Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

"carga y pega"

English translation:

"loading and shot-firing"

Added to glossary by Richard Hill
Sep 24, 2011 06:00
13 yrs ago
Spanish term

"carga y pega"

Spanish to English Tech/Engineering Mining & Minerals / Gems MIning/tunnelling with explosives
Se acordonará la zona de voladuras durante las fases de* “carga y pega”*, impidiendo el paso a las personas ajenas a la misma.

The inverted commas appear in the original text. I understand what is happening but would like a equivalent expression, if there is one.

Change log

Sep 29, 2011 14:15: Richard Hill Created KOG entry


Richard Hill Sep 24, 2011:
Setting (explosive charges) is what came to mind before I looked into it further. Maybe the inverted commas are used precisely because it is a technical term, at least according to Routledge it is. But I'm not sure to tell you the truth.
matt robinson (asker) Sep 24, 2011:
Thanks for the input and links.
Your answer describes the process exactly, but due to the inverted commas in the original I was wondering if there was some more informal expression.
Otherwise how do you explain the inverted commas?
I may remove the commas, go with your answer and notify the client.

Proposed translations

23 mins

"loading and shot-firing"

The references also show the term as one word, hyphenated or two words

PEGA DE EXPLOSIVOS: Surtir de dinamita los barrenos para explosionar

How the shot firing is undertaken is set out in the blasting specification and the shot firing rules.

Establishing loading and initiation patterns and reporting all variances prior to blast hole loading.

Routledge Spanish Technical Dictionary
pega de barrenos f
MINAS shot-firing, shotfiring, voladuras shot-by-shot firing
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
12 hrs

loading and blasting

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