Translation glossary: business/financial

Showing entries 1-38 of 38
Dutch to English
Afdeling DienstenStaff Department 
Dutch to English
afwijkende signalen(listen for) disagreement 
Dutch to English
afwijkende signalen(listen for) disagreement 
Dutch to English
English to Dutch
as converted basis(op) conversiebasis 
English to Dutch
bounded sharpe ratiobegrensde Sharpe ratio 
English to Dutch
English to Dutch
English to Dutch
Debt providerkredietverlener 
English to Dutch
disposition of assetsvervreemding van vermogen 
English to Dutch
executiekrachtexecution capacity 
Dutch to English
Executive Support StatementMededeling (van de afdeling) Executive Support 
English to Dutch
field service workdienstverlening in het veld 
English to Dutch
finite factory planningplannen tegen eindige capaciteiten 
English to Dutch
high calibre people(mensen van) hoog kaliber 
English to Dutch
high-level tax consequencesbelastinggevolgen op hoog niveau 
English to Dutch
hogere managershigher level managers 
Dutch to English
kennisinstituteninstitutes of knowledge 
Dutch to English
KeuzezendingGoods sent on approval 
Dutch to English
key workloadsbelangrijkste werkbelastingen 
English to Dutch
klantcontact(en)customer contact 
Dutch to English
legal compliance risksrisico's i.v.m. compliance 
English to Dutch
minderwaardeloss in value 
Dutch to English
opgevraagde deel van het kapitaalcalled up share capital 
Dutch to English
packing creditexportkrediet (voorafgaand aan verzending) 
English to Dutch
premieinkomenincome subject to (.....) 
Dutch to English
Private Finance InitiativeInitiatief Private Financieringen (PFI) 
English to Dutch
Representative meetingbijeenkomst van vertegenwoordigers 
English to Dutch
revised upwardsbijstelling omhoog 
English to Dutch
state aid restructuring planstaatsteun herstructureringsplan 
English to Dutch
sturen op X (e.g., sturen op kwaliteit)management by/for X (e.g. management by quality; managing for quality) 
Dutch to English
supplier of conveniencevoorzien van gemak 
English to Dutch
Dutch to English
voorschotnummeradvance account number 
Dutch to English
vrijblijvend samenwerkingsverbandinformal collaboration 
Dutch to English
wholesale investment firminstitutionele beleggers 
English to Dutch
window of opportunity(unieke) kans 
English to Dutch
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