Translation Memory in MemoQ Standard Thread poster: Claudia Vicens Burow
mir bleibt nichts anderes übrig, als meinen PC neu aufzusetzen...
MemoQ, die Einzelplatzversion (standard) die ich nutze, bereitet mir am meisten Sorge.
Das Programm neu runterladen und mit dem Lizensschlüssel freischalten ist ja kein Problem, aber wo "bleiben" meine TM's zwischenzeitlich, kann ich sie sicher abspeichern und wieder einspielen? Wie ? TM exportieren?
Es ist immer alles auf Englisch und ich bin besorgt, dass der PC nic... See more Hallo,
mir bleibt nichts anderes übrig, als meinen PC neu aufzusetzen...
MemoQ, die Einzelplatzversion (standard) die ich nutze, bereitet mir am meisten Sorge.
Das Programm neu runterladen und mit dem Lizensschlüssel freischalten ist ja kein Problem, aber wo "bleiben" meine TM's zwischenzeitlich, kann ich sie sicher abspeichern und wieder einspielen? Wie ? TM exportieren?
Es ist immer alles auf Englisch und ich bin besorgt, dass der PC nicht mehr hochfährt bevor ich alles sichern konnte.
Wer weiss Hilfe?, bitte einfach erklären!
Danke und Grüße
Claudia V. ▲ Collapse | | | Copy the memoQ termbase and memory files | Feb 1, 2011 |
Can you quickly tell me what operating system do you use (write in German or Spanish if you wish)? I might be able to tell you what files you should copy in order to recover all your files and setups upon reinstalling.
Also, and this could be important:
- Do you still keep an installable copy of the exact version of memoQ you have in the machine? In order to recover your full setup you will need to install the exact same version after backing up your files...
I... See more Can you quickly tell me what operating system do you use (write in German or Spanish if you wish)? I might be able to tell you what files you should copy in order to recover all your files and setups upon reinstalling.
Also, and this could be important:
- Do you still keep an installable copy of the exact version of memoQ you have in the machine? In order to recover your full setup you will need to install the exact same version after backing up your files...
If you don't have an installable file of the exact version you had in the machine (which would be the situation if you originally installed memoQ and after that used the online updates (Check for updates) option without downloading the installable files, I think you will be better off exporting all your memories to TMX format and recreating the memories after installing memoQ again.
[Edited at 2011-02-01 17:42 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | |
Hola Tomás,
empleo Windows XP. (Espero haber entendido bien tu pregunta)
Sólo dispongo de la versión MemoQ bajada de Internet y activada mediante licencia.
Es que el inglés no es lo mío...
Saludos cordiales!
Claudia | | |
Y perdón, una pregunta más: qué versión de memoQ tienes instalada? ¿Es la última disponible (la 4.5.64 creo)? | |
Version MemoQ | Feb 1, 2011 |
Si, la versión 4.0.15 (standard) - Einzelplatzversion | | | La actual es la 4.5.64 | Feb 1, 2011 |
Hm... Pienso que llevas un tiempo sin actualizar tu memoQ. El problema es que no es conveniente usar archivos de configuración de tu memoQ 4.0 sobre una nueva instalación de la versión actual, la 4.5. No sé siquiera si serán compatibles.
Lo más razonable y seguro es que te exportes cada memoria de memoQ a un lugar separado de memoQ (a Mis documentos o similares), en formato TMX (en principio la exportación conserva la información de contexto) y, después de instalar el memoQ... See more Hm... Pienso que llevas un tiempo sin actualizar tu memoQ. El problema es que no es conveniente usar archivos de configuración de tu memoQ 4.0 sobre una nueva instalación de la versión actual, la 4.5. No sé siquiera si serán compatibles.
Lo más razonable y seguro es que te exportes cada memoria de memoQ a un lugar separado de memoQ (a Mis documentos o similares), en formato TMX (en principio la exportación conserva la información de contexto) y, después de instalar el memoQ nuevo, crees memorias nuevas y le importes a cada una su memoria exportada. Así te asegurarás de que todo esté correcto.
