Translation glossary: Economy/Business Glossary

Showing entries 1-25 of 25
ante-contract fermfirm pre-contract 
Romanian to English
émarger la feuille de présenceinitialling the attendance sheet 
French to English
Bazele comerțului intern și internaționalBasics of Domestic snd Foreign Trade 
Romanian to English
bénéficiantpossessing, having, benefiting from, 
French to English
Bordereau de prix unitairesBill of Quantities 
French to English
Budgétiser les recrutementsEstablish recruitment budget 
French to English
business(segment de) activitate 
English to Romanian
capital de imprumutloan capital 
Romanian to English
cojocaritfurrier's trade (centers) 
Romanian to English
Contract de vanzare cumparare de actiuniShare Sale and Purchase Agreement 
Romanian to English
détenteur d’une partshareholder 
French to English
de la începutul lunii ulterioare modificării indiceluifrom the beginning of the month following a change in the Index 
Romanian to English
deviz(itemized) estimate 
Romanian to English
general industry knowledgecunoştinţe publice de specialitate, cunoştinţe publice din domeniu 
English to Romanian
key-controlskey controls 
French to English
Leaders for ....pour son contenu, sa technologie et son commerce 
English to French
loose their foothold on the bottom rungsisi pierd speranta, sprijinul reprezentat de locurile de munca de pe treapta inferioara a scarii ierarhice de pe piata globala 
English to Romanian
must-attendde neratat 
English to Romanian
Performance Excellence management systemsistem de management al excelenţei în performanţă 
English to Romanian
Plus rien n'étant à l'ordre du jourThere being nothing else on the agenda, ... 
French to English
Reference casescenariu de referinţă 
English to Romanian
rule of thumbregula de bun simt, regula de aur, principiu calauzitor + calcul rudimentar, calcul aproximativ, calcul estimativ, lege nescrisa 
English to Romanian
société de personnes transparentetax-transparent partnership 
French to English
societate deschisaopen (join stock) company/corporation 
Romanian to English
the cheque did not clearcecul nu a fost acceptat la plată/cecul a fost refuzat la plată 
English to Romanian
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