Translation glossary: test (IT)

Showing entries 1-50 of 50
abbreviated diallingnumérotation abrégée
English to French
abbreviated dialling callappel en numérotation abrégée
English to French
abide by, torespecter
English to French
above or equal tosupérieur ou égal à
English to French
abroadà l\'étranger
English to French
English to French
English to French
access analysisanalyse d\'accès
English to French
access and callsaccès et trafic
English to French
access capabilitycapacité d\'accès
English to French
access chargesdroits/frais d\'accès
English to French
access circuitcircuit d\'accès
English to French
access classificationclassement des accès
English to French
access codecode d\'accès
English to French
access contentionconflit d\'accès
English to French
access controlcontrôle d\'accès
English to French
access feesdroits d\'accès
English to French
access integrityintégrité d\'accès
English to French
access layercouche d\'accès
English to French
access lineligne d\'accès
English to French
access line speedvitesse de la ligne d\'accès
English to French
access linkliaison d\'accès
English to French
access link backup serviceservice secours de liaison d\'accès
English to French
access link for international accessliaisons d\'accès pour les accès internationaux
English to French
access modemode d\'accès
English to French
access monitoringsupervision d\'accès
English to French
access networkréseau d\'accès
English to French
access nodenœud d\'accès
English to French
access numbernuméro d\'accès
English to French
access offeringoffre d\'accès
English to French
access pointpoint d\'accès
English to French
access portporte d\'accès
English to French
access protocolprotocole d\'accès
English to French
access ratedébit d\'accès
English to French
access restrictionrestriction d\'accès
English to French
access rightsdroits d\'accès
English to French
access securitysécurité d\'accès
English to French
access speeddébit d\'accès
English to French
access switchcommutateur d\'accès
English to French
access throughput downgradediminution du débit d\'accès
English to French
access throughput upgradeaugmentation du débit d\'accès
English to French
access to filesaccès aux dossiers
English to French
access to ISaccès au SI
English to French
access voice over IPaccès voix sur IP
English to French
English to French
accessibility to premisesaccessibilité des locaux
English to French
English to French
English to French
according tosuivant, selon
English to French
according to your needsselon vos besoins
English to French
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