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هل سبق لك ان سمعت بالترجمة عبر الإنترنت و لكن ترددت بقصد أو غير قصد عن كيفية البحث عن المعلومات حول الموضوع؟ أو طالما تمنيت ممارسة الترجمة بجانب عملك الخاص، لكن ترددت وأحببت أن تعرف كيفية ممارسة الترجمة بالقطعة و على الخط اثناء وقت فراغك ؟ أو اذا كنت طالبا جامعيا تدرس الترجمة و تريد أن تؤمن مستقبلك من الآن و تبدأ بممارسة الترجمة عبر الإنترنت و تصبح سيد أو تصبحين سيدة أعمالك في المستقبل، فكيف يمكن لك أن تنصهر تدريجيا في عالم الترجمة الافتراضي؟
كل هذه الأسئلة سوف نجيب عنها في هذه الورشة /المحاضرة ان شاء الله
خلال ساعة ونصف من المحاضرة / الورشة سوف تأخذ نظرة عامة حول طبيعة الترجمة الحرة و كيفية مزاولتها وممارستها عبر الانترنت...فالبداية صعبة في كل مبادرة... لكن هذا العرض التطبيقي سيساعدك في االاقبال على مزاولة الترجمة الحرة
توجه هذه الورشة/المحاضرة إلى أي شخص يرغب مزاولة مهنة الترجمة الحرة والعمل من المنزل مترجما مستقلا ، سواء تعلق الأمر بالطلبة الجامعيين في ميدان الترجمة أو أي ميدان دراسي آخر أو تعلق الأمر بموظفين آخرين أو بوكالات الترجمة غير الافتراضية والتي تريد أن يتعلم موظفوها كيفية الولوج في مسار الترجمة الحرة وإدراج هذا القطاع ضمن باقي الخدمات التي يقدمونها على الأرض وفي نفس البلد أو المدينة
Learning objectives
الأهداف التعلمية: مع نهاية المحاضرة و الورشة سوف يكون المتدرب قادرا على بداية تدبير خدمات الترجمة على منصة بروز دوت كوم أو غيرها من المنصات وتسيير مكتبه أومكتبها الافتراضي بثقة و التواصل مع و الا حتكاك بالزبون و تسويق الخدمات الترجمية
وتنظيمها ووضع الأثمنة المناسبة و معرفة أخلاقيات مهنة الترجمة
اللغات :العربية و الأنجليزية
ملاحظة أخرى:محتوى هذه الورشة هو باللغة الأنجليزية و العربية وسوف يتم ارساله لكم للقراءة و المراجعة بعد تسجيلكم في الدرس ودفع الرسوم
Click to expand
الجزء الأول
ما معنى الترجمة الحرة أو الاشتغال كمترجم مستقل من المنزل؟ هل أنا مستعد وهل أنا جاهز /جاهزة لمزاولة هذا النوع من الخدمة؟ وهل أنا مستعد للتعلم والصبر والاستفادة من تجاربي وتجارب الزملاء الآخرين حين أبدأ العمل كمترجم ومقدم لخدمات الترجمة في العالم الافتراضي؟ ماهو واقع الترجمة الحرة في العالم العربي؟ و في الأخير نختم هذا الجزء باستعراض مباشر لكيفية فتح مشروع مكتب ترجمة شخصي على الويب و كيفية استخدامه للدخول و الاحتكاك مع مقدمي خدمات الترجمة و اشياء اخرى تنفع المترجم الناشئ في تطوير مهاراته الترجمية المتعلقة بعالم الترجمة الاحترافي.
الجزء الثاني
بداية تأسيس وتفعيل خدمات مكتب الترجمة على الانترنت - المكان ولوازم التسويق - الاختصاص - تحسين المهارات - تدبير الوقت أثناء العمل من المنزل كمترجم حر- الأثمنة والتفاوض -الجودة في تقديم الخدمات - العلاقات مع العملاء ووكالات الترجمة.
ويهدف إلي تقديم المتدرب إلى عالم الترجمة الحرة عبر الإنترنت وشروط الالتحاق به ولوازمه الخاصة والاحترافية، وكذا تعليمه كيفية بناء مشروع الترجمة الحرة وتأسيس المكتب وتسويق الخدمات وتنظيمها ووضع الأثمنة المناسبة وأخلاقيات الخدمة
Registration and payment information (click to expand)
Click to expand
To purchase your seat at this session please click on the "buy" button. Available slots are limited and will be assigned to registered and paid participants as soon as payment is reported. Early payment is advised in order to secure participation. Allow some time for payment processing if you are paying by wire transfer.
After your payment is received, your status will be changed to “registered and paid” and your spot for the session will be secured. An invoice and receipt of payment will be sent to you for your records.
Note: if you have a credit to redeem please feel free to purchase this training with your credit by clicking on a "Purchase for $ (Use purchase credit)" button on your right as it is suggested on this screenshot. More information about training credits please find here.
How do I access the online platform?
72 hours before the webinar takes place, you will receive an invitation to join the session. Please, click the registration link or button provided in the invitation email and complete the registration form.
