.
La lingua è un elemento importante che costruisce la personalità dei personaggi. Un proverbio dice: “Parla a seconda della persona” Questo rappresenta le caratteristiche dei personaggi. Le persone dicono “Ascolta la lingua, osserva il movimento”, “Ascolta le parole, ascolta il rumore”. Entrambi i modi di dire hanno una stretta relazione con il personaggio. La lingua è la volontà di espressione del personaggio, spesso è anche la volontà che scorre fuori.
A causa dell’ambiente, della professione, di abilità diverse, bisogna formare ciascuno con delle abitudini linguistiche, intonazione e tono diverso. A causa di condizioni fisiologiche diverse, si hanno anche voci e tonalità diverse. La parte importante per l’attore per costruire il personaggio è la fase di regolamento della lingua.
Generalmente, le lingue dei personaggi del film sono relativamente poche e precise. Ciò ha creato per gli attori del film richieste ancora più elevate: bisogna adattarsi nel modo giusto, non bisogna esagerare e inoltre, bisogna far sì che lo spettatore ascolti con chiarezza.
La registrazione finale del film non è troppo entusiasmante per attore. L’attore, nella sala, deve, guardando l’immagine, recitare di nuovo parola per parola, secondo il labiale del personaggio. È giunto il momento di recitare correttamente, senza errori, con un azione di lingua corretta. Ecco perché adesso alcuni attori hanno l’incarico di produrre i film oppure sono nell’equipe della produzione del film. Lo si fa per risparmiare denaro. Spesso sono invitati veri attori a fare il doppiaggio, ma non è una cosa che preferiscono perché questa è una specie di svalutazione.
Dall’esterno l’immagine che arriva sullo schermo, è un’immagine dell’espressione del sentimento e della trasmissione della lingua che sono in armonia, il miglior doppiaggio è quello completato dall’attore stesso. Questo requisito si occupa dell’attore che non solo ha acquisito la capacità di recitare ma che, allo stesso tempo, deve avere un corretto modo di produrre i suoni, una corretta pronuncia e una ricca capacità di esprimersi in una lingua. Se l’attore non ha queste capacità, allora tutto dipende solo dal doppiatore .
Nel film, la lingua della vita quotidiana non è naturalismo.
L’attore mantiene il proprio modo naturale di emettere il suono ma il movimento, al contrario, l’esercizio della lingua dell’attore è un lavoro difficile e noioso. Non avere un processo di autocorrezione dei difetti è complicato, bisogna raggiungere la piena capacità di espressione della lingua.
L’attore, nella fase di preparazione per il personaggio che deve doppiare, deve ripetutamente esercitarsi sul tono che questo personaggio possiede, provando ad usare quel tipo di intonazione, solo allora può esprimere le vere caratteristiche del personaggio. Inoltre, nella fase finale di registrazione, probabilmente quando recita, emerge la vera condizione del personaggio. Se durante la recitazione in scena, la sensazione non è questa, ancora una volta si fa lo sforzo finale .
Il doppiaggio finale crea sicuramente difficoltà all’attore, specialmente alla persona che entra per la prima volta nella cabina di registrazione.
Attualmente, la maggior parte dei nostri film utilizza la procedura del doppiaggio finale per completare la produzione del film, però ci sono anche alcuni film, che usano il metodo del doppiaggio per ottenere un effetto realistico.
Chinese to English: Skin Exfoliation General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - Chinese Skin Exfoliation 皮肤去死皮
Introduction 说明
With so much attention focused on addressing the needs of both maturing and prematurely aged skin and the continual interest in using ingredient complexes such as hydroxy acids, retinol and other chemical and physical exfoliants, we are often asked at The International Dermal Institute to explain how these different ingredients work on the skin.
How does desquamation work? We know from our research that epidermal cells adhere to each other on the top, sides and bottoms of the cells via calcium dependent desmosomes. As the cells move upward from the deeper layers of the epidermis to the outermost layers of the stratum corneum, the desmosome attachments become weaker. This weakening action is accelerated by enzymes, found only in skin and hair follicles. These enzymes break the bonds of the desmosomes and free the cells to slough off.
What controls this desquamation process? While the exact mechanism is unknown, it is believed that cells are programmed when they are young and residing in the lower layers of the epidermis; each cell has an internal clock that ensures the cell is linked for a certain period of time and then cell cohesion decreases allowing the cells to slough off. Interestingly, the enzyme responsible for weakening the bonds is inactive in the skin until activated by another enzyme. What controls this activation process is not readily understood.
