Newsletter: February 2007

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(1) Budapest 2007 - final week for early-bird registration
(2)'s first translation contest - voting underway!
(3) New membership options: student and corporate
(4) corporate membership - you are invited!
(5) corporate membership - be among the first!
(6) Site localized into French, Chinese, Dutch...
(7) Pilot project launched for mentoring / apprenticeship
(8) New forums added: Hindi, Persian/Farsi, Urdu, Hebrew...
(9) Facilitating trainings - any requests of suggestions?

(1) Budapest 2007 - final week for early-bird registration
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'s fifth international conference will be held in Budapest on April 29th and 30th, with additional professional and social events scheduled for April 28th and May 1st.

In addition to a full program of professional sessions, there are also opportunities to participate in trainings for SDL Trados and Deja Vu, and an ATA certification exam. But work is not the only thing in organizer Csaba Ban's agenda; scheduled social events include a pre-conference powwow (three powwows in all!), a dinner cruise on the Danube, and dinner with live music. Csaba also promises that "insider tips for sightseeing, spas, exhibitions, shopping, etc. will be provided at a later stage, but well in advance of the conference."

Nearly one hundred people have registered already. To read more about the event's activities, and to see which colleagues will be there, see:

If you have not yet registered, now is the time to do so, as the early bird period will last only until February 28th. And if you are still making up your mind, you may want to read Csaba's "Ten reasons you must attend"!

Hope to see you there!

(2)'s first translation contest - voting underway!

The community's first translation contest was recently launched----just for fun (members-only)!

A literary piece, English source text, was put forward for translation, and the community responded! Over 200 translations were submitted, with translations into 31 languages. In fact, some new non-English forums were even created as a result of enthusiasm shown for the contest.

Now, it is voting time, and if you work from English into one of the languages that received at least three entries, you are invited to vote! If any of the following are among your working pairs, you are invited to select what you find to be the best of the entries submitted:

English to Albanian (3 entries) -
English to Arabic (5) -
English to Bulgarian (3) -
English to Chinese (9) -
English to Dutch (7) -
English to French (23) -
English to German (25) -
English to Greek (4) -
English to Hindi (3) -
English to Hungarian (4) -
English to Indonesian (3) -
English to Italian (17) -
English to Polish (9) -
English to Portuguese (13) -
English to Romanian (5) -
English to Russian (17) -
English to Spanish (35) -
English to Swedish (4) -

For links to submissions into other languages (available for viewing but not voting), go to:

(3) Two new membership options: student and corporate

For seven years, members have been treated as one group. Now, two new membership options are being introduced: one for companies ("corporate") and one for students. A separate profile format will be available to each category, with it own associated ribbon and rights.

This was announced here:

(4) corporate membership - special offer available for your company

Your company has been invited to be one of's first corporate members. corporate membership is a new membership option designed specifically for corporate users of, such as translation companies / agencies and other corporate language services providers.

The new membership option provides a way both to join a worldwide network of language companies and to distinguish your company among the community. In addition, each corporate member appears in the CONNECT! platform's directory of translation companies (available to end clients and large translation companies), where the potential exists to develop new client relationships.

Corporate membership has just been announced, and the price for a yearly subscription is €625 / $795. However, in a kickoff campaign being held this month -- through February 28 -- membership is available at €305 / $395 (or approximately half the set price).

For your company, an additional discount is available. This is due to the combination of your job posting history and Blue Board record. We want the best companies to be corporate members, so we are launching the program with advantageous pricing for highly professional companies.

For more information about the program and your additional discount--and to join today as one of first corporate members--see:

Frequently asked questions about the new membership option are posted here:

The offer ends next Wednesday, February 28. Thanks in advance for your consideration!

(5) Please consider being one of's first corporate members

Do you operate a translation company? If so, please consider joining as one of first corporate members during the current kickoff campaign. corporate membership is a way to join a worldwide network of language companies, and to distinguish your company among the translator community. Plus, as a corporate member, your company's name will appear in the CONNECT! platform's directory of translation companies--which could lead to new client relationships.

