Translation glossary: German Financial

Showing entries 1-31 of 31
Absprachentreuefaithful compliance, reliability, fidelity to agreement 
German to English
Aufgabenträgertransport authority 
German to English
das Berichtswesenreporting system 
German to English
das Fondsobjektrealty fund 
German to English
das Objektobject, property 
German to English
das Vermögenassets, capital, funds, property 
German to English
das Zwischenzeugnisinterim performance review [employers are required to provide this to any employee who asks for it; it is supposed to be a neutral list of tasks performed, more than a recommendation] 
German to English
der Objektfinanzierproperty financing agency 
German to English
der Prokuristauthorized representative 
German to English
der Referentsenior advisor, consultant, department head 
German to English
der Soll-ist Vergleichtarget/performance comparison 
German to English
der Zeichnersubscriber 
German to English
die Betriebswirtschaftbusiness management 
German to English
die Bewerbungsunterlagenapplication papers 
German to English
die Bilanzierungaccounting 
German to English
die Buchführungbookkeeping 
German to English
die Fondsgesellschaftinvestment company 
German to English
die Mitwirkunginvolvement, participation 
German to English
die Umfinanzierungrefinancing 
German to English
die Vertragsgestaltungdrafting of contract 
German to English
die Zuordnungallocation, assignment, appropriation 
German to English
Doppelhaushaltbiennial budget 
German to English
entfällt für den jeweiligen Fälligkeitszeitraum der Anspruchthe entitlement for that particular coverage period will be lost 
German to English
Haushaltssicherungsrücklagereserve budget 
German to English
im Falle des Verzugs für Rechnung des Darlehensnehmers erfüllen[see my suggestion for the whole sentence] 
German to English
notariellernotarial [this is a word!] 
German to English
offen abgesetztdeducted on the face of the balance sheet item 
German to English
German to English
Sanierungsfaehigkeit und Sanierungswuerdigkeitcability and worthiness of being restructured. 
German to English
Zahlscheinspenderdeposit-slip donor 
German to English
Zwangsausgabenmandatory expenditures 
German to English
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