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Indonesian to English - Rates: 0.09 - 0.15 USD per word / 25 - 35 USD per hour English to Indonesian - Rates: 0.09 - 0.15 USD per word / 25 - 35 USD per hour English to Javanese - Rates: 0.09 - 0.15 USD per word / 25 - 35 USD per hour Javanese to English - Rates: 0.09 - 0.15 USD per word / 25 - 35 USD per hour Madurese to English - Rates: 0.09 - 0.15 USD per word / 25 - 35 USD per hour
English to Madurese - Rates: 0.09 - 0.15 USD per word / 25 - 35 USD per hour
Madurese to English: Madura island and language General field: Other Detailed field: Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Source text - Madurese Manabi panjengengan tero’ oninga, tero’ aghelieh, pan-saponapan budaya neng Madhurâ, sekonek, den kaula acrita dhe’ ka Panjenengan sadejeh.
Se kaping setung se perlu eka’aoningi reng Panjenengan, inggih paneka dhe’ polo Madhurâ panekah, selaen dhaddi’ setung polo seabeg raje inggih paneka se enyamaaghi polo Madhurâ, jughen e Madhurâ bagian temor, benya’ polo-polo kenik, se ce’ benyaken. Perlu ekaghali sareng Panjenengan sadejeh, je’ neng polo Madhurâ ka’dintoh bedheh empa’ kabupaten. Se setung, inggih paneka se bedheh pinggir berek, inggih paneka Kabupaten Bangkalan, teros Kabupaten Sampang Kabupaten Pamekasan, se mor-temor inggih paneka, Kabupaten Sumenep. Neng Kabupaten Sumenep paneka benyak polo-polo kenik, e antarana polo Kangean, Pulau Salembu, ben Podai. Ben elaenipun.
Oreng Madhurâ ka’dintoh kegadhuhen basa dhibi’ se enyamae basa Madhurâ. Basa Madhurâ paneka lho’ kaangghui neng polo Madhurâ saos, jughen neng Nusantara, neng Indonesia ka’dintoh. Benyak oreng Madhurâ se padhe nyare odik neng kenengan-kenengan laen ngangghui basa asalepon,inggih paneka basa Madhurâ.
Sehingghe, mitorot penyelidikan, basa Madhurâ paneka termaso’ basa se benyak eguna’aghi neng negara ka’dintoh, inggih paneka basa se nomer empa’se eangghui basa-basa neng Nusantara ka’dintoh. Se kaping setung inggih paneka bahasa Indonesia; nomer duwâ basa Jawa; nomer telo’ basa Sunda; nomer empa’ inggih paneka, basa Madhurâ.
Translation - English If you would like to know more or have further information about the culture in Madura, let me tell all of you briefly about it.
First, what you need to know is that in addition to the main island of Madura, there are many small islands off the eastern area of the island. In fact, there are a large number of islands. It is necessary that you also have information about districts in Madura. There are four districts in the island. First, the District of Bangkalan lies in the westernmost part of the island. To the east of the Bangkalan district is the District of Sampang, and then the District of Pamekasan. In the easternmost tip of the Madura island is the District of Sumenep. There are many small islands in this district, including Kangean, Masalembu, and Sapudi. There are many more islands in the district.
The Madurese have their own mother tongue, that is called Madurese language. The language is not only spoken in Madura, but it is also used in other areas of this archipelago, or in Indonesia. Many Madurese people working outside Madura still speak their native language, Madurese.
Thus, according to some research, the Madurese language is one of the widely spoken languages in this archipelagic nation. It is ranked 4th biggest language in Indonesia in terms of the number of native speaker. The first language is Indonesian; second, Javanese; third, Sundanese; fourth, Madurese.
English to Javanese: Church partnership General field: Other Detailed field: Surveying
Source text - English Thank you for your willingness to respond. We want to hear your voice! We will use this feedback from churches around the world to address shared issues and concerns. We commit to listen to your answers. We also promise that your response will be completely anonymous.
