Translation teams
Cooperative groups of translators

ADL Translators

Most Cooperative and Expert language professionals are coming together to serve the world in translations

This team is a group of native translators to act as a single entity, taking job bids, collaborating on projects. We believe that the teamwork is more effective, reliable and brilliant than merely an individual. Thanks to ADL Translators team through we are providing an unparalleled and unique service to our clients. You are welcome to ADL Translators Team.
Team language pairs 21
  • English to Arabic
  • English to Urdu
  • Urdu to English
  • Persian (Farsi) to Urdu
  • French to English
  • Spanish to English
  • English to Hindi
  • Hindi to English
  • Hindi to Urdu
  • Urdu to Hindi
  • Arabic to English
Team leader
Aadil Zargam
Aadil Zargam
Fast, Accurate & High Quality Translator
Aadil Zargam
The Team Leader is a very polite and smart man who knows well how to appreciate the able translators and coworkers. Highly literate, skillful and professional in his business. He has been working as the translator and now providing DTP services, too. Translators always need a team from their own kind for collaboration, promoting and for increasing their businesses. Now you have chance to work jointly with the brillient expert and the team leader.
Team members 11
Sumaira Arshi
Sumaira Arshi
Quality work,Affordable price
Salem Huzeifis (X)
Salem Huzeifis (X)
The fastest and the most reliable
also a poet of Persian and Urdu
sarahislam (X)
sarahislam (X)
Quick on deadlines, efficient translatin
Nudrat Naz
Nudrat Naz
I play with words as per your need 😊
Mohd Shahid Akhtar
Mohd Shahid Akhtar
Linguistic Validation Consultant@28 Yrs.
We are a group of translator, distict from an agency, work on mutual benefit.
Sabry Hameed
Sabry Hameed
Arabic Language Expert
Shruti Nagar
Shruti Nagar
Reads like an original,not a translation
Fathy Shehatto
Fathy Shehatto
Helping Clinical Researchers Save Lives
English Arabic Medical Translation services

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