Corporate membership has just been announced, and for this month -- through February 28 -- membership is available at half price. Instead of €625 / $795, companies that join in the inaugural month pay just €305 / $395.

For more information--and to join today as one of's first corporate members--go to:

Frequently asked questions about the new membership option are posted here:

The offer ends next Wednesday, February 28.

(6) Site localized into French, Chinese, Bahasa Indonesia and Dutch

Adding to a growing list of languages,'s major pages have now been localized into French, Chinese, Bahasa Indonesia and Dutch.

A lot of work goes into localizing the site, and it is only through a true team effort that it is possible. To credit and thank the volunteers behind localization of the latest batch of languags, please visit the following threads:

French -

Team responsible: Florence "Oddie", Olivier Manesse, JCEC, Chantal Kamgne, Nadine Brunel, , Said Kaljanac, Jean-Philippe Drécourt, Gayle Wallimann, and Geneviève Von Levetzow

Chinese -

Team responsible: Xiaoping Fu, Donglai Luo, Zhoudan, Stonejohn, Jianjun Zhang, Xiangdong Zhou, Wenjer, Chinoise, Yueyin Sun. Edmund Shang, and Kevin Yang

Bahasa Indonesia -

Team responsible: Harry Hermawan, Hikmat Gumilar, M. Laut, Ikram Mahyuddin, Mulyadi Subali, Suratina Hapsari, Dita Wibisono, Eddie R. Notowidigdo, and Nurkhamid Nurkhamid

Dutch -

Team responsible: Henk Peelen, Percy Balemans, Margreet Logmans, Laurens Landkroon, Hendrika Müller, Riens Middelhof, and Jan Peelen

Thanks, everyone, for your hard work!


Teams are now coming together and working on additional languages, including:

* Japanese
* Bulgarian
* Lithuanian
* Turkish
* Ukrainian
* Czech
* Greek
* Polish
* Danish
* Catalan

If you are interested in taking part in the localization effort, please let us know using the online support system:

Thanks in advance!

(7) Pilot project launched for mentoring / apprenticeship

In response to requests from members--some very experienced and others just starting out as translators--an experimental framework for a mentor/apprentice program was made public recently.

This experimental pilot program will provide a means for full members who would like to be mentored to meet members who are well-established enough to take on an apprentice. When two people agree to work together in this capacity, they will do so closely, with a set of mutual responsibilities, for a defined period of three months.

It is envisioned that this program may prove useful to some of those who, for example, have completed formal training in translation but have a lack of practical experience and have not yet developed a complete group of clients. For mentors, the program may provide a useful means not only of sharing one's experience, but also of finding new partners for growing translation teams. In this respect, and given that there is a defined period for the apprenticeship, the program may prove similar to the "internship" programs that often lead to full-time employment in other industries.

Even without a formal program in place, members of the community have been pairing up informally for several years. This experimental program is intended to provide a framework for the process of connecting.

For details and to discuss, see:

If you would like to give feedback on this idea directly to staff member Patrick, please do so using the address {patrick at}

(8) New forums added: Hindi, Persian/Farsi, Urdu, Hebrew, Malay, Indonesian, Tamil

We are proud to announce the opening of the following new forums:

Hindi -
Persian/Farsi -
Urdu -
Hebrew -
Malay -
Indonesian -
Tamil -

Please note that these forums were opened because at least two members expressed an interest in submitting entries for the first translation contest in the corresponding languages.

If you work in any of these languages, you are invited to take a moment to introduce yourself in the appropriate forum--in the appropriate language--to connect with colleagues who share the language.

(9) Facilitating trainings - any requests of suggestions?

Have you ever wished you had access to training in tools or techniques related to your work?

Or, are you an expert prepared to teach others what you know?

Based on feedback from members and the trainings held at past conferences, staff member Leonardo Fusero is now putting together a training solution and site area to make training more accessible to members. At the same time, the program will provide opportunities for experienced trainers to more frequently give paid sessions.

Do you have any suggestions or requests? Would you like to be considered as a trainer? Please let Leonardo {leonardo at} know!

And please be on the lookout for the first few training opportunities, coming soon.

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