Powwow: Leeds - United Kingdom

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Chris Hall
Chris Hall
Local time: 16:06
French to English
+ ...
Deadline for confirming acceptance (i.e. yes answer in green)... Sep 19, 2013

Deadline date: Monday 30th September. Minimum of 10 attendees required.

Chris Hall
Chris Hall
Local time: 16:06
French to English
+ ...
The deadline for confirmation of attendance has been extended to Monday 7th September Oct 2, 2013


Ben_ (X)
Ben_ (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 16:06
German to English
Sorry! Oct 3, 2013

Certainly would come along if I could, but unfortunately will be too busy that day:(

Chris Hall
Chris Hall
Local time: 16:06
French to English
+ ...
Can the maybes/undecided ones either give a yes or no answer ASAP, please Oct 8, 2013


Chris Hall
Chris Hall
Local time: 16:06
French to English
+ ...
Events looks very doubtful indeed due to not enough "Yes/Positive" answers Oct 10, 2013

"Maybes" or "Blanks" are counted as "Negatives" from my life experience.

Chris Hall
Chris Hall
Local time: 16:06
French to English
+ ...
Four positive "Yes" answers is not enough - massively disappointing Oct 12, 2013

Event cancelled for obvious reasons. Maybes and blanks (six in this case) are no good whatsover when trying to organise any kind of event.


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Powwow: Leeds - United Kingdom

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