Otra cuestión es si tienes que pedir a memoQ una actualización de tu licencia a 4.5. Es posible que funcione, pero no estaría de más que lo confirmaras con Kilgray. Para ello, puedes escribirles el siguiente mensaje (suelen responder rápido):
Dear Kilgray team,
I have memoQ 4.0.15 in my computer, in which I have to reinstall the operating system. Would you please check whether I can install memoQ 4.5 with my current licence?
My serial number is (as stated in the About dialog box) XXXX (aquí escribe el código que aparece a continuación de "Serial Number" en el cuadro de diálogo Help > About)
Si desde Kilgray te dicen que OK a la instalación de la 4.5, ve a la web de Kilgray y descárgate el instalable correspondiente.
Si tienes dudas sobre cómo exportar cada memoria, preguntas, ¿vale? ▲ Collapse | | | versión MemoQ | Feb 1, 2011 |
Pues lo primero que haré, hoy mismo, será exportar todas las memorias en el formato TMX. Si dices que no puede "estropearse" nada, lo haré como sigue: In der Ressourcenkonsole - Translation Memory - unten: Export zu TMX.
Espero, supongo, que esto vaya bien y que no me cambie nada.
Referente a la versión:
Acabo de prolongar, hace pocos días, la licencia por un año más y tengo activado las casillas para las actualizaciones automáticas. Pens... See more ¡Wauh!
Pues lo primero que haré, hoy mismo, será exportar todas las memorias en el formato TMX. Si dices que no puede "estropearse" nada, lo haré como sigue: In der Ressourcenkonsole - Translation Memory - unten: Export zu TMX.
Espero, supongo, que esto vaya bien y que no me cambie nada.
Referente a la versión:
Acabo de prolongar, hace pocos días, la licencia por un año más y tengo activado las casillas para las actualizaciones automáticas. Pensaba que así el programa se actualiza automáticamente.
Mandaré el mail que me confeccionaste en inglés: ¡1000 gracias! ▲ Collapse | | |
Si te surge cualquier problema, sólo avisa. | |
Dagdelen Türkiye Local time: 05:14 Member (2010) German to Turkish + ... Similar problem, TM export from memoQ, not compatible for SDL? | Feb 1, 2011 |
Hello there! I must try in English. I have a similar problem. I'm using memoQ pro 4.5.
After completing my translation, the outsourcer says, she would like to get my TM regarding that translation job.
So, I've exported the TM from memoQ as tmx, & gave it to her. But she says she cannot load it into her SDL (I guess, studio 2009). She doesn't want to align the docs in SDL.
Do I have any other possibility to export a project related TM from memoQ, which that... See more Hello there! I must try in English. I have a similar problem. I'm using memoQ pro 4.5.
After completing my translation, the outsourcer says, she would like to get my TM regarding that translation job.
So, I've exported the TM from memoQ as tmx, & gave it to her. But she says she cannot load it into her SDL (I guess, studio 2009). She doesn't want to align the docs in SDL.
Do I have any other possibility to export a project related TM from memoQ, which that SDL could read it? Let's say as ttx or something?
The only way I know is "memoQ can export translation memories into TMX files." (memoQHelp45).
Can I use "LiveDocs" to export a certain TM (from a project) in a readable format for the SDL?
How do you export a project related TM from memoQ into SDL/TRADOS?
Rasim ▲ Collapse | | | Several alternatives | Feb 2, 2011 |
Rasim Dağdelen wrote:
So, I've exported the TM from memoQ as tmx, & gave it to her. But she says she cannot load it into her SDL (I guess, studio 2009). She doesn't want to align the docs in SDL.
Quite simple actually. You can easily create Trados-compatible bilingual files from your translations. I think your customer can them clean them up (I don't own Studio at the moment, so I am not 100% sure, but it would be just logical) and feed the memory.
And actually Studio 2009 DOES open TMX files. I don't quite understand why your customer says they cannot.
Another alternative is that your customer prepares the project in Studio and sends you SDLXLIFF files which you can simply translate in memoQ the same way as any other file. I do that regularly.
Now, as to how to export your translated files as bilingual Trados-compatible files, simply choose a file in your project home view and choose "Export bilingual". In the Bilingual export wizard, choose the "TRADOS-compatible bilingual DOC" option and export your file. If you customer says that they cannot use that, try to send them an XLIFF file. | | | Dagdelen Türkiye Local time: 05:14 Member (2010) German to Turkish + ...