Software and system requirements (click to expand)
Click to expand
Virtual platform system requirements
For PC-based Users:
• Required: Windows® 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server
• Required: Internet Explorer® 7.0 or newer, Mozilla® Firefox® 3.0 or newer or Google™ Chrome™ 5.0 or newer (JavaScript™ and Java™ enabled)
• Internet Connection Required: Cable modem, DSL, or better Internet connection
• Recommended: Dual-core 2.4GHz CPU or faster with 2GB of RAM (recommended)
For Mac®-based Users:
• Required: Mac OS® X 10.5 – Leopard® or newer
• Required: Safari™ 3.0 or newer, Firefox® 3.0 or newer or Google™ Chrome™ 5.0 or newer (JavaScript™ and Java™ enabled)
• Internet Connection Required: Cable modem, DSL, or better Internet connection
• Required: Intel processor (1GB of RAM or better recommended)
To Use VoIP (microphone and speakers or headset):
• Fast Internet connection (384 kbps or more recommended)
• Speakers or headset (USB headset recommended)
• NOT required: Microphone - attendees can communicate with the trainer through incorporated chat.
• For the visual section of the training course, we recommend that you have a 64kbps link. This means using an ISDN line or Broadband. Wireless connection is NOT recommended.
• For the audio section of the training course, we recommend that you have a headset or speakers.
• We recommend that you log in 30 minutes in advance of the start time to prepare for the training course.
Courses will be open half an hour before the start time. Please login before the start time to ensure that everything on your system is working correctly.
• Proficient Translator & Interpreter with a Master’s Degree in Translation and Interpreting (Heriot-Watt University, UK) with extensive experience in both professional (in-house and freelance) and academic translation activities. Since 2011, He has been doing his PhD in a Canadian University in the field of Online Pedagogy applied to the context of translator training and education.
• Member of the Canadian Association of Translation Studies, the Arab Translator Network, as well as the International Society for Technology in Education, and the Moroccan Association for Translation studies which promotes various research areas in translation and interpreting research and practice.
• Worked as both an online Instructor with The Arabic Translation and Intercultural Dialogue Association (ATIDA), delivering and facilitating online synchronous courses, as well as a lecturer in interpreting and translation studies at both “L’institut supérieure de Traduction” and at the University Hassan II- Casablanca area (Morocco).
Thank you Mr. El karnichi this course seem really interesting , but I'm not sure how to register !! where is the " buy" button
Hello Mazen,
Thank you for your interest in the training. Please add your login details in the box on the right upper corner on the training page as suggested at the screenshot. After you do so, please click on the purchase button. 72 hours before the session you will receive a notification from with a link to be used to join the session.
Hope this helps. Please do not hesitate to contact support, , if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks!
My bests, Helen
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Fouad El karnichi Canada Local time: 00:53 Member (2008) Arabic to English + ...
Mar 22, 2013
Thank you Helen for replying to Mazen.
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Maha AL-Faleh Saudi Arabia Local time: 07:53 English to Arabic + ...
Attendance Certifications
Apr 16, 2013
Thank you for providing such an interesting presentation. My question is : are you going to offer an attendance certification? If yes an online or paper?
Thanks a lot جزيت خيراً
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Eltigani Japan Local time: 13:53 English to Arabic
Eltigani Musa
Apr 19, 2013
Hi there Start time: Apr 25 14:00 GMT Is there any body who knows the location to convert to the Corresponding Time, is it London (United Kingdom - England) or some where else?
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Hi there Start time: Apr 25 14:00 GMT Is there any body who knows the location to convert to the Corresponding Time, is it London (United Kingdom - England) or some where else?
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Fouad El karnichi Canada Local time: 00:53 Member (2008) Arabic to English + ...
Dear participants
Apr 19, 2013
Thank you for your participation to the webinar. I welcome you all to attend if you may.
For those who will be online on the 25th, kindly have your Case Studies printed (Word documents I sent you) or at your reach on the day of the presentation. We will discuss them together.
Talk to you on the 25th then !
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Thank you for providing such an interesting presentation. My question is : are you going to offer an attendance certification? If yes an online or paper?
Thanks a lot جزيت خيراً
Hello Maha,
Indeed, the price includes:
* access to the online session with a Q&A portion, * unlimited access to the video recording and course material (available within one working week after the session), * a certificate of attendance available for download from your profile.
A certificate of attendance will be added to your profile under "Training sessions attended" once the webinar is over. Please find an example here
Hope this helps.
My bests, Helen
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Fouad El karnichi Canada Local time: 00:53 Member (2008) Arabic to English + ...
Thank you
Apr 25, 2013
Dear All,
Thank you for your active participation today. As promissed, here are some links and learning support material that could be of use to you --------------------------------
Thank you for your active participation today. As promissed, here are some links and learning support material that could be of use to you --------------------------------
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Fouad El karnichi Canada Local time: 00:53 Member (2008) Arabic to English + ...
Need your help
Apr 25, 2013
Dear participants to the webinar....
In view of improving my performance in the future, I would kindly ask you to write few lines about the learning experience you went through today. Please feel free to comment in writing on what you have learned from the workshop/lecture. This would help you to reflect on your learning as well as me (auto-evaluate my training).
Your views are welcome.
Please send the written comments to my profile here on
In view of improving my performance in the future, I would kindly ask you to write few lines about the learning experience you went through today. Please feel free to comment in writing on what you have learned from the workshop/lecture. This would help you to reflect on your learning as well as me (auto-evaluate my training).
Your views are welcome.
Please send the written comments to my profile here on
"This was a good start to providing course materials in Arabic. However, in my opinion, in aimed at r..." Read moreeal beginners, the sort that has just emerged from the enclaves of universities, while the majority of us on Proz have been operating for quite a few years, and would have benefitted from slightly more advanced workshop. Maybe next time. "