Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

en sus extremidades

English translation:

at its (Eastern and Western) ends

Added to glossary by lbotto
Dec 2, 2011 22:39
13 yrs ago
6 viewers *
Spanish term

en sus extremidades

Spanish to English Science Surveying Mapa Metalogenetico
El zocalo o basemento metamorfico esta fuertemente representado sobre toda la superficie territorial hondureña, condicionando su morfologia, acentuada por movimientos tectonicos recientes; asimismo condiciona toda la organizacon estructural del pals de acuerdo a ejes de orientation Este-Oeste en el centre y con inflexiones al Noreste-Suroeste en sus extremidades Este y Oeste.

Proposed translations

1 min

at its (Eastern and Western) ends

Peer comment(s):

agree Charles Davis
18 mins
agree James A. Walsh
1 hr
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thouank y"
11 mins

to the extreme East and West

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13 mins

at its eastern and western extremities

otra opción

Note added at 18 mins (2011-12-02 22:58:24 GMT)

It may be better to use "extremities" rather than "ends" in keeping with the technical nature of the article.
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