Rosetta online translation software: word count - Help!
Thread poster: Mara Campbell
Mara Campbell
Mara Campbell
Local time: 02:31
Spanish to English
+ ...
Jan 4, 2010

Hi! Any users of Rosetta, the online CAT tool, around?

A client wants me to give them an estimate for a translation and the source text is in Rosetta "format" (probably not the appropriate term), meaning it's on a website. I can't seem to be able to download the text in order to produce a word count, and there are like 55 pages of term lists, so I can't copy-paste everything on to a Word document.

Anybody out there knows a way to "grab" the text and/or estimate the amou
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Hi! Any users of Rosetta, the online CAT tool, around?

A client wants me to give them an estimate for a translation and the source text is in Rosetta "format" (probably not the appropriate term), meaning it's on a website. I can't seem to be able to download the text in order to produce a word count, and there are like 55 pages of term lists, so I can't copy-paste everything on to a Word document.

Anybody out there knows a way to "grab" the text and/or estimate the amount of words to be translated?

Thanks for your help and have a great 2010!


Brand Localization
Brand Localization
Local time: 08:31
German to Arabic
+ ...
Did you try download software? Jan 4, 2010

Did you try download software like Teleport Pro or Website ripper copier?

Mara Campbell
Mara Campbell
Local time: 02:31
Spanish to English
+ ...
I'll try it! Jan 4, 2010

Arabic Translation Team wrote:

Did you try download software like Teleport Pro or Website ripper copier?

I don't know them, but I'll definitely take a good look at them! Thanks for the idea.


Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:31
Member (2006)
English to Afrikaans
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Launchpad Jan 5, 2010

Mara Campbell wrote:
Any users of Rosetta, the online CAT tool, around?

Do you mean Launchpad Rosetta?

A client wants me to give them an estimate for a translation and the source text is in Rosetta "format" (probably not the appropriate term), meaning it's on a website.

If it is Launchpad, then the source format is Gettext PO. You need to log in to Rosetta and "request" the files. The web site will then e-mail the files to you, after a short delay, if I remember correctly. It can be confusing and it is possible to download a branch instead of the whole tree by mistake, so it may be better to ask the client to send you the files, zipped.

Typically, there will not be a single PO file but several (even hundreds) and these files can potentially be in subdirectories. You would have to deliver the translation in the same format -- in separate files and in their separate subdirectories.

Virtaal can be used to translate PO files, if the files are in UTF-8N. Other CAT tools can also handle PO files. You can convert between UTF-8Y and UTF-8N using Okapi Rainbow. Virtaal can open only one file at a time, and doesn't have a built-in file explorer, so if you want to do a word count, you can use pocount from the Translate Toolkit (again, UTF-8N is required). After you've done all the translations, run pocount again to see if you have missed any files.



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Rosetta online translation software: word count - Help!

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