什么控制了这一脱皮过程?尽管人们并不了解这一确切机制,但是相信那些细胞在年轻的时候有序的存在于表皮的底层。每个细胞都有内时中,它保证在以短时间细胞会联合在一起,然后细胞内聚力下降让细胞脱落。 有趣的事,那 些负责弱化粘合性的酶不起作用在皮肤里,直到另外一种酶激活它时候,它才会起作用,去弱化细胞桥粒的粘合性。什么控制这种激活过程到目前未知。
The complex process known as keratinization, commences with the birth of a new daughter cell at the basal cell layer (stratum germinativum) and its progression upward until it is shed as a stratum corneum corneocyte. This normally takes about four weeks, however, it can take as much as seventy-five days depending on age and the condition of the skin. As to be expected, younger skin is more efficient at this process of desquamation which stimulates the growth of newer cells at a deeper level. As we age the glue-like intercellular cement holding the cells together becomes denser, causing a build up in the layers of cells; cell sloughing becomes more difficult resulting in a skin that appears dull, thicker and with less tone. This may be exacerbated by environmental factors (exposure to sunlight), hormonal influences (androgens, estrogens, and epidermal growth factor) and deficiencies in various vitamins (A & D). With all of these influences effecting the desquamation process it is apparent why exfoliation is so important to the skin. Removing this build up of dead, damaged skin cells stimulates the regeneration of new cells improving the skin’s appearance, feel and texture.
这种复杂的过程被称为桥质化,伴随这基低细胞层子细胞的长生开始,然后它进展直到它作为乔治曾脱落。这通常需要花费四周的时间,但是根据年龄呵皮肤状况也可能花费多至其七十五天的时间。正如所料,年轻的皮肤在脱皮过程中更有效率因为它促进深层次新细胞的成长。但我们的年龄逐渐曾长,胶样胞间联合着使细胞粘合在一起变更密集,造成细胞内的堆积,细胞脱落变得更不容易导致皮肤出现黯沉,粗糙和没有气色。这种情况会因环境因素的影响比如阳光照射,激素的影响比如雄激素,雌激和表皮生长因素还有维生素的缺乏而恶化。考虑到得这些影响细胞脱落的过程,很明显的为什么去死皮队我们的皮肤是如此的主要。 去除这些死的皮肤细胞,受损皮肤细胞的堆积物租金新细胞的生产,改善皮肤的样子,触感和皮肤肌理。
Translation - English Skin Exfoliation 皮肤去死皮
Introduction 说明
With so much attention focused on addressing the needs of both maturing and prematurely aged skin and the continual interest in using ingredient complexes such as hydroxy acids, retinol and other chemical and physical exfoliants, we are often asked at The International Dermal Institute to explain how these different ingredients work on the skin.
How does desquamation work? We know from our research that epidermal cells adhere to each other on the top, sides and bottoms of the cells via calcium dependent desmosomes. As the cells move upward from the deeper layers of the epidermis to the outermost layers of the stratum corneum, the desmosome attachments become weaker. This weakening action is accelerated by enzymes, found only in skin and hair follicles. These enzymes break the bonds of the desmosomes and free the cells to slough off.
What controls this desquamation process? While the exact mechanism is unknown, it is believed that cells are programmed when they are young and residing in the lower layers of the epidermis; each cell has an internal clock that ensures the cell is linked for a certain period of time and then cell cohesion decreases allowing the cells to slough off. Interestingly, the enzyme responsible for weakening the bonds is inactive in the skin until activated by another enzyme. What controls this activation process is not readily understood.
