Translation glossary: General Conversation

Showing entries 1-8 of 8
bien llamado asírightly called 
Spanish to English
Diaz cortejó a las clases mediasDiaz courted the middle classes 
Spanish to English
for not fully clearing his name after allegations of a vote-buying schemepor no limpiar completamente su nombre después de acusaciones en su contra por un plan de compra de 
English to Spanish
HOUSEPERSONama de llaves 
English to Spanish
Increparebuke / reprimand 
Spanish to English
My mind was racingmi mente se aceleraba / iba a toda velocidad 
English to Spanish
Take stock of progressevaluar (detalladamente) el progreso 
English to Spanish
You can do anything you set your mind to.puedes lograr todo lo que te propongas 
English to Spanish
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