Translation glossary: German to English General

Showing entries 1-36 of 36
AnlageempfehlungInvestment recommendation 
German to English
Ausgliederungspin-off, carve-out 
German to English
Auswahlverschuldenculpa in eligendo or negligence in choice of (servant) contactor, in selecting contractor 
German to English
befriedigendReceived/obtained a "satisfactory" grade in the exam 
German to English
Beschäftigungsbrückeoperational bridging 
German to English
Daran wollen wir uns messen lassenThese are our yardsticks for success 
German to English
die Maßeinheit für schlüsselfertigthe benchmark for turnkey systems 
German to English
EmissionsrechtehandelEmissions trading 
German to English
Firmenbuchnummercompany registration number 
German to English
frei verkäuflichover-the-counter 
German to English
German to English
GeheimhaltungsverpflichtungNondisclosure agreement 
German to English
Gesamtbanksteuerungrisk-return management 
German to English
GesamtvertriebsleiterDirector of Sales 
German to English
hydrophobiertes Rindboxlederwater-repellent calf box leather 
German to English
in keiner Weise anzuzweifelndincontestably correct, indisputably correct 
German to English
Innovationsfeuerwerkinnovation explosion, explosion in innovation 
German to English
Innovationsrenditereturn on innovation 
German to English
German to English
Kundennutzenclient utility 
German to English
LehrrettungswacheEmergency medical services station authorised for training 
German to English
Lernfaktorspillover effect / economies of scale 
German to English
Maßnahmenstatuscurrent practices/measures 
German to English
MietansatzEstimated obtainable rent, estimated rental value 
German to English
NutzimmobilienCommercial buildings 
German to English fixed address/abode 
German to English
oberste UnternehmensleitungTop-level management 
German to English
German to English
rasch greifendhighly effective, quick and effective 
German to English
Reformlandcountry in transition 
German to English
ROGLand Use Planning Act 
German to English
selbstständige Garantie übernehmenassumes his own warranty 
German to English
sonst haben sie hier nichts verlorenotherwise they are worse than useless 
German to English
SteppfutterQuilted lining 
German to English
Verbesserungsmöglichkeitenpotential improvements 
German to English
WissensgesellschaftKnowledge economy, knowledge society 
German to English
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