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Powwow: Edinburgh - United Kingdom

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Paul Lambert
Paul Lambert  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 14:15
French to English
+ ...
OR...... Jan 18, 2006

I used to work in the Grosvenor on Shandwick Place - call Una (manageress) or Alan (assistant manager) and see if they can book something for you - they have big booths up the back that can fit 6 or 7, and can pull tables together to make some more room. And they have real ales on the go all the time!

Rebekka Groß (X)
Rebekka Groß (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:15
English to German
Thanks, Paul Jan 18, 2006

shame you're so far away but I live in Leith Links and without a car it's just too longwinded to get to Stockbridge. Will bear it in mind, though

Fiona Paterson
Fiona Paterson  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 22:15
Russian to English
+ ...
Traverse? Jan 18, 2006

Hi again, I've just phoned the Traverse cafe bar and you can book tables there...I know I've said this already, but it is one of my favourite places...

Avoca is a lovely bar for anyone visiting Stockbridge -and it's just a stone throw from where I live!

Rebekka Groß (X)
Rebekka Groß (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:15
English to German
Let's try the Traverse Jan 18, 2006

Thanks, Fiona. Let's give it another day or two to see how many definites there are and try the Traverse bar for this first meeting. You mentioned that it's the basement bar - what is it called and could you e-mail me their phone number. As far as I know Blue is the trendy one on the first floor.

Fiona Paterson
Fiona Paterson  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 22:15
Russian to English
+ ...
My mistake: Not Blue Jan 18, 2006


That was my confusion. It's not called Blue. The bar under the theatre is (guess what) called the Traverse Bar Cafe. 0131 228 5383.

David Petherick
David Petherick
United Kingdom
Local time: 22:15
+ ...
Organizer - Organize (ise)! Jan 18, 2006

Less of the creative ideas! let the organiser tell you where and when, and be there on time, you naughty children! And buy her a drink. Tsk!

Rebekka Groß (X)
Rebekka Groß (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:15
English to German
The Traverse Bar it is Jan 18, 2006

okay, David, touché - it's just that I don't get out much so I had to enlist the help of others

Anyway, I've just phoned the Traverse Bar and booked a non-smoking table (just think of it this way - from March 26th all the pubs will be non-smoking anyway (grinning from one ear to the other)) for 12 people at 8 pm on Wed 25th Jan. Just ask which table is reserved for the "proz translators meeting".

See you
... See more
okay, David, touché - it's just that I don't get out much so I had to enlist the help of others

Anyway, I've just phoned the Traverse Bar and booked a non-smoking table (just think of it this way - from March 26th all the pubs will be non-smoking anyway (grinning from one ear to the other)) for 12 people at 8 pm on Wed 25th Jan. Just ask which table is reserved for the "proz translators meeting".

See you all there (she says relieved)!

Rebekka Groß (X)
Rebekka Groß (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:15
English to German
shame Jan 25, 2006

What a shame but it's always good to have the work! Hope to meet you in February instead.

Renate FitzRoy
Renate FitzRoy  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:15
English to German
+ ...
ITI Scottish Network Jan 25, 2006

I don't know if all of you are aware of the existence of the ITI Scottish Network - I will be able to give you some brief info about us! Don't worry, I don't want to hijack the meeting, far too interested in seeing you all!

Tenten D
Tenten D  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 22:15
English to Japanese
+ ...
I really enjoyed meeting you all! Jan 25, 2006

Hi, it's Noriko (aka TentenD) here. First of all, thank you, Rebecca, for organising this. Even for a short time, I really enjoyed the chat with you all.
Hope the rest of the night was fun as well. I wish I could have stayed longer...well, I'm already looking forward to next meeting. till then, Choo-Doo-Roo!

Rebekka Groß (X)
Rebekka Groß (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:15
English to German
I had a ball! Jan 26, 2006

Hi Everyone, what a fab evening we had yesterday! It was really good to meet you all and it was also great to meet some people who don't normally stay in Edinburgh. I am really looking forward to the next Stammtisch on March 22nd! So watch out for the next Edinburgh Powwow!

Renate FitzRoy
Renate FitzRoy  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:15
English to German
+ ...
clarification Jan 26, 2006

Just to make it clear - established full-time translators who have been in the profession for over 5 years can be accepted without exam. Further info from For the visit to the Scottish Parliament, don't send any money but bring £3.50 ready counted! BTW, wasn't the next Stammtisch to be on FEBRUARY 22nd?

Fiona Paterson
Fiona Paterson  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 22:15
Russian to English
+ ...
Good to meet you all! Jan 26, 2006

Hello everyone

I really enjoyed last night, and hope to see you again - I arrived late and didn't get to talk to everyone, so I'm looking forward to future events. And a big thanks to Rebekka!

Pernille Chapman
Pernille Chapman  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 22:15
Member (2004)
English to Danish
+ ...
Next Stammtisch is 22nd FEBRUARY Jan 26, 2006

Thanks for spotting this, Renate. Rebekka is on her way to Germany, but has asked me to confirm the date and to thank everybody for making the evening such a success. Hope you all enjoyed yourselves as much as we did! Looking forward to the next time.

Marion Lurf
Marion Lurf  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 22:15
English to German
+ ...
See you in Feb! Jan 26, 2006

Hi everyone, I certainly had a good time, and am looking forward to the next Stammtisch. Thanks again to Rebekka for organising this, have a good time in Germany!

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Powwow: Edinburgh - United Kingdom

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