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Powwow: Athens - Greece

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Evdoxia R. (X)
Evdoxia R. (X)
Local time: 09:31
English to Greek
+ ...
êéíçôÜ ôçëÝöùíá May 8, 2004

ðáéäéÜ, äþóôå êáíÝíá êéíçôü áõôïß ðïõ èá ðÜíå óßãïõñá, ãéáôß åéíáé äõóêïëï íá ãíùñéóôïõìå. ôï äéêü ìïõ åéíáé 693-2-300-923

Athanasios Tsifis (X)
Athanasios Tsifis (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:31
German to Greek
+ ...
êéíçôï May 8, 2004

ôï äéêü ìïõ åßíáé 6973 249 359

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Powwow: Athens - Greece

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