Translation glossary: Ar-En Amer's glossary

Showing entries 1-23 of 23
يا لعطف أوربا إن كانت سترعي مثل هذه الفتاة مع فرخاها الأليفانWhat a kindness of Europe if it would sponsor such a girl with her two pet chicks 
Arabic to English
وفي عزل المتولي والوصي والقيم ولو مع استئنافهاdismissing of the trustee, the guardian and the caretaker even in case of appeal 
Arabic to English
والأشياء إما واقفة أو متعامدة بزوايا قائمةThings are either upright or right-angle crossed 
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وحفظنا أغنية المثلجات الملونةmemorized the song of rainbow ice cream 
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وزن المستهدفtargeted objectives percentage 
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لا يقابله وفاءFALSE cheque 
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نشر صورة الإهتمام بهمby promoting the image of caring for them 
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مكرورة نصفها بالغريزةfrequent response described as instinct 
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ما فات المطعون ضدها من ربحthe amount of missed profit by the respondent 
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إذا قضى بالفائدة القانونية المقضي بهاif the adjudged legal interest is awarded 
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القوة والقدرstrength and supplying count 
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المعروضة للبيع بالأفضليةoffered for sale by preferential right 
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التنفيذ على الحسابfulfillment of obligations from the other party's account 
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بما ينطوي على مطالبة بذات التعويض مرتينwhich implies claiming for the same compensation twice 
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بالخصوص الذي وكلوا به وما يتفرع منهwith regard to what they were given power of attorney for and from which whatever is derived 
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تشاغلت عن كل ذلك بساعة المنبهI was distracted from all that by the blue alarm clock 
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تعزيرا مرسلاdiscretionary punishment 
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حتف يد الحيادhorses' legs speed 
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حتى تمام السداد على ما أورده بمدوناتهtill payment is complete based on what was mentioned in his records 
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حزق: مركب شبيه بالباصرhump seat: a seat like a small round saddle 
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دوريperiodic work 
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دروس الدعمremedial lessons/classes 
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رَتَبَ رُتُوبَ الْكَعْبِhe stood unshakable as a dice/cube 
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