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Thread poster: Enrique Cavalitto
Christel Zipfel
Christel Zipfel  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:46
Italian to German
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This one, absolutely useful, has never been granted.... Feb 22, 2009

Paul Cohen wrote:

Instead of tinkering with things that seem to make little or no difference, I'd suggest implementing some of the changes that site members have been requesting for ages. For instance, it continues to amaze me that it's impossible to search the directory according to members' KudoZ acceptance rates (which could be calculated as the number of questions answered divided by the number of pointZ) instead of merely the total number of pointZ awarded.

Others have been and were never implemented.

Still other things that worked well have been changed for worse (and nobody ever asked for this, I guess). For example, we had a complete list of all our forum posts ever in our old profile which now seems to be definitively dismissed.
If I want to look up some post of mine (it seems I have more than 600 of them) or anyway some discussion I partecipated in, I now have to type in keywords under My ProZ My forum posts and go through a list that never ends but which isn't complete any more, however, and so I never find what I am looking for, after having spent a lot of time. Why that?? Is this useful to somebody?? Before there was a handy list and I found everything in an instant. Why complicate our lives in this way?

So I second you completely, Paul: It would be nice things were left like they are if they are working fine, and other features that were requested (and accepted, but simply ended up in some list and never were introduced), and still others that we have claimed for years could be finally implemented. Personally, I doubt that reliability ratio will ever be, although, without any doubt, the total KudoZ number like it is is completely meaningless. But each time we were told that this was not supposed to be in discussion.

Charlie Bavington
Charlie Bavington  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:46
French to English
We were asked before Feb 22, 2009

Ralf Lemster wrote:

Agree with Paul:

Instead of tinkering with things that seem to make little or no difference, I'd suggest implementing some of the changes that site members have been requesting for ages.

Are there any plans to ask members to prioritise the various items on the 'to do' list?


Draw your own conclusions.

Aniello Scognamiglio (X)
Aniello Scognamiglio (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:46
English to German
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Customer satisfaction survey Feb 22, 2009

Hopefully, (potential) clients will not happen to read this thread. It's just ridiculous!
If it really has to be, just do it!

What I would really appreciate is a customer satisfaction survey: WE are the CUSTOMERS! could benefit a lot from that.

Ever thought about that?

Thanks, Aniello

Ralf Lemster
Ralf Lemster  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:46
English to German
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Thanks, Charlie Feb 22, 2009 know what? I had completely forgotten about this.

Interestingly, I found one of my own suggestions there:

Improve communication with members and users: communicate what is going to do (i) at an early stage, (ii) well ahead of implementing key features, and (iii) as broadly as possible (where appropriate, outside, too) .

Yeah, right...


Monica M.
Monica M.  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:46
Member (2005)
English to Italian
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DB entries (also) no longer editable? Mar 2, 2009

Dear Enrique, Dear Staff members,

It seems to me DB entries are no longer editable (after 1 day or so). Is this a "bug" or a new feature? I find the DB board quite useful, and would like to be able to edit my entries, if necessary (for small typos, etc.), even after a few days.

Thanks a lot in advance for your reply!



Enrique Cavalitto
Enrique Cavalitto  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:46
Member (2006)
English to Spanish
Editable during the first 24 hours Mar 5, 2009

Monica M. wrote:

It seems to me DB entries are no longer editable (after 1 day or so). Is this a "bug" or a new feature? I find the DB board quite useful, and would like to be able to edit my entries, if necessary (for small typos, etc.), even after a few days.

Dear Monica,

Discussion entries are editable during the first 24 hours, the same criterion used in the forums. This is done to prevent users from editing past entries in ways that could be unfair to other participants in discussions.

This was part of the original design of the discussion area. The forums have been working like this for a very long time.

A new FAQ has been added to clarify these issues.


Monica M.
Monica M.  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:46
Member (2005)
English to Italian
+ ...
Thanks a lot for the clarification re: edting of DB entries Mar 5, 2009

Thanks a lot for clarifying the issue, Enrique, and updating the FAQ accordingly! I really appreciate it.



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