As you look at the questions below, answer the questions within the context of the child development center at your church that Compassion assists. When you see the term “project workers,” please consider all workers who serve the child development center. This includes those who are paid, those who are not paid, and those who receive an offering.
Finally, we encourage you to submit one response per church. Discuss the questions as a group, and then submit one response to the survey. Thank you!
From the following list, what are the top three partnership challenges in your relationship with Compassion? 1) Unequal voice in decisions, 2) Lack of ownership, 3) lack of two-way open communication, 4) lac of trust, 5) Lack of Trust, 6) Unequal accountability, 7) the partnership generates conflict with other church and denomination structures, 8) legal risks and liabilities to remain in the partnership.
Translation - Javanese Matur nuwun kasadyan Panjenengan anggone nanggapi. Kita kepengen piyarsa pangrasa Panjenengan! Kita bakal nggunakake balesan saka pasamuwan saindhenging dunya kanggo menehi wangsulan marang prakara lan uneg-uneg kita sadaya. Kita pengen sanget ngrungokake wangsulan panjenengan. Kita uga janji wangsulan penjenengan bener-bener bakal anonim utawa dianggep tanpa jeneng.
Nalika penjenengan mirsani pitakonan-pitakonan ing ngisor iki, mangga wenehi wangsulan sajroning bab pusat pangembangan anak ing gereja panjenengan kang disokong dening Compassion. Ing wektu panjenengan mirsani tembung "pegawe proyek," mangga ditimbang kabeh kang megawe ing pusat pangembangan anak. Iki klebu para pegawe kang dibayar, pagawe kang ora dibayar, lan wong-wong kang nampa penawaran.
Terakhir, panjenengan kita aturi ngirim siji jawaban saben siji gereja. Mangga ngrembag pitakonan-pitakonan minangka siji kelompok, banjur ngirim siji jawaban menyang survei. Matur nuwun!
Saka dhaptar ing ngisor iki, apa telu tantangan kemitraan kang paling utama sajroning sesambetan penjenengan kaliyan Compassion? 1) Swara ing putusan kang ora imbang, 2) Kurang nduweni rasa handarbeni, 3) Kurang komunikasi terbuka loro-arah, 4) Sesambetan kang nyebabake katergantungan, 5) Kurang nduweni rasa percaya, 6) Pertanggungjawaban kang ora imbang, 7) Kemitraan kang nyebabake pasulayan kaliyan gereja lan struktur denominasi liya, 8) Risiko lan kuwajiban-kuwajiban hukum sajroning kemitraan.
Indonesian to English: Consolidated Financial Statements General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Finance (general)
Keterangan yang ada dalam bab ini harus dibaca bersama-sama dengan laporan keuangan konsolidasian Perseroan beserta catatan-catatan di dalamnya, yang terdapat pada Bab XVII Laporan Auditor Independen dan Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasian Perseroan dan Entitas Anak dari Prospektus ini. Informasi yang disajikan berikut bersumber dari laporan keuangan konsolidasian untuk periode sembilan bulan yang berakhir pada tanggal 30 September 2012 serta untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2011, 2010 dan 2009 yang telah diaudit oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik Aryanto, AmirJusuf, Mawar & Saptoto sedangkan laporan keuangan untuk periode sembilan bulan yang berakhir 30 September 2011 telah direview oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik Aryanto, AmirJusuf, Mawar & Saptoto. Laporan keuangan konsolidasian untuk periode sembilan bulan yang berakhir pada tanggal 30 September telah 2012 memperoleh pendapat wajar tanpa pengecualian dalam semua hal yang material sesuai dengan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan di Indonesia dan paragraf penjelasan mengenai penerapan Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan yang berlaku efektif sejak 1 Januari 2012.
