Trados Studio Google Translate error
Thread poster: glocal
Local time: 22:34
Feb 7, 2011

Good evening,

I was wondering whether somebody could assist me with a problem with Trados Studio. I've installed it three times on my computer and each time the Google Translate function works for a few hours and then afterwards it stops working. I can't find anyone else who has had this error so I don't know how to fix it.

The check box next to "enable" is unchecked and when I check it a red cross appears next to it. If I try to continue I'm alerted with the following
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Good evening,

I was wondering whether somebody could assist me with a problem with Trados Studio. I've installed it three times on my computer and each time the Google Translate function works for a few hours and then afterwards it stops working. I can't find anyone else who has had this error so I don't know how to fix it.

The check box next to "enable" is unchecked and when I check it a red cross appears next to it. If I try to continue I'm alerted with the following message:

Could not connect to automated translation server 'Google Translate'. The remote server returned an error: (417) Expectation failed. This automated translation server will be disabled.

I don't think it's a problem with my network because the other servers connect and Trados isn't blocked by my firewall.


Local time: 18:34
English to Portuguese
+ ...
I've had this every now and then Feb 8, 2011

But I found that rebooting the computer that error was gone. But it doesn't happen so often on my system. I would have guessed something to do with the firewall, but you said it's not blocked. Maybe it turns on blocking by itself for some reason? Maybe your firewall has an option to allow specifically Trados to access the network at all times? I remember specifically having to allow a program that was being blocked... I just don't remember if it was Trados...

Emma Goldsmith
Emma Goldsmith  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:34
Member (2004)
Spanish to English
time out Feb 8, 2011

I think that it is disabled when no connection is made after about 15 seconds or so. It happens to me when my internet connection is going a bit slowly, and I have to reconnect it, sometimes even removing Google translate from the list and adding it again. Usually, however, it works simply by enabling the box again.

Local time: 22:34
Constant problem Feb 8, 2011

Thank you for your replies, the problem is that it never works once it stops working. If I use system restore to when I first installed it it works for about 20 minutes and then stops working so I don't know whether it's a problem with Java once it's updated etc. Also, the other two servers work every time. I have windows 7 64-bit and my version of Trados Studio is up to date.

Local time: 04:34
English to Vietnamese
+ ...
Same problem! Would be great if you guys could help! May 18, 2011

My Trados is having the same problem. It has been happening for a month. I just can't find a way to fix it. Configuring firewall options, restarting the program, restarting windows. Nothing worked. Can anyone help me to solve this?

Mariusz Lasota
Mariusz Lasota
Local time: 23:34
English to Polish
You now need to pay for Google Translate API Oct 12, 2011

glocal wrote:

Good evening,

I was wondering whether somebody could assist me with a problem with Trados Studio. I've installed it three times on my computer and each time the Google Translate function works for a few hours and then afterwards it stops working. I can't find anyone else who has had this error so I don't know how to fix it.

The check box next to "enable" is unchecked and when I check it a red cross appears next to it. If I try to continue I'm alerted with the following message:

Could not connect to automated translation server 'Google Translate'. The remote server returned an error: (417) Expectation failed. This automated translation server will be disabled.

I don't think it's a problem with my network because the other servers connect and Trados isn't blocked by my firewall.

As expected, Google has now harvested enough work for free from human translators and now it's time to pay up in return! Google is now shutting down its free google translate service. Shutdown will proceed in stages and service will be limited at first (the problems you are experiencing now) and then will stop completely (December 1, 2011). You will then have to pay to use google API. Your software will have to send a unique code (you need to pay to get one) in each query to receive a response.
The problem with SDL Studio is that right now google translate service is "hard coded" into software with no user-adjustable settings, so there is no way of modifying the query to include the unique ID code.
Until SDL issues some kind of update to provide a setting to incorporate the unique ID code, Google Translate API is no more. They will perhaps strike some kind of a deal with Google, but that I think is unlikely. Google has a neat way of using human work for free and then finding ways of making money on it.
So pay up guys!

