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Concordance Function not working
Thread poster: Sofia Marina Christina Loddo
Sofia Marina Christina Loddo
Sofia Marina Christina Loddo  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:23
English to Italian
+ ...
Jan 4, 2009

I am working on a translation project with a different CAT tool but I need to use Trados (I am using version 8.0) to check a translation memory, so using the concordance window. I have been working on it for a few months already and suddenly the concordance window simply doesn't open anymore...
so, I open the Translator's Workbench and the TM (.tmw), then click on Tools>Concordance...
and NOTHING happens, no error message, no window, I tried also with F3 key but it is the
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I am working on a translation project with a different CAT tool but I need to use Trados (I am using version 8.0) to check a translation memory, so using the concordance window. I have been working on it for a few months already and suddenly the concordance window simply doesn't open anymore...
so, I open the Translator's Workbench and the TM (.tmw), then click on Tools>Concordance...
and NOTHING happens, no error message, no window, I tried also with F3 key but it is the same.
Can anyone help me?
Thanks and happy new year to all!

Ulf Norlinger
Ulf Norlinger  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:23
English to Swedish
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Checkpoints Jan 4, 2009

1) Have you tried to reinstall?
2) Is you RAM-memory sufficient (2 Gb)?
3) Have you enough free space on your hard disk för the cache memory (should be around 25% of disk storage capacity)?
4) Have you tried to run the SDL maintenance tool on the TM?

[Redigerad 2009-01-04 10:20 GMT]

Vito Smolej
Vito Smolej
Local time: 06:23
Member (2004)
English to Slovenian
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Have you tried it with a different TM Jan 4, 2009

..and NOTHING happens, no error message, no window...

Maybe your TM is busted.

Sofia Marina Christina Loddo
Sofia Marina Christina Loddo  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:23
English to Italian
+ ...
How do you run the maintenance tool? Jan 4, 2009

I have tried with other TMs and it doesn't work. I shouldn't have any RAM (2 GB) or free space issues (30.5 GB free / total 102 GB). I haven't reinstalled Trados and I haven't used the maintenance tool (could you tell me how to do that?).

Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:23
English to German
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Concordance window outside visible screeen area? Jan 4, 2009

Hi Sofia,
Have a look at these two previous discussions:

Maybe this helps.

Best regards,

Ulf Norlinger
Ulf Norlinger  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:23
English to Swedish
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If Concordance window outside screen Jan 4, 2009

Close Translator's Workbench.

From the Start menu, choose Run.... The Run dialog box is displayed.

Type regedit into the Open box and click OK. The Registry Editor is displayed.

In the left-hand pane, navigate through the folders to the following folder:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Trados\TW4Win\Last Session

In the right-hand pane, locate the following four values:

ConcordanceHeight, Con
... See more
Close Translator's Workbench.

From the Start menu, choose Run.... The Run dialog box is displayed.

Type regedit into the Open box and click OK. The Registry Editor is displayed.

In the left-hand pane, navigate through the folders to the following folder:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Trados\TW4Win\Last Session

In the right-hand pane, locate the following four values:

ConcordanceHeight, ConcordanceWidth, ConcordanceX, ConcordanceY.

Each value needs to be changed as follows:

- Rght-click on the value name and select Modify.

- In the Edit DWORD Value box that is displayed, select Decimal in the Base box.

- Enter the following new number in the Value data field:

- For ConcordanceHeight, enter 118.
- For ConcordanceWidth, enter 138.
- For ConcordanceX, enter 3.
- For ConcordanceY, enter 37.

- Click OK.

Close Registry Editor, start Translator's Workbench and run the Concordance command. The Concordance Results window should show normally.

NOTE: As you have tested with other TMs the maintenance tool should not be the solution, though it is good to sometimes reorganize the data in it (TM Work Bench: File - Reorginize)

[Redigerad 2009-01-04 10:55 GMT]

Sofia Marina Christina Loddo
Sofia Marina Christina Loddo  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:23
English to Italian
+ ...
Problem solved! Jan 4, 2009

Thank you, this solved my problem, it is working now (I can't believe it!!)
Kind regards,

Tom Fennell
Tom Fennell
United States
Local time: 00:23
Russian to English
+ ...
You are a life-saver Ulf! Aug 9, 2010

Thanks, man!

Tom Fennell
Tom Fennell
United States
Local time: 00:23
Russian to English
+ ...
Solving the problem may be even easier Aug 9, 2010

The Concordance window does not show up as a separate window in the Windows task bar - it is "part of " Workbench.

It can be that the Concordance window is just hidden behind another window, like Tag Editor or Word.

All you have to do is click on the Workbench window and the Concordance window jumps on top - best to be moved over Workbench.

Soonthon LUPKITARO(Ph.D.)
Soonthon LUPKITARO(Ph.D.)  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:23
Member (2004)
English to Thai
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Registry editing Aug 10, 2010

Ulf Norlinger wrote:
Close Translator's Workbench.
From the Start menu, choose Run.... The Run dialog box is displayed.
Type regedit into the Open box and click OK. The Registry Editor is displayed.
In the left-hand pane, navigate through the folders to the following folder:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Trados\TW4Win\Last Session
In the right-hand pane, locate the following four values:
ConcordanceHeight, ConcordanceWidth, ConcordanceX, ConcordanceY.
Close Registry Editor, start Translator's Workbench and run the Concordance command. The Concordance Results window should show normally.

Excellent. I never guess we will need to edit the Windows registry.

In addition, check your project filter settings of Workbench as well. I met an instance that my filter worked and no concordance was it at all!

Best regards,

Soonthon L.

United Kingdom
Local time: 05:23
Member (2004)
Swedish to French
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Last Night a D.J. Saved My Life Feb 1, 2013

Thank you Ulf, I had the same issue as Sofia and you saved my life!

Mirela Skarica
Mirela Skarica  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:23
English to Croatian
+ ...
Thank you heaps! Apr 23, 2013

Thank you, Ulf, tried a bunch of stuff, but only this worked

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Gabriela Acosta
Gabriela Acosta
Local time: 02:23
English to Spanish
Thank you! Sep 19, 2014

I had the exact same problem... many, many thanks to you for your help!

Henning Holthusen
Henning Holthusen  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:23
English to German
+ ...
Multiple monitors? Sep 20, 2014

The usual reason for this problem is that the concordance window is "on another screen" which isn't there.
If you are working with two screens, go to the windows menu "screen resolution" and switch them left to right (or right to left).
The window should probably appear.

If you have only one screen, try pluging a second one in

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Concordance Function not working

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