Translation glossary: genealogy

Showing entries 1-27 of 27
adresboekencity directories 
Dutch to English
akten van de burgerlijke standmarriage licenses, birth and death certificates of the municipal registrar's office 
Dutch to English
archiefdelenarchive volumes 
Dutch to English
begraafboekenburial records 
Dutch to English
beperkt openbaarrestricted access 
Dutch to English
boedelinventarissenhousehold inventories 
Dutch to English
bouwdossierstechnical construction documentation 
Dutch to English
bouwtekeningentechnical construction drawings 
Dutch to English
burgerlijke standcivil registration 
Dutch to English
c.a. (cum annexis)with appurtenances 
Dutch to English
dienst Bouw en WoningtoezichtPlanning and Building Department 
Dutch to English
doop- en trouwinschrijvingenbaptism and marriage registrations 
Dutch to English
doopboekenbaptism records 
Dutch to English
geschoonde archievenculled archives 
Dutch to English
hinderwetvergunningpublic nuisance act permits 
Dutch to English
inventarisnummerinventory number 
Dutch to English
kadastrale leggerscadastral terrier 
Dutch to English
kopiedelenvolume copy 
Dutch to English
manuscriptkaartenmanuscript maps 
Dutch to English
memories van successiememories of succession 
Dutch to English
persoonsregistratiepersonal records 
Dutch to English
schellakplaatshellac disk 
Dutch to English
smalfilm8 and 16 mm film 
Dutch to English
streekbladlocal newspaper 
Dutch to English
studiezaalreading room 
Dutch to English
topografische afbeeldingentopographic depiction 
Dutch to English
woningregisterAbstracts of Title registration 
Dutch to English
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