[Edited at 2011-10-12 18:43 GMT]

[Edited at 2011-10-12 18:53 GMT]

Evdoxia Renta
Evdoxia Renta
United Kingdom
Local time: 22:34
English to Greek
+ ...
Google to shut down Translate API Oct 21, 2011

A friend of mine sent me this article:

Important: The Google Translate API has been officially deprecated as of May 26, 2011. Due to the substantial economic burden caused by extensive abuse, the number of requests you may ma
... See more
A friend of mine sent me this article:

Important: The Google Translate API has been officially deprecated as of May 26, 2011. Due to the substantial economic burden caused by extensive abuse, the number of requests you may make per day will be limited and the API will be shut off completely on December 1, 2011. For website translations, we encourage you to use the Google Translate Element.

Google decided to shut down its Translate as part of a spring cleaning effort which will shut down over a dozen other APIs as well.

What does this mean? Well all of those ‘free’ programs that hitchhiked on Google Translate are going to be history. What about SDL Trados Studio, which also provides access to Google Translate via the Translate API? Will that service be shut down too? It sounds like it will. But SDL offers two other MT options anyway (Language Weaver and SDL), so it’s not such a big deal for them.

This is dramatic news. Google has acknowledged that the cost of giving away free translations is too much. My guess is that they will eventually offer paid access to their translation services for high volume users.

MT vendors are going to profit from this. Now that the biggest source of free translation is soon to be gone, demand for MT software will increase.

What does this signal to the software development community? People will think twice in future before developing a service or product around a Google API. Lots of startups and companies are going to get burned.

Will this affect our own GTS Translation Plugin? No it won’t. I purposely stayed away from the Google Translate API because I saw something like this coming. I suppose this is great news for us, as most of the other free website translation products will cease to exist in their present form.
Related articles

The best things in life are free? Google Translate clamps down on Terms of Service abuse (
Spring cleaning for some of our APIs (
Google Announces APIs Scheduled for Shutdown (

Evdoxia Renta
Evdoxia Renta
United Kingdom
Local time: 22:34
English to Greek
+ ...
Google to shut down Translate API Oct 21, 2011

A friend send me this article:

Important: The Google Translate API has been officially deprecated as of May 26, 2011. Due to the substantial economic burden caused by extensive abuse, the number of requests you may make per day will be limited
... See more
A friend send me this article:

Important: The Google Translate API has been officially deprecated as of May 26, 2011. Due to the substantial economic burden caused by extensive abuse, the number of requests you may make per day will be limited and the API will be shut off completely on December 1, 2011. For website translations, we encourage you to use the Google Translate Element.

Google decided to shut down its Translate as part of a spring cleaning effort which will shut down over a dozen other APIs as well.

What does this mean? Well all of those ‘free’ programs that hitchhiked on Google Translate are going to be history. What about SDL Trados Studio, which also provides access to Google Translate via the Translate API? Will that service be shut down too? It sounds like it will. But SDL offers two other MT options anyway (Language Weaver and SDL), so it’s not such a big deal for them.

This is dramatic news. Google has acknowledged that the cost of giving away free translations is too much. My guess is that they will eventually offer paid access to their translation services for high volume users.

MT vendors are going to profit from this. Now that the biggest source of free translation is soon to be gone, demand for MT software will increase.

What does this signal to the software development community? People will think twice in future before developing a service or product around a Google API. Lots of startups and companies are going to get burned.

Will this affect our own GTS Translation Plugin? No it won’t. I purposely stayed away from the Google Translate API because I saw something like this coming. I suppose this is great news for us, as most of the other free website translation products will cease to exist in their present form.

Dominique Pivard
Dominique Pivard  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:34
Finnish to French
People get emotional for no good reason Oct 21, 2011

Evdoxia Renta wrote:
Will this affect our own GTS Translation Plugin? No it won’t. I purposely stayed away from the Google Translate API because I saw something like this coming. I suppose this is great news for us, as most of the other free website translation products will cease to exist in their present form.

I activated billing on my Google account one week ago (see and I've been using Google Translate quite a lot these last few days. Here is what the balance on my account looks like:

0,05 USD, gee! Remember, it's 20 dollars for 1 million characters. How many characters do you translate in a typical month?

