Translation glossary: RCC

Showing entries 1-39 of 39
(印度)小花兒修會Little Flower Congregation (CST Fathers) 
Chinese to English
(多倫多)華人牧職會議Chinese Pastoral Council (of the Archdiocese of Toronto) 
Chinese to English
(澳門)天主之母堂Igreja de Madre de Deus 
Chinese to Portuguese
(澳門)聖保祿書院Colégio de São Paulo / Collegio de Macau 
Chinese to Portuguese
劉方濟Francis Fernández de Capillas 
Chinese to English
天主教保祿會Missionary Society of St. Paul the Apostle (The Paulist Fathers) 
Chinese to English
宗座駐華代表Apostolic Delegate to China 
Chinese to English
中華全國教會首次大會first national synod of China 
Chinese to English
仁愛會(the Company of the) Daughters of Charity (of St. Vincent de Paul) 
Chinese to English
徐家彙大堂 [sic]St. Ignatius Cathedral (of Shanghai) 
Chinese to English
徐錦堯(神父)(Fr.) Luke TSUI Kam-yiu 
Chinese to English
國際聖體大會International Eucharistic Congress 
Chinese to English
全德之路The Way of Perfection 
Chinese to English
全犧牲,真愛人,常喜樂total sacrifice, true love and constant joy 
Chinese to English
剛恆毅(主教)Celso Benigno Luigi (Cardinal) Costantini 
Chinese to English
羅明堅(神父)Fr. Michele Ruggieri, S.J. 
Chinese to English
白多祿(主教)(Bishop) Pedro Martir Sanz Jorda 
Chinese to English
白德範(主教)(Bishop) Etienne Albrand, MEP 
Chinese to English
遣使會Society of St. Vincent de Paul 
Chinese to English
鍾桂生(神父)Fr. Antonio (Anthony) CHUNG Kwai-sang, SDB 
Chinese to English
許純絹(修女)(Sister) Maria Hsu, FdCC 
Chinese to English
谷振聲 (耶穌會谷振聲會士)Fr. A. Della Corte, SJ 
Chinese to English
趙榮Augustine Zhao Rong 
Chinese to English
范禮安(神父)Fr. Alessandro Valignani, S.J. 
Chinese to English
關俊棠(神父)(Fr.) Thomas Kwan 
Chinese to English
雷鳴遠(神父)(Fr.) Vincent Lebbe 
Chinese to English
耀翰小兄弟会 [sic]Congregation of St. John the Baptist 
Chinese to English
耀翰小兄弟會 [sic]Congregation of St. John the Baptist 
Chinese to English
耀汉小兄弟会Congregation of St. John the Baptist 
Chinese to English
耀漢小兄弟會Congregation of St. John the Baptist 
Chinese to English
GSMLGod, Sex and the Meaning of Life Ministry 
Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary聖母德叙禱文 
English to Chinese
梅慕雅John-Martin Moye 
Chinese to English
江綬蒙席(Reverend) Monsignor Joseph (S.) Chiang 
Chinese to English
汪中璋(蒙席)(主教)(Bishop) (Monsignor) Ignatius Wang 
Chinese to English
文乃爾Jean-Pierre Néel, MEP 
Chinese to English
教會公署(the) Chancery 
Chinese to English
教會憲章Lumen Gentium 
Chinese to English
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