Translation glossary: Legal

Showing entries 1-48 of 48
(a) Conservatória do Registro Civil(a) Civil Registry (Office) (b) Parish (c) Record (d) Registrar (e) Deputy-Registrar 
Portuguese to English
a quothe trial or lower Court 
Portuguese to English
Ação de Obrigação de Fazer com Pedido de Antecipação de Tutela c/c Dano Moralaction seeking specific performance in anticipatory relief plus damages for pain and suffering 
Portuguese to English
ata de registro de preçoBidding Protocol 
Portuguese to English
cartório de títulos e protestosprotest notary, notary's office for protested notes 
Portuguese to English
causal o delito (divorcio)grounds of crime 
Spanish to English
cerceamento de defesaDenial of the right to be heard 
Portuguese to English
Corregedoria Geral da JusticaJudicial Administrative Department 
Portuguese to English
Demandante y DemandadoPlaintiff and defendant 
Spanish to English
E. e C. Tribunal MaritimoThe Distinguished and Worthy Maritime Court 
Portuguese to English
el C. Juez de la oficina Central del Registro Civil....Judge of the central civil regitrar's office 
Spanish to English
EL C.= el ciudadanocitizen 
Spanish to English
EMBARGO DECLARATÓRIOmotions for clarification 
Portuguese to English
en forma y plazo legalin due time and proper form 
Spanish to English
EREsp (EMBARGOS EM RECURSO ESPECIAL)(Br) Special appeal motions staying the proceedings 
Portuguese to English
extracto del acta, cuyos datos arriba se precisanextract from the above-described record 
Spanish to English
fase de liquidação de sentençaliquidation stage 
Portuguese to English
feito, lido em voz alta e achado conformeprepared/done, read outloud and approved 
Portuguese to English
grand juryJúri 
English to Portuguese
grand-jury subpoenacitação/intimação do júri de acusação 
English to Portuguese
información objeto del exameninformation subject to review 
Spanish to English
instrução dos autosto substantiate the record/case 
Portuguese to English
instrução processual(case) fact finding / investigative proceeding 
Portuguese to English
lavrei, conferi, subscrevo, dou féI drew up, I verified, I subscribe (sign), I certify (attest) 
Portuguese to English
lidesuit / action (mas o que você quer é "impleader") 
Portuguese to English
Nada mais me cumpria certificarNothing more was under my authority to certify 
Portuguese to English
no uso de suas atribuiçõesexercising the powers conferred upon him by 
Portuguese to English
no uso de suas atribuiçõeswithin his rights..within his duties 
Portuguese to English
obrigação de fazerspecific performance 
Portuguese to English
Oficial AND Escrevente JuramentadoRegistrar AND Sworn Clerk 
Portuguese to English
pedido procedente, improcedente e procedente em partepetition (US:motion) affirmed / denied / affirmed in part 
Portuguese to English
pedido procedente, improcedente e procedente em partepetition (US: motion) affirmed/denied/affirmed in part 
Portuguese to English
pelos motivos de fato e de direito que passa a exporfor the de facto and legal reasons/grounds exposed/presented below 
Portuguese to English
PESSOAL E ENCARGOS SOCIAISpayroll and social security contributions 
Portuguese to English
Posto(customer) service location 
Portuguese to English
preliminar (noun)preliminary plea / preliminary claim 
Portuguese to English
Previa juramentación de testigoprevious oath of witness 
Spanish to English
English to Portuguese
protesta juntar procuraçã of lawyer.intends to attach the power of attorney ... 
Portuguese to English
Registro Civil de interdições e tutelasCivil Registry of Persons under Guardianship and Legal Incapacity 
Portuguese to English
Sala SuperiorSuperior Court 
Spanish to English
sem solução de continuidadewithout interruption 
Portuguese to English
sob concurso de credoresconcourse of creditors (OU bankruptcy creditor's joint claim) 
Portuguese to English
Sociedade unipessoalsingle-member company 
Portuguese to English
summary judgmentrito sumário / julgamento antecipado da lide 
English to Portuguese
Tribunal General de Primera Instancia, Sala Superior o de Distrito de San JuanGeneral Court of First Instance, Superior or District Court of San Juan 
Spanish to English
uno (vb. unir) a esta matrizto attach to this original 
Spanish to English
Y, siendo o representado usted la parte perjudicada por la sentencia, de la cual puede establecerse recurso de apelación, dirijoAnd, either being or representing the adversely affected party, of which an appeal could be filed, I am addressing 
Spanish to English
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