Pablo Bouvier
Pablo Bouvier  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:34
German to Spanish
+ ...
Trados Studio Google Translate error Oct 21, 2011

Dominique Pivard wrote:

Evdoxia Renta wrote:
Will this affect our own GTS Translation Plugin? No it won’t. I purposely stayed away from the Google Translate API because I saw something like this coming. I suppose this is great news for us, as most of the other free website translation products will cease to exist in their present form.

I activated billing on my Google account one week ago (see and I've been using Google Translate quite a lot these last few days. Here is what the balance on my account looks like:

0,05 USD, gee! Remember, it's 20 dollars for 1 million characters. How many characters do you translate in a typical month?

This is not the question. The question is: how many millions of tanslations has Google harvested for free from human beeings? To me, this is exactly the same as LB-policiy with TWS: you work free for us, when not paying to use our translation tool (no thanks, I have my own CAT tools that ar far better than TWS....) and then you pay us for the jobs you have done yourself because you have lost any right over your work.

Dominique Pivard
Dominique Pivard  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:34
Finnish to French
None with Google Translate Oct 21, 2011

Pablo Bouvier wrote:
This is not the question. The question is: how many millions of tanslations has Google harvested for free from human beeings?

Google hasn't harvested a single translation via Google Translate, since they only receive source segments. What they have harvested are mostly translations available to anyone (including you), like all the EU, UN etc. stuff. If it's so easy, why don't you do it yourself? Besides, harvesting is only one part of the job: they do provide some value-added by processing all this data in such a way it can return translations that are more or less valid. What Google Translate sends you are not matches from a TM, it's something that has required some processing. I see nothing wrong in charging for it, especially since the fee being charged is so tiny for a typical translator. So again, people are getting emotional for no good reason. I view this as any other cost or investment: am I getting something back that is worth the money I spend or invest? For me, the answer is yes. But I'm not an emotional guy, just a cold-hearted business person

Pablo Bouvier
Pablo Bouvier  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:34
German to Spanish
+ ...
Trados Studio Google Translate error Oct 21, 2011

Dominique Pivard wrote:

Pablo Bouvier wrote:
This is not the question. The question is: how many millions of tanslations has Google harvested for free from human beeings?

Google hasn't harvested a single translation via Google Translate, since they only receive source segments. What they have harvested are mostly translations available to anyone (including you), like all the EU, UN etc. stuff. If it's so easy, why don't you do it yourself?

Besides, harvesting is only one part of the job: they do provide some value-added by processing all this data in such a way it can return translations that are more or less valid. What Google Translate sends you are not matches from a TM, it's something that has required some processing. I see nothing wrong in charging for it, especially since the fee being charged is so tiny for a typical translator. So again, people are getting emotional for no good reason. I view this as any other cost or investment: am I getting something back that is worth the money I spend or invest? For me, the answer is yes. But I'm not an emotional guy, just a cold-hearted business person

If it's so easy, why don't you do it yourself?
I do it, otherwise I would not be a translator...

[Edited at 2011-10-21 17:38 GMT]

Sander Van de Moortel
Sander Van de Moortel  Identity Verified
English to Dutch
+ ...
Utter nonsense Nov 3, 2011

This is of course completely untrue. Everytime you translate something, and change the word order (shift-click-drag), or click a segment to change the specific translation of that segment, the website calls back to the Google Server to improve the result.

Also, Google has harvested through the translator toolkit in GT and generally by scanning the texts that we made. I for instance work for the EU. All of my texts go right into Google's database, to the extent that I sometimes find
... See more
This is of course completely untrue. Everytime you translate something, and change the word order (shift-click-drag), or click a segment to change the specific translation of that segment, the website calls back to the Google Server to improve the result.

Also, Google has harvested through the translator toolkit in GT and generally by scanning the texts that we made. I for instance work for the EU. All of my texts go right into Google's database, to the extent that I sometimes find my own wordings back.

I have now also bowed and activated billing. However, this didn't change anything since I don't have anywhere to put my API2 key. I don't know why some people report that everything suddenly works fine. Perhaps I should restart Trados or my computer so it logs into my Google Account again? Though that doesn't make much sense to me, I never gave Trados permission to use my google account.


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Trados Studio Google Translate error

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