Laporan keuangan konsolidasian untuk tahun yang berakhir tanggal 31 Desember 2011 memperoleh pendapat wajar tanpa pengecualian dengan paragraph penjelasan (1) penerapan beberapa Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan Tertentu (PSAK) yang berlaku efektif sejak tanggal 1 Januari 2011, baik secara prospektif maupun retrospektif (2) penyajian kembali laporan keuangan konsolidasian untuk tahun-tahun yang berakhir 31 Desember 2010 dan 2009 serta laporan posisi keuangan konsolidasian tanggal 1 Januari 2009/31 Desember 2008 (3) pengungkapan kondisi ekonomi pada tahun 2009 dan dampaknya terhadap kondisi keuangan Perseroan serta tindakan yang ditempuh dan rencana yang dibuat manajemen untuk mengatasi kondisi tersebut. Laporan keuangan konsolidasian untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2010 memperoleh pendapat Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian dengan paragraf penjelasan (1) perubahan kebijakan dalam mengukur aset tetap tanah, bangunan dan prasarana serta mesin dan peralatan (2) penyajian kembali laporan keuangan tahun 2009 (3) pengungkapan mengenai kelangsungan hidup Perseroan dan Entitas Anak. Laporan keuangan konsolidasian untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009 memperoleh pendapat Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian dengan paragraf penjelasan (1) perubahan kebijakan dalam mengukur aset tetap tanah, bangunan dan prasarana serta mesin dan peralatan (2) pengungkapan mengenai kelangsungan hidup Perseroan dan Entitas Anak.
Information presented in this chapter should be read in conjunction with the Company’s Consolidated Financial Statements and Notes to the Financial Statements that are available in Chapter XVII of this Prospectus. The chapter contains Independent Auditor’s Report and the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company and its Subsidiary. The information provided herein is based on the Consolidated Financial Statements for the nine month period ended 30 September 2012 and for the years ended 31 December 2011, 2010 and 2009 that were audited by Registered Public Accountants Aryanto, Amir Jusuf, Mawar & Saptoto, whilst the financial statements for the nine month period ended 30 September 2011 were audited by Registered Public Accountants Aryanto, Amir Jusuf, Mawar & Saptoto. The Consolidated Financial Statements for the nine month period ended 30 September 2012 managed to achieve an Unqualified opinion in all material respects in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards applicable in Indonesia and explanatory paragraphs on the adoption of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (PSAK) that was effective as at 1 January 2012.
The Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2011 achieved an Unqualified opinion with explanatory paragraphs on (1) an adoption of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards applicable in Indonesia effective as at 1 January 2011 both on prospective and retrospective basis (2) a restatement of the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2010 and 2009 as well as consolidated statements of financial position dated 1 January 2009/31 December 2008 (3) an examination of Indonesia’s economic condition in 2009 and its impact on the Company’s financial condition as well as the measures that were taken and the plans that were formulated by the Management in an effort to deal with such situation. The Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2010 obtained an Unqualified opinion with explanatory paragraphs on (1) a change in policy on the measurement of fixed assets that include land, buildings and infrastructure, and machinery and equipment (2) a restatement of the financial statements 2009 (3) a disclosure of the viability of the Company and its Subsidiary. The Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2009 achieved an Unqualified opinion with explanatory paragraphs on (1) a change in policy on the measurement of fixed assets that include land, buildings and infrastructure, and machinery and equipment (2) a disclosure of the viability of the Company and its Subsidiary.
Translation education
PhD - Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Years of experience: 27. Registered at Mar 2013. Became a member: May 2013.
Indonesian to English (Institute of Translation and Interpreting) English to Indonesian (Institute of Translation and Interpreting)
Keywords: Indonesia, Indonesian, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Jawa, Basa Jawa, Javanese, Javanese language, Jawi, Basa Jawi, Madurese. See more.Indonesia, Indonesian, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Jawa, Basa Jawa, Javanese, Javanese language, Jawi, Basa Jawi, Madurese, Madura, Bahasa Madura, Basa Madhurâ, Advertising, Business, Certificates/Diplomas/Licenses/CVs, Commerce, Contract, Culture, Finance, Education, Government & Administration, Health & Community Services, Hospitality, Human Resources, International Org/Dev/Coop, Language & Linguistics, Law (General), Legal, License Agreement, Management, Marketing, Market Research, Media, Pedagogy, Religion (Islamic Studies), Social Sciences, Tourism & Travel, Trades & Services, website localization. See less.
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