Translation glossary: Ervas/Especiarias (PT/FR)

Showing entries 1-24 of 24
aipocéléri (m) 
Portuguese to French
alecrimromarin (m) 
Portuguese to French
alfazemalavanda (f) 
Portuguese to French
baunilhavanille (f) 
Portuguese to French
camomilacamomille (f) 
Portuguese to French
canelacanelle (f) 
Portuguese to French
carilcurry (m) 
Portuguese to French
coentroscoriandre (f) 
Portuguese to French
cominhoscumin (m) 
Portuguese to French
cravo-da-índiaclou de girofle (m) 
Portuguese to French
Portuguese to French
erva-docefenouil (m) 
Portuguese to French
fiolhofenouil (m) 
Portuguese to French
funchofenouil (m) 
Portuguese to French
hortelãmenthe (f) 
Portuguese to French
hortelã-pimentamenthe poivrée (f) 
Portuguese to French
lavandalavande (f) 
Portuguese to French
noz-moscadanoix muscade (f) 
Portuguese to French
orégãoorigan (m) /marjolaine (f) 
Portuguese to French
pimentapoivre (m) 
Portuguese to French
rosmaninholavande papillon (f) 
Portuguese to French
salsapersil (m) 
Portuguese to French
salvasauge (f) 
Portuguese to French
tomilhothym (m) 
Portuguese to French
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