Translation glossary: WG General Glossary - Italian-English

Showing entries 1-35 of 35
A.S.Attestazione di Specificità, also known as STG (Guaranteed Traditional Specialty) 
Italian to English
A.S.Attestazione di Specificità, also known as STG (Guaranteed Traditional Specialty) 
Italian to English
affiancamenti sul Fieldshadowing/shadow training 
Italian to English
aggressività auto-eterodirettaaggression directed at self and/or others 
Italian to English
amortizableamortisable/ pays for itself 
Spanish to English
Ass GAbsent, Justified 
Italian to English
Aut SmaFranking Authorisation 
Italian to English
Italian to English
bordati a spessoreedgebandings/full edging 
Italian to English
buona entratakey money 
Italian to English
busechannels (Po delta) 
Italian to English
cadenzatoclockface schedule 
Italian to English
chiodino isolamento legnowood fibre insultaton fixing pin 
Italian to English
Comando Stazione del Corpo Forestale dello StatoState Forestry Department command station 
Italian to English
con solcatura della fettasutures (external grooves in melon) 
Italian to English
credito scolasticoschool/academic credits 
Italian to English
di prossima attuazioneupcoming products 
Italian to English
di prossima attuazioneupcoming 
Italian to English
Disossare curvo olivatocurved boning knife with an indented blade 
Italian to English
ghetta neve regolabile con protezione antilanimeadjustable gators with edge protection 
Italian to English
il socialecommunity work (in certain contexts) 
Italian to English
interruttore microportamicroport switch 
Italian to English
operatività puramere practicality 
Italian to English
operazioni di breveshort term promotions 
Italian to English
percorsi socio-sanitarihealth and social assistance programs 
Italian to English
piattaforme produttiveproduction platforms/systems 
Italian to English
predisposizione targhette segnaletiche ufficiplacement of office signs and doorplates 
Italian to English
quadro VCSection VC 
Italian to English
rete terrestreoverland route/network 
Italian to English
self-evident utteranceuscita del tutto palese 
English to Italian
SOBRIE BICROMIEElegant two-tones 
Italian to English
Italian to English
Italian to English
Italian to English
volume collettaneoanthology 
Italian to English
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