Translation glossary: Robert Copeland-Certificates/Diplomas/Licenses/CVs

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(Prob. pol. y Soc. Ec. Pma.) y (Noc. de Econ. Com. y Adm.)Political and Socio-Econ. Problems in Panama/Commercial and Administrative Economic Studies 
Spanish to English
acta de matrimoniomarriage certificate 
Spanish to English
Acta-Birth CertificateCertificate or Record 
Spanish to English
antecedentes que obran en esta Universidad(certifies that) based on our records /the records on file at this University 
Spanish to English
Autorizacion de la secretaria de gobernacion en caso de contrayentes extranjerosAUTHORIZATION FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR IN CASES OF FOREIGNERS BEING INVOLVED 
Spanish to English
bastara expresar que se dan con ese caracter para quever explicación 
Spanish to English
Certifica que a la página xxx en el Libro de Partidas de Nacimiento que esta oficina llevó en el año de xxxHEREBY CERTIFIES: That found on page xxx of the Birth Registry Book for this Office for the year xxx 
Spanish to English
Certificado de NacimientoBirth Certificate/Certificate of Live Birth 
Spanish to English
Certifico: Que en el Registro de nacimientosI HEREBY CERTIFY: That in the Registry of (Live) Births 
Spanish to English
CircunscripcionDistrict/Ward (Chile) 
Spanish to English
Clave unica de Reg. de poblacionPopulation Registrar's Unique Code 
Spanish to English
conforme al escrito de fs. 05 de autospursuant to folio 05 of the proceedings 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
contrayentesInvolved parties (bride and groom, etc) 
Spanish to English
CURP/RFC:Sole Population Registration Code / Federal Taxpayer ID 
Spanish to English
de su matriz y apendices respectivos del protocolofrom its original and respective appendixes from the notarial certified copy 
Spanish to English
Del ExpositoAbandoned Child 
Spanish to English
Delegacion-Birth CertificateMunicipality 
Spanish to English
departamental honorscon distinción académica (departamental/del departamento) 
English to Spanish
Direccion de registro publicodel transportePUBLIC REGISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION BUREAU 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
Educacion Basica/MediaPrimary/Secondary Education 
Spanish to English
El infrascrito alcalde da fé de conocer al padre informanteThe undersigned Mayor hereby attested to the fact that the biological father who filed the birth of the child had been properly recognized for all legal purposes 
Spanish to English
El infrascrito Jefe Del Registro Del Estado FamiliarTHE UNDERSIGNED CHIEF OF THE FAMILY STATUS REGISTRY 
Spanish to English
en el acto matrimonial fueron legitimados los menores (XXXX)during the marriage ceremony minors xxxx were legitimized 
Spanish to English
En fé de lo cual firmamos y sellamos la presente enIn testimony whereof we witness our hand and official seal on this certificate at the 
Spanish to English
Entidad-Birth CertificateState 
Spanish to English
ES CONFORME CON SU ORIGINAL CON LA CUAL SE CONFRONTÓ y para efectos legales que el (la) interesado (a) estime conveniente, se le extiende la presente, en Alcaldía Municipal, de Ciudad xxx, Registro del Estado Familiar, a xxx de (mes) de (año)THE FOREGOING IS A TRUE AND FAITHFUL COPY OF THE ORIGINAL TO WHICH IT WAS COMPARED and for all legal purposes that the interested party may deem to be convenient, this certificate was issued, at the Ciudad xxx Municipality Registry of Vital Records and Statistics, Family Status Registry, on the xxth day of xxx, YEAR.- 
Spanish to English
Esta informacion se expide de la base de datos electronica y no sirve como certificado o genera derechos por si solaTHIS INFORMATION IS ISSUED FROM THE ELECTRONIC DATA BASE AND DOES NOT SERVE AS A CERTIFIED COPY OR SERVE AS A LEGAL DOCUMENT BY ITSELF 
Spanish to English
Este contrato de matrimonio esta sujeto al regimen de separacion de bienesTHIS MARRIAGE CONTRACT IS UNDER: THE SEPARATION OF PROPERTY SYSTEM 
Spanish to English
Este registro civil tiene validez permanenteThis civil registry has a permanent validity 
Spanish to English
Firma y Sello Funcionario AutorizadoSignature and Stamp of Authorized Official 
Spanish to English
Gobierno del Distrito Federal-Secretaria de Transportes y vialidadGOVERNMENT OF THE FEDERAL DISTRICT 
Spanish to English
ha cursado dentro del plan de estudios Licenciatura en Medicinahe has studied the following subjects, which are part of the curriculum of the Degree in Medicine: 
Spanish to English
habiendo interrogado a los contrayentes en los terminos que la ley ordena y no existiendo impedimiento legalHAVING INTERROGATED THE INTERESTED PARTIES ON THE LEGAL TERMS ACCORDING TO LAW AND THERE BEING NO LEGAL IMPEDIMENT 
Spanish to English
Hija Ilegitima LadinaMixed-race (spanish-indian) Ilegitimate Child 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
Jefe del Registro Civil vs. Jefe del Registro del Estado FamiliarChief of Civil Registry / Chief of Family Status Registry 
Spanish to English
Jefe del Registro del Estado FamiliarChief of the Registry of Marital Status 
Spanish to English
Jud. de planeacion y estadisticasupervisor of planning and SUPERVISOR-PLANNING AND STATISTICS 
Spanish to English
Juez L. Departmental, sin due libertesin que liberte = but this does not exempts 
Spanish to English
Juez L. Departmental, sin que libertesin que liberte = but this does not exempts 
Spanish to English
Juzgado-Birth CertificateJury 
Spanish to English
L.E.N.-Any ideas what L.E.N. might stand for on Brith Certificate??Libreta de Enrolamiento = Identity Card (Argentina) 
Spanish to English
la C.T.S.Es un titulo (ver comentario) 
Spanish to English
la cual se autentica por haber sido puesta de su puño y letra a presencia del Alcalde Municipal y Secretaria MunicipalAND WHICH (the signature) WAS AUTHENTICATED AS SUCH SIGNATURE APPEARS IN HER OWN TRUE AND PROPER HANDWRITING AS WITNESSED BY THE CITY MAYOR AND CLERK. 
Spanish to English
La presente tiene las anotacines siguientes: forma FMT No. XXXX del contrayente y xxxx de la contrayenteTHE CURRENT DOCUMENT HAS THE FOLLOWING ANNOTATIONS: TOURIST MIGRATION PERMIT FORM No. xxxxx OF THE GROOM AND xxxxOF THE BRIDE. 
Spanish to English
LeyoseloThe document having been read to XXXX 
Spanish to English
lo ratifican y firman en union del suscrito quienes en el intervinieron y saben hacerlo, y quienes no, imprimen su huella digital, doy fe.THE RECORD HAS BEEN RATIFIED AND SIGNED BY THE UNDERSIGNED JOINTLY WITH “THOSE WHO TOOK PART AND KNOW HOW TO, AND THOSE WHO DO NOT, STAMP THEIR FING 
Spanish to English
los declaro en nombre de la ley y ante la sociedad unidos en matrimonio y su contrato matrimonial perfecto y legitimo para todos los efectos legalesBYTHE POWER VESTED IN ME BY LAW AND BEFORE SOCIETY, I DECLARE YOU UNITED IN MATRIMONY AND YOUR MARRIAGE AS BEING IN EFFECT AND LEGITIMATE FOR ALL LEGA 
Spanish to English
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