Thank you lot for the response, Tomas!
I'm actually happy with memoQ, TM-Engine & Termbank function very well. But as U know, nothing is perfect. There are some problems regarding to tm export.
So, I followed your suggestions, & took
1. Exporting TRADOS-compatible bilingual DOC
But it looks like just an ordinary word document. What shall the outsourcer do with it? Can she use it as TM?
2. Exporting XLIFF file
Well, I've done. Let's see ... See more Thank you lot for the response, Tomas!
I'm actually happy with memoQ, TM-Engine & Termbank function very well. But as U know, nothing is perfect. There are some problems regarding to tm export.
So, I followed your suggestions, & took
1. Exporting TRADOS-compatible bilingual DOC
But it looks like just an ordinary word document. What shall the outsourcer do with it? Can she use it as TM?
2. Exporting XLIFF file
Well, I've done. Let's see if she is able to do something with it!
3. I've also exported a two-column-RTF-doc
It just looks great.
4.Ordinary tmx export, I don't understand, why the outsourcer cannot open a tmx-file from memoQ in her SDL.
I actually have also problems to choose a certain part of tm, regarding to a project, I don't want to send whole tm to the outsourcer.
But there is only "1" possibilty to filter the tm on the modification date, before exporting.
How do you usually select a certain part of memoQ-TM to export, let's say, the tm of a certain project?
I don't wanna buy a SDL product just for tm exporting. ▲ Collapse | | | filtering a TM | Feb 2, 2011 |
I think that if you have a project that has been saved to a larger TM, you would have to filter for the particular project's strings using the metadata - if there is something specific within the metadata for that project then run the filter and it should flag up only the required strings.
If you mean an inidividual TM then you simply highlight it and select Export - this will export the TM as a .tmx file.
I hope this helps ... See more I think that if you have a project that has been saved to a larger TM, you would have to filter for the particular project's strings using the metadata - if there is something specific within the metadata for that project then run the filter and it should flag up only the required strings.
If you mean an inidividual TM then you simply highlight it and select Export - this will export the TM as a .tmx file.
I hope this helps
slàinte - Ruairidh ▲ Collapse | |
Save tmx and back up MemoQ | Feb 3, 2011 |
My Computer is saying good by:
I saved now my tmx-files (I hope so!).
Also I tried to make a complete back up:
C:\Documents and Settings\All users\Application Data\MemoQ
Is this enough, or need I to keep also:
C:\Documents and Settings\(your username)\Application Data\MemoQ
My Documents\My MemoQ Projects
All this?
My real problem is that all explications are in englisch; many t... See more My Computer is saying good by:
I saved now my tmx-files (I hope so!).
Also I tried to make a complete back up:
C:\Documents and Settings\All users\Application Data\MemoQ
Is this enough, or need I to keep also:
C:\Documents and Settings\(your username)\Application Data\MemoQ
My Documents\My MemoQ Projects
All this?
My real problem is that all explications are in englisch; many thanks for easy explication in German, spanisch or french.
Thank you all. ▲ Collapse | | | Yes, but one warning! | Feb 3, 2011 |
Claudia Vicens wrote:
I saved now my tmx-files (I hope so!).
Also I tried to make a complete back up:
C:\Documents and Settings\All users\Application Data\MemoQ
Yes, good idea.
BUT: After you install and activate the new MemoQ, make a copy of the files it has created in C:\Documents and Settings\All users\Application Data\MemoQ, since some files from your old setup will not be valid. For instance, DO NOT replace memoQ's License11.dat or License12.dat with the ones you had from your old memoQ!
Claudia Vicens wrote:
Is this enough, or need I to keep also:
C:\Documents and Settings\(your username)\Application Data\MemoQ
I don't think you need that.
Claudia Vicens wrote:
My Documents\My MemoQ Projects
Yes, I think this would be good to have.
However, I still think it is best to simply install the new memoQ and create your memories and projects again, to ensure 100% compatibility since you are changing from memoQ 4.0 to memoQ 4.5 and many files are not compatible. | | | To report site rules violations or get help, contact a site moderator: You can also contact site staff by submitting a support request » Translation Memory in MemoQ Standard Trados Studio 2022 Freelance | The leading translation software used by over 270,000 translators.
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