什么控制了这一脱皮过程?尽管人们并不了解这一确切机制,但是相信那些细胞在年轻的时候有序的存在于表皮的底层。每个细胞都有内时中,它保证在以短时间细胞会联合在一起,然后细胞内聚力下降让细胞脱落。 有趣的事,那 些负责弱化粘合性的酶不起作用在皮肤里,直到另外一种酶激活它时候,它才会起作用,去弱化细胞桥粒的粘合性。什么控制这种激活过程到目前未知。
The complex process known as keratinization, commences with the birth of a new daughter cell at the basal cell layer (stratum germinativum) and its progression upward until it is shed as a stratum corneum corneocyte. This normally takes about four weeks, however, it can take as much as seventy-five days depending on age and the condition of the skin. As to be expected, younger skin is more efficient at this process of desquamation which stimulates the growth of newer cells at a deeper level. As we age the glue-like intercellular cement holding the cells together becomes denser, causing a build up in the layers of cells; cell sloughing becomes more difficult resulting in a skin that appears dull, thicker and with less tone. This may be exacerbated by environmental factors (exposure to sunlight), hormonal influences (androgens, estrogens, and epidermal growth factor) and deficiencies in various vitamins (A & D). With all of these influences effecting the desquamation process it is apparent why exfoliation is so important to the skin. Removing this build up of dead, damaged skin cells stimulates the regeneration of new cells improving the skin’s appearance, feel and texture.
这种复杂的过程被称为桥质化,伴随这基低细胞层子细胞的长生开始,然后它进展直到它作为乔治曾脱落。这通常需要花费四周的时间,但是根据年龄呵皮肤状况也可能花费多至其七十五天的时间。正如所料,年轻的皮肤在脱皮过程中更有效率因为它促进深层次新细胞的成长。但我们的年龄逐渐曾长,胶样胞间联合着使细胞粘合在一起变更密集,造成细胞内的堆积,细胞脱落变得更不容易导致皮肤出现黯沉,粗糙和没有气色。这种情况会因环境因素的影响比如阳光照射,激素的影响比如雄激素,雌激和表皮生长因素还有维生素的缺乏而恶化。考虑到得这些影响细胞脱落的过程,很明显的为什么去死皮队我们的皮肤是如此的主要。 去除这些死的皮肤细胞,受损皮肤细胞的堆积物租金新细胞的生产,改善皮肤的样子,触感和皮肤肌理。
Italian to German: Elektrostimulator
Source text - Italian ATTENZIONE
• ...... non deve essere utilizzato da portatori di pacemaker,
defibrillatori intracardiaci o altri impianti attivi, donne in stato di gravi¬
danza e bambini.
• Non sottoporre a elettrostimolazione la parte anteriore e quelle laterali
del collo, poiché puo potare alle scottature nella parte della cuta degli elettrodi ed anche a problemi sull'elettrostimulatore
• Non utilizzare l'apparecchio in prossimità di dispositivi a onde
corte o a microonde (, telefoni cellulari), poiché potrebbero influen-
zare la potenza sviluppata dall'elettrostimolatore.
Translation - German ACHTUNG
• .......... ist nicht fuer die Anwendung bei Herzschrittmacher, intrakardialem Defibrillatoren oder anderen aktiven Anlagen geeignet. Nicht waehrend der Schwangerschaft verwenden und Geraet ausserhalb der Reichweite von Kinder aufbewahren.
• Bitte vermeiden Sie den Elektrostimulator in den vorderen und in den lateralen Bereichen des Rachens zu verwenden . Dies koennte zu Verletzung der Hautstellen, an den die Elektroden angebracht worden sind, fuehren und zu Problemen am Elektrostimulator.
• Nicht in der Naehe von Kurzwellen- und Mikrowellen Geraeten( z.B. das Handy) verwenden. Dies koennte die Leistungsfaehigkeit des Geraetes verringen.
English to Chinese (Università degli studi di Macerata) English to Chinese (taiwan Fujen University) German to Italian (Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz) Italian to German (Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz) Chinese to English (taiwan Fujen University)
German to Italian (Università degli studi di Macerata) English to Arabic (Università degli studi di Macerata) Arabic to English (Università degli studi di Macerata) Chinese to Italian (Universita' di Macerata)
Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, SDL TRADOS STILL BEGINNER, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
visit my new website
I have been working as translator and interpretor for the last 4 years. Due to my frequent trips abroad ,to my linguistic researches and the fact that I am bilingual (Italian/Serbian), I have an excellent knowledge of Arabic, German and Chinese.
-Bachelor Degree in Linguistic Mediation in Chinese. German and Arabic.
-MA Degree in Languages for International Communication and Cooperation ( Interpretation and Translation in Arabic, Chinese and German )
-MA Degree in Interpretation (chouchoutage, consecutive and simultaneous), Arabic Italian Arabic, Scuola Superiore di Interpreti e Traduttori di Vicenza
-Several interpretation and translation courses such as Simultandolmetschen, Germersheim,Deutschland and in commercial translation at Fujen in Taiwan.
