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Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Verified site user
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Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading
Specializes in:
Internet, e-Commerce
Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Printing & Publishing
Environment & Ecology
Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)
Computers (general)
Also works in:
Media / Multimedia
Poetry & Literature
Computers: Software
Computers: Hardware
IT (Information Technology)
Finance (general)
Computers: Systems, Networks
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Furniture / Household Appliances
Medical: Health Care
English to Spanish - Rates: 0.06 - 0.10 GBP per word / 21 - 30 GBP per hour Spanish to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.10 GBP per word / 21 - 30 GBP per hour French to Spanish - Rates: 0.06 - 0.10 GBP per word / 21 - 30 GBP per hour French to Catalan - Rates: 0.06 - 0.10 GBP per word / 21 - 30 GBP per hour Catalan to Spanish - Rates: 0.06 - 0.10 GBP per word / 21 - 30 GBP per hour
Catalan to English - Rates: 0.06 - 0.10 GBP per word / 21 - 30 GBP per hour
Payment methods accepted
Visa, MasterCard
Sample translations submitted: 3
French to Catalan: Les crèmes solaires en cause
Source text - French La Commission européenne s'intéresse aux crèmes et gels solaires.
Estimant que l'étiquetage de ces produits est souvent "peu clair", voire
nettement "insuffisant" ou de "nature à induire en erreur", elle souhaite
établir de nouvelles règles en matière d'information des consommateurs.
Les directions Entreprises, Industrie, Santé et Protection des
consommateurs, ont ouvert, jeudi 4 mai, une consultation publique qui
devrait aboutir à la rédaction d'une recommandation que tous les fabricants
devront appliquer dès 2007. Ces règles s'imposeront aussi aux produits
importés. Elles s'inspirent du travail effectué en France, au mois de janvier,
par les pouvoirs publics et les fabricants.
Translation - Catalan La Comissió Europea està estudiant les cremes i els gels solars. Tenint en compte que l’etiquetatge d’aquests productes sovint és “poc clar” i de vegades fins i tot “insuficient” o que “pot induir a errors”, la Comissió pretén establir una nova reglamentació d’informació als consumidors. El Dijous 4 de maig, les direccions d’Empresa i Indústria, i de Sanitat i Protecció dels Consumidors van començar una enquesta pública que hauria de conduir a la redacció d’una recomanació obligatòria per a tots els fabricants a partir de 2007. Aquesta normativa que també s’haurà d’aplicar als productes d’importació i s’inspira en les recerques dutes a terme a França pels poders públics i els fabricants durant el mes de gener.
English to Spanish: Organise your everyday life… wherever life happens to take you
Source text - English Organise your everyday life… wherever life happens to take you
Calendar keeps your WM based Pocket PC well-appointed. Keep all your appointments up-to-date and conveniently in your pocket. Calendar lets you manage all your appointments and meetings as well as create new ones.
Quickly view your day’s agenda or scheduled meetings for the entire month; even plan ahead with the yearly view.
Set reminders to automatically notify yourself of critical appointments. There are 365 reasons to keep appointments.
Pocket PC handheld puts you instantly in contact! Store and find addresses, phone numbers and other personal contact information with Contacts. Enter these in the (Outlook) software on your desktop or notebook PC and synchronise with your device or enter them directly. You can even attach a handwritten note or voice message to any contact for fast, mobile contact notes.
With Contacts, you’re never at a loss for key data. Tame your to-do list with Pocket PC Tasks! This software provides instant access to all your outstanding tasks
Translation - Spanish Organízate el día…adonde quiera que éste te lleve
Con la Agenda puedes tener tu Pocket PC con software de Windows Mobile bien organizado. Tener todas tus citas puestas al día y seguras en el bolsillo. La Agenda te permite gestionar todas tus citas y reuniones, y también crear nuevas.
Ver rápidamente la agenda del día o las reuniones previstas para el mes entero y hasta planificar por adelantado con el calendario anual.
Fijar notas de aviso que te recuerden las citas importantes. Existen 365 razones para concertar citas.
El Pocket PC portátil te pone en contacto al instante! Guarda y busca direcciones, números de teléfono y otra información de contacto personal en Contactos. Accede a ellos con el software (Outlook) de tu ordenador personal o portátil, y sincronízalos con tu dispositivo o accede directamente a la lista de contactos. También puedes adjuntar una nota a mano o un mensaje de voz a los contactos para poder escribirles de forma rápida.
Con Contactos, no te perderás nunca información relevante. Gestiona la lista de tareas con la aplicación Tareas de tu Pocket PC! Este software te permite acceder al instante a tus tareas más importantes.
Catalan to English: L'altra cara de la forca
Source text - Catalan EL CONTEXT HISTÒRIC
L’ascenció del Pedraforca té lloc a finals de la dècada dels anys 20, una època complexa per la societat catalana en la qual l’empobriment del camp i el progrés industrial i urbanístic afavorit per l’arribada de la immigració a les ciutats s'alterna amb la repressió de les reivindicacions socials i nacionals.
El 1924, només deu anys després de ser creada, la Mancomunitat, govern autònom de Catalunya, fou dissolta pel dictador Primo de Rivera. Fins a arribar a aquesta etapa de formulació política interrumpuda, el catalanisme havia viscut un procés de canvi des de començament del segle XIX. Primer, impulsat per una revifalla lingüística i literària coneguda amb el nom de la Renaixença i després, constituint-se com un fenomen sociològic que originà la fundació de múltiples associacions.
Translation - English HISTORICAL CONTEXT
In the 1920’s when the first ascent to Pedraforca was taking place, Catalonia was undergoing a period of social turmoil. Harshness towards national and social uprisings was at the order of the day. As people in the countriside were getting poorer and poorer new flows of immigration to cities favored the blooming of industrial and urban progress.
In 1924, only ten years after being created, the Mancomunitat, the Catalan regional government, was dissolved by dictator Primo de Rivera. Since the beginning of the 19th century, however, Catalan nacionalism had been submited to endless changes that halted when the government was abolished. Such changes sprang out as a result of a linguistic and literary awareness around the territory, commonly known as Renaixença (Catalan for Rebirth). Later on, that cultural movement turned into such a sociological phenomenon that it enabled the creation of a great number of cultural associations.
English to Spanish (University of Barcelona, verified) Catalan to Spanish (University of Barcelona, verified) French to Catalan (University of Barcelona, verified) Catalan to English (University of Barcelona, verified) Spanish to English (University of Barcelona, verified)
French to Spanish (University of Barcelona)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
Keywords: I am a certified Spanish speaking translator and I am fluent in English, Spanish, French and Catalan. I have more than three years of experience in the translation and interpretation field and I have delivered many different types of translations, mostly technical and scientific, several legal documentation and several documentary films for Spanish companies. I am also studying a Master's Degree in Marketing and Sales Management and I am very detail-oriented and timely with my assignments.
As part of my duties as a translator I will provide accurate and professional services by translating the documents and projects that may be require. I work mainly with Microsoft Office Programs and I charge 0.08€ per word/ 27€ per page in non-technical documents or 0.10€/30€ in specialized ones. Depending on the length of the project I can have the text ready in a couple of days and give constant feedback on how the project is developing.
I can provide references if needed or forward my CV to you for further information. If you think that my profile and my experience can suit your linguistic needs I would be very much interested in delivering this project for you.