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Poll: Do you use a Mac or a PC for your translation work?
Thread poster: Staff Staff Staff
Mar 19, 2013

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Do you use a Mac or a PC for your translation work?".

This poll was originally submitted by kairosz (Mary Guerrero). View the poll results »

Local time: 23:33
Both Mar 19, 2013

Mac with virtual Windows (Parallels)

Gianluca Marras
Gianluca Marras  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:33
English to Italian
MAC Mar 19, 2013

MAC, and I am very happy, but since I have not installed Windows (parallels), I can use only some softwares. I have Office for MAC, which is exactly the same as Windows, but the problem is about CAT tools, Wordfast is ok, Trados is not. But this depends on me, I do not want to install Windows on a MAC. It is like ruining a perfect machine

Michael Harris
Michael Harris  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:33
Member (2006)
German to English
PC / Laptop Mar 19, 2013

I would love to invest in a Macstation and Macbook Pro 17", but I do not find much point in having such powerful equipment and then having to put a crapy Windows partition on it so tht Trados / Across / MemoQ, etc. can work on it reliably.

As soon as these companies introduce their software so that it can run on a Mac / Macstation, then I will be there to work on them as I am just soooooo fed up of the unreliable Microsoft products!!

Filipa Plant dos Santos
Filipa Plant dos Santos  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:33
Portuguese to English
Mac AND PC! Mar 19, 2013

I use Studio on my PC, and then I lean over to the right, in an un-ergonomic way, and do research on my Mac!

Yes, I know, I know..... I AM a computer whizz kid.

Can't help it, comes naturally......

Local time: 23:33
Spanish to English
+ ...
PC Mar 19, 2013

PC every time, warts and all.

William Murphy
William Murphy  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:33
Member (2009)
Italian to English
+ ...
PC Mar 19, 2013

neilmac wrote:

PC every time, warts and all.

Same here and for the foreseeable future.

I've been thinking of getting a Mac because it is the superior machine but, as others have so correctly pointed out, I would be buying a Mac just to install Windows on it, which is ridiculous. Even using Office for Mac doesn't make me feel right. Sticking with not-so-good 'ole Microsoft for now (might get a Mac for the family though...hmmm).

[Edited at 2013-03-19 09:19 GMT]

Angeliki Papadopoulou
Angeliki Papadopoulou  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:33
English to Greek
+ ...
Mac with Windows partition, Mar 19, 2013

for the past 7 years. Haven't looked back! Sturdy, fast, trouble free machine.

[Edited at 2013-03-19 09:58 GMT]

Magdalena Balibrea Vich
Magdalena Balibrea Vich  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:33
English to Spanish
+ ...
Mac with virtual Windows Mar 19, 2013

Via VMWare. Works like a charm.

Micol Buono
Micol Buono  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:33
German to Italian
Mac forever! Mar 19, 2013

I use Mac since over 25 Years, long time before it became a Status-Symbol... I'm really sad that Trados works just on PC, so I'm using now boot camp to work with Trados... Untill now I was working with Mac and Wordfast, and it was great... Now I spend a lot of time to try to use this stupid pc: virus, problems, new start... It's terrible!!! I like to use a computer to work, and not to work for the computer... I can't understand how Microsoft could have so much success with such a sh....
... See more
I use Mac since over 25 Years, long time before it became a Status-Symbol... I'm really sad that Trados works just on PC, so I'm using now boot camp to work with Trados... Untill now I was working with Mac and Wordfast, and it was great... Now I spend a lot of time to try to use this stupid pc: virus, problems, new start... It's terrible!!! I like to use a computer to work, and not to work for the computer... I can't understand how Microsoft could have so much success with such a sh....
And if agencies did not ask to work with Trados (expansive and not better then other CAT-Tools) I would never change to PC and Trados. Excuse my bad english, I konw just few words but I wonted to say my opinion... I hope you can understand what I wrote!


Igor Puzhai
Igor Puzhai
Local time: 00:33
English to Russian
+ ...
Both. Mar 19, 2013

I prefer Mac, but since there is no Mac version of Trados, sometimes I have to run Windows in BootCamp.

Pablo Bouvier
Pablo Bouvier  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:33
German to Spanish
+ ...
Poll: Do you use a Mac or a PC for your translation work?" Mar 19, 2013

I use a strong PC with virtualized environments for my translation jobs. Cheap, fast an secure. (Windows 8 + classic shell, Lion OS, Linux)

Jose Arnoldo Rodriguez-Carrington
Jose Arnoldo Rodriguez-Carrington  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:33
English to Spanish
+ ...
PC for now and the foreseeable future. Mar 19, 2013

Desktop PC and laptop with Windows 7, and they work fine.

As far as I am concerned Windows works well. I hear a lot of complaints but I have not had any problems that I could blame on Windows or the other Microsoft software.

I know that those who own a Mac speak wonders about it, but at this point I see no reason to spend up to 70% more on a Mac than on a PC, and as long as my computers give me no problems, I will stick with them.

And if Mac is so much bett
... See more
Desktop PC and laptop with Windows 7, and they work fine.

As far as I am concerned Windows works well. I hear a lot of complaints but I have not had any problems that I could blame on Windows or the other Microsoft software.

I know that those who own a Mac speak wonders about it, but at this point I see no reason to spend up to 70% more on a Mac than on a PC, and as long as my computers give me no problems, I will stick with them.

And if Mac is so much better, how come 88% of respondents are using PCs?

[Edited at 2013-03-19 16:27 GMT]

[Edited at 2013-03-19 18:15 GMT]

Rebecca Garber
Rebecca Garber  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:33
Member (2005)
German to English
+ ...
Where was the button for Both? Mar 19, 2013

I have 2 laptops, 1 of each flavor, and a CAT tool on each.
I'm even starting to warm up to the PC; it's only taken 5 years...

Ingeborg Aalders
Ingeborg Aalders
Local time: 23:33
French to Dutch
+ ...
Exactly the same here: Mar 19, 2013

Magdalena Balibrea Vich wrote:

Via VMWare. Works like a charm.

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Poll: Do you use a Mac or a PC for your translation work?

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