Chinese movies, subtitling and analysis of dubbing and subtitling in China compared to Italian reality
Publishing of Legal glossary in Chinese and Arabic (Court Translation)
Translation of court reports in Arabic
Technical translation in Chinese (marketing/telecommunication)
Catalogues and company presentation in both Chinese and German
Translation of Certificates, Dimplomas, Licences
Translation of various contracts in Chinese and Arabic
Translation from Italian to German (marketing/medicine/machines)
-liason interpreting in Arabic/Chinese and Germaan (for local companies and European schools)
-consecutive interpretation (for music schools,accordion companies, exhibitions etc)
legal translations in Chinese, German and Arabic, consecutive interpretation in above languages, simultaneous interpretation in German and Chinese, intercultural mediation, language and business consultant for Asian and Arabic markets
i am continously specializing myself in Interpretation and Translation especially in legal field
I would like to spread my business to USA and I am available for TRANSLATION projects and assignements.
every client will have high profesionalism and good pricing.
Soon you will have an opportunity to visit my new website
Clients portfolio, references and translation samples upon request
حتى إذا كانت خبرتي في العمل كمترجمة كتابية ومترجمة فورية محدودة لكن أن بدأت في العمل ف يالترجمة منذ خمس سنوات، فقد أعطيت الفرصة لنفسي من خلال التدريب المكثف في إيطاليا والخارج في هذا المجاال، ورغبتي لإجادة هذا العمل هي التي ساعدتني في كل مرة، وأنا حريصة جدا على طلبات العملاء في مجال الترجمة الكتابية والترجمة الفورية.
والأهداف التي حققتها في العامين الماضيين هي بسيطة ولكنها مهمة في نفس الوقت، قمت بتقديم عمل عظيم وليس فقط عمل جيد،
وكما كنت على علاقة جيدة ودية مع العملاء، وفي الوقت نفسه قدمت العمل بمهارية، هذان الجانبان كان لهما أهمية كبيرة بالنسبة لي خلال عملي.
وجود مترجم كتابي أو مترجم فوري يمكننا الوثوق به هو عنصر مهم، الذي نعتمد عليه في الكثير من عمليات الترجمة، والذي دائما ما يكون موجودا تحت الطلب، خاصة للغالت الشرقية مثل اللغة الصينية واللغة العربية، هذا السبب الذي جعلني أتخصص في هذا المجال ولهذه اللغات.
الأوقات الكثيرة التي قضيتها في الرحلات الأكاديمية والمهنية للحصول على الخبرات في الترجمة ساعدتني كثيرا للقيام بهذا العمل بطريقة الاهتمام بكل جزئية من الجزئيات والاهتمام بالتفاصيل. لهذا السبب قررت ترجمة موقعي على الإنترنت للكثير من اللغات التي أعمل معها وأترجم إليها
هذا الموقع هو مجرد وسيلة للسماح للناس في كل أنحاء العالم أن يعرفوا ماذا أفعل وكيف أقوم بأداء هذا عملي، الترجمة الكتابية والترجمة الفورية أول اهتماماتي منذ سنوات عديدة، وأنا أقوم بأداء هذا العمل بحماس كبير، وأتمنى أن يصل إليك هذا الحماس
أنا أعمل في مشروع للترجمة الفورية في اللغات العربية والصينية والإنجليزية، والمشروع سيشتمل على موضوعات مختلفة تركز على الإرهاب، والترجمة الفورية التي أقوم بها بنفسي ستشتمل على بعض الخطابات السياسية
الترجمة الفورية في اللغة العربية والصينية والصربية والإيطالية (لغة المصدر يجب أن تكون الصربية والإيطالية اللغة المطلوبة للاختيار بين الإيطالية والصربية
الترجمة الفورية على التوالي في الصينية ، الألمانية، العربية، الصربية، والإيطالية (مزيج من اللغات المختلفة وأيضا صيني ألماني صيني
الترجمة في نفس الوقت صربي إيطالي و إيطالي صربي , ألماني إيطالي
من خلال الخبرة الأكاديمية والمهنية
الترجمة القانونية والطبية
كتيب ونشرات الترجمة ل (السيارات و الموضة و التصميم والأدوات الكهربائية والمعدات الطبية اللازمة ..وغيرها
لتدقيق والتحرير
الوثائق الجامعية والتقارير وأعمال الترجمة النهائية
إصدار جداول مختلفة للمصطلحات
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