Translation glossary: Eagle

Showing entries 1-23 of 23
AbnahmemessungAcceptance inspection / control 
German to English
Asset-BeraterAsset manager / Asset consultant 
German to English
überschlägige KapazitätsmessungApproximate measurement of capacitance 
German to English
BörsenusanceStock exchange practices 
German to English
betrieblicher Pensumlohn/GrundlohnWages for set tasks /OR/ Payment for prealotted work 
German to English
EinfeldträgerSimple beam / single span girder 
German to English
gestaltendes MetallhandwerkMetal work designing 
German to English
GläubigergefässeGroups / collectives of creditors 
German to English
GleichwohlgewährungUnemployment grant notwithstanding status 
German to English
MautstreckenausdehnungsverordnungRegulation on the extension of toll duty on federal roads 
German to English
Musterstatikstructural analysis guidelines / examples 
German to English
PrüfstatischStructural engineering tests 
German to English
SchachtarbeitExcavation, shaft, pit or manhole work 
German to English
Sicherungshalberassignment by way of security 
German to English
Spindelabfragenspindle retrieval 
German to English
TruppenvormerkungReservation of post 
German to English
unschlüssiginconclusive / indecisive / irresolute / undetermined / unsteady 
German to English
VersuchsstücklistePrototype component lists 
German to English
VertragsübertragungAssignment / transfer of contract 
German to English
Vollzugsgebührengesetz (VGebG)Law on fee for execution / enforcement 
German to English
Vorwegnahme LeistungPayment for performance / service anticipated 
German to English
German to English
Zugunstenfavouring / to the credit of XYZ account and to be debited from XYZ account 
German to English
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