Changing languages in SDL Studio 2011 Freelance
Thread poster: Michelle Homden
Michelle Homden
Michelle Homden  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:17
Spanish to English
+ ...
Aug 9, 2012

On installing SDL Studio 2011, I was confused by the instructions about selecting five languages. I chose English, which is my target language, French and three national variants of Spanish. I now realise that I only needed to choose one form of Spanish as all the others come with it. I'd like to add another language for practice purposes but cannot find any way at all to change my original selection.

Is there a simple way to do this that doesn't involve uninstalling and re-installi
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On installing SDL Studio 2011, I was confused by the instructions about selecting five languages. I chose English, which is my target language, French and three national variants of Spanish. I now realise that I only needed to choose one form of Spanish as all the others come with it. I'd like to add another language for practice purposes but cannot find any way at all to change my original selection.

Is there a simple way to do this that doesn't involve uninstalling and re-installing?

Thanks in advance


Nora Diaz
Nora Diaz  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:17
Member (2002)
English to Spanish
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Try this Aug 9, 2012

Go to Tools > Options > Language Pairs, and there you can add or remove language pairs.

Michelle Homden
Michelle Homden  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:17
Spanish to English
+ ...
Choosing Tools > Options doesn't help Aug 10, 2012

Thanks Nora but the problem is that the only languages available to me are the three that I loaded on installation: Spanish, English and French and all their variants. I want to add German because I purchased some Trados training and the sample exercises require it. I contacted SDL training some 48 hours ago but they still haven't responded.

When you load the software, you are prompted to select your working languages from a list which includes numerous national variants, e.g. Spani
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Thanks Nora but the problem is that the only languages available to me are the three that I loaded on installation: Spanish, English and French and all their variants. I want to add German because I purchased some Trados training and the sample exercises require it. I contacted SDL training some 48 hours ago but they still haven't responded.

When you load the software, you are prompted to select your working languages from a list which includes numerous national variants, e.g. Spanish (Spain), Spanish (Mexico), French (Belgium) etc. There is a note to say that choosing one language will included all "regional variants" (I think that was the term). This is rather confusing because it could mean the regional variants within one country. That's how I, mistakenly, choose three forms of Spanish along with one form of French and one of English. That's why I'm now stuck with only three languages instead of five and no obvious way to edit this.

I wonder if anyone else has had the same problem.

George Cook
George Cook
United Kingdom
Local time: 03:17
French to English
+ ...
Two options Aug 10, 2012

There are two options.

The first is simple, but irritating. Uninstall Studio and reinstall, selecting German as one of the languages during setup. Straightforward but time-consuming.

The second is the registry hack referred
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There are two options.

The first is simple, but irritating. Uninstall Studio and reinstall, selecting German as one of the languages during setup. Straightforward but time-consuming.

The second is the registry hack referred to in this forum thread:

But I'd only advise that if you're feeling brave!

Michelle Homden
Michelle Homden  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:17
Spanish to English
+ ...
Uninstall and reinstall was the option that worked Aug 10, 2012

Thanks George.

You are absolutely right. Uninistalling and reinstalling was the advice from Trados Support (fortunately I had paid for the support package). It was irritating and time-consuming but it has worked. I now have the languages that I need.

As for 'registry hack', I wouldn't even dare toclick on that link!

Johan Bouman (X)
Johan Bouman (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:17
Member (2009)
English to Dutch
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use repair from windows control panel Jun 8, 2014

The windows control panel/programs and features offers an option to 'repair' installed software. This doesn't reinstall the whole program but does allow you to repick the languages to use.

United States
Local time: 22:17
Member (2003)
English to French
+ ...
Thank you Johan, EXCELLENT option :) Aug 19, 2015

Johan Bouman wrote:

The windows control panel/programs and features offers an option to 'repair' installed software. This doesn't reinstall the whole program but does allow you to repick the languages to use.

[Edited at 2015-08-19 09:23 GMT]

Sonia Almeida
Sonia Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:17
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Can't thank you enough, Johan Sep 14, 2015

It worked like a charm!!

Aitziber Solano Iriarte
Aitziber Solano Iriarte  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:17
Member (2014)
Dutch to Spanish
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Thank you! Nov 17, 2015

I had the same issue about trying to add languages which where not available on my installed Trados Studio.

Thank you for the helpful tips!

Have a great day everyone!

[Edited at 2015-11-17 13:42 GMT]

Ivana Bjelac
Ivana Bjelac  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:17
English to Croatian
+ ...
"repair" does not alow to change langs Jul 8, 2016

Johan Bouman wrote:

The windows control panel/programs and features offers an option to 'repair' installed software. This doesn't reinstall the whole program but does allow you to repick the languages to use.

Unfortunately, this "repair" does not allow to repick the languages to use. It seems that it just repeats the installation without stopping (Win 7; SDL Studio 2011)

Lynnette Addis
Lynnette Addis  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:17
Member (2010)
Spanish to English
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Repair didn't work for me either Jul 31, 2017

Choosing repair didn't work for me either, can anyone offer advice on uninstalling/reinstalling? Do I have to save something somewhere beforehand?

Thanks in advance,



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Changing languages in SDL Studio 2011 Freelance

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