Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Spanish term or phrase:
afloramiento tipo zebra
English translation:
Zebra-like outcrops
Added to glossary by
Sep 9, 2018 00:31
6 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Spanish term
afloramiento tipo zebra
Spanish to English
Mining & Minerals / Gems
El afloramiento de tipo zebra está emplazado en la roca del cretáceo inferior en el contacto con el jurásico superior con intrusiones de domos de sal y al otro lado el cretáceo inferior con formaciones de aguas calientes y esperanza del grupo oriente.
Proposed translations
3 +2 | Zebra-like outcrops |
Rachel Fell
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Proposed translations
1 hr
Zebra-like outcrops
Sharp ridges bobbing and weaving their way across the desert. Splotches of black basalt spilled by ancient volcanoes. Zebra-like, layered outcrops of rock jutting from valleys at odd angles.
The origin of the peculiar banded claystone known as ‘zebra rock’ from the Ord River area of Western Australia has long been shrouded in controversy.
Composition and origin of the 'zebra rock' from the East Kimberley region of Western Australia. Available from: [accessed Sep 09 2018].
The origin of the peculiar banded claystone known as ‘zebra rock’ from the Ord River area of Western Australia has long been shrouded in controversy.
Outcrop examples of dolomites. (a) Fine replacive dolomite (FRD ...
(a) Fine replacive dolomite (FRD) outcrop showing joints; Ranero area; hammer: 33 cm. ... Dolomites show an alternation of zebra beds (Z) and beds of sucrosic dolomite ... In micropores it usually occurs as hypidiotopic to idiotopic mosaics.
The origin of the peculiar banded claystone known as ‘zebra rock’ from the Ord River area of Western Australia has long been shrouded in controversy.
Composition and origin of the 'zebra rock' from the East Kimberley region of Western Australia. Available from: [accessed Sep 09 2018].
The origin of the peculiar banded claystone known as ‘zebra rock’ from the Ord River area of Western Australia has long been shrouded in controversy.
Outcrop examples of dolomites. (a) Fine replacive dolomite (FRD ...
(a) Fine replacive dolomite (FRD) outcrop showing joints; Ranero area; hammer: 33 cm. ... Dolomites show an alternation of zebra beds (Z) and beds of sucrosic dolomite ... In micropores it usually occurs as hypidiotopic to idiotopic mosaics.
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