Translation glossary: Pharmaceutical/Medicine

Showing entries 1-50 of 369
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(Anti liblla) Anti IIb IIIA(platelet) GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors 
Spanish to English
(oreillette gauche) FRregurgitant fraction [also: fractional shortening/shortening fraction] 
French to English fait la répartition... the final containers are filled 
French to English
4R dchoright S4 
Spanish to English
a cavallo diin tandem with 
Italian to English
A masse musculaire identique - Depense Energetique de Repos (DER)(of) identical muscular mass - Resting Energy Expenditure (REE) 
French to English
A.C.C.A. Chirurgie Générale et Digestive - No. Ade(?) XXXXAncien Chef de Clinique Assistant and Numéro Adeli/Former senior registrar in general and gastrointestinal surgery - ADELI no. 
French to English
A.H.Hospital (Área Hospitalaria) 
Spanish to English
abces residuel du Douglas / le Douglasunresolved/resolving/residual rectovesical pouch abscess (in male - pouch of Douglas in female) 
French to English
abordaje por encima del renglón(her) writing from above the line 
Spanish to English
Italian to English
AC (abbreviation)competent authority/authorities 
Italian to English
AC [upward arrow] + 2/4moderately enlarged cardiac silhouette/shadow 
Portuguese to English
acciones de circulaníacirculating nurse duties 
Spanish to English
acontrattilità detrusorialedetrusor areflexia 
Italian to English
ActTP TTPAProthrombin time activity aPTT (activated partial thromboplastin time) - n.b. see ref. on prothrombin time too 
Spanish to English
ActTP / TTPAProthrombin time activity / aPTT (activated partial thromboplastin time) - n.b. see ref. on prothrombin time too 
Spanish to English
ActTP / TTPAProthrombin time activity / aPTT (activated partial thromboplastin time) - n.b. see ref. on prothrombin time too 
Spanish to English
ag(serum) anion gap 
French to English
agitatore basculanterocker mixer 
Italian to English
ai limitiborderline 
Italian to English
ai limiti della significativitàof borderline significance 
Italian to English
alteração analítica da função renalanalytical variation(s) in the indicator(s) of renal/kidney function 
Portuguese to English
AMM sous circonstances exceptionnellesmarketing autorisation (granted) under exceptional circumstances 
French to English
anello di prerotturapre-scored ring 
Italian to English
anti-antegrine (or: anti-corps anti-integrine)anti-integrin (integrin antibody) 
French to English
Antiadrenérgicos de acção central/periféricacentrally/periphally acting antiadrenergics/sympatholytics 
Portuguese to English
French to English
armoire à solvantssolvent (storage) cabinet 
French to English
armoire à solvantssolvent (storage) cabinet 
French to English
asincliticapoorly centred [film] / rotated 
Spanish to English
assenza di ristagno alimentare gastricono residual food in the stomach 
Italian to English
attaché prorogéassociate doctor with extended term contract 
French to English
atti [here]procedure documentation 
Italian to English
échantillon libératoiresample for product release testing 
French to English
¿Ha sido el paciente diagnosticado actualmente ...? > ¿Ha sido el paciente diagnosticado recientemente/alguna vez?Has the patient been diagnosed recently...? OR Has the patient ever been diagnosed...? 
Spanish to English
B2 únicasingle S2 
Portuguese to English
Italian to English
between 11 and 1 hour situationbetween the 11 o'clock and 1 o'clock positions 
BH: 666 ml > balanço hídrico 666 mlFB: 666 ml - fluid balance 666 ml 
Portuguese to English
bilancio idrosalinofluid-electrolyte balance 
Italian to English
bilancio neuro-motorioneuromotor function/status 
Italian to English
Italian to English
BMTglycemic / glycaemic test (capillary glycemic / glycaemic test) [Blood measurement test] 
Portuguese to English
bronquilopatiasmall airways disease, bronchiolar disease 
Portuguese to English
bustine poliaccoppiatemulti-laminate pouches 
Italian to English
bustine poliaccoppiatemulti-laminate pouches 
Italian to English
C.C.S.C. (Surgical Centre) 
Portuguese to English
Portuguese to English
C3 110 C4 20C3 and C4 complement levels 
Portuguese to English
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