Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Spanish term or phrase:
acotacion de incertidumbres/incertidumbres acotados
English translation:
defining/limiting/plotting uncertainties
Added to glossary by
Black & White
Oct 30, 2005 20:33
19 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Spanish term
acotacion de incertidumbres/incertidumbres acotados
Spanish to English
Mining & Minerals / Gems
Can you possibly suggest a translation of "acotacion" in this sentence.
"La información de la cual hablamos es.....información que permite Inferencias para medir valores esperados y las incertidumbres que las afectan de modo que estas puedan ser debidamente acotadas"
lower down in the document is a line graph accompanied by the text box; "acotacion de incertidumbres"
Judging from the presence of the line graph, I suspect "acotacion" might mean something like "plotting (out)" or "marking out" uncertainties. What do you think?
"La información de la cual hablamos es.....información que permite Inferencias para medir valores esperados y las incertidumbres que las afectan de modo que estas puedan ser debidamente acotadas"
lower down in the document is a line graph accompanied by the text box; "acotacion de incertidumbres"
Judging from the presence of the line graph, I suspect "acotacion" might mean something like "plotting (out)" or "marking out" uncertainties. What do you think?
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
14 mins
defining or limiting uncertainties
I thought acotar can mean "to fence" - so I think they are trying to define, note down (i.e. writing) and /or limit uncertainties related mining something...
As per Real Academia de la lengua Espaniola:
1. f. acotamiento.
2. f. Señal o apuntamiento que se pone en la margen de algún escrito o impreso.
3. f. Cada una de las notas que se ponen en la obra teatral, advirtiendo y explicando todo lo relativo a la acción o movimiento de los personajes y al servicio de la escena.
As per Real Academia de la lengua Espaniola:
1. f. acotamiento.
2. f. Señal o apuntamiento que se pone en la margen de algún escrito o impreso.
3. f. Cada una de las notas que se ponen en la obra teatral, advirtiendo y explicando todo lo relativo a la acción o movimiento de los personajes y al servicio de la escena.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "I agree with "defining", "limiting" or even "setting". If referring to a graph, the verb "plotting" might be more appropriate. "
3 mins
uncertainty reduction/ reduced uncertainties
5 mins
plot of the uncertainties
... FIGURE 3.6 Plot of the uncertainties listed in Table 3.3A for sulfate ... cgi?isbn=030905429X&chap=89-106 - 144k
... FIGURE 3.6 Plot of the uncertainties listed in Table 3.3A for sulfate ... cgi?isbn=030905429X&chap=89-106 - 144k
10 hrs
elevation uncertainty/uncertainty of elevation
In relation to topographic mapping. Certainly essential for mining.
DEM uncertainty in elevation and the selected topographic parameters is being
evaluated for differing types of topography (ie flat versus steep). ... - 60k - Cached - Similar pages
[PDF] Perceptions of Digital Elevation Model Uncertainty by DEM Users
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Perceptions of Digital Elevation Model Uncertainty. by DEM Users ... perceive and
address DEM uncertainty arising from unknown error in the elevation data. ... - Similar pages
[PDF] Quantifying Uncertainty of Digital Elevation Models Derived from ...
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uncertainty in DEMs requires comparison of the original elevations (eg,.
elevations read from topographic maps) with the elevations in a DEM surface. ...
The uncertainty of elevations based on benchmarks is assumed to be 0.15 meter (0.5
ft) ... At a density of 2.67 gm/cc, elevation uncertainty translates to a ...
DEM uncertainty in elevation and the selected topographic parameters is being
evaluated for differing types of topography (ie flat versus steep). ... - 60k - Cached - Similar pages
[PDF] Perceptions of Digital Elevation Model Uncertainty by DEM Users
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Perceptions of Digital Elevation Model Uncertainty. by DEM Users ... perceive and
address DEM uncertainty arising from unknown error in the elevation data. ... - Similar pages
[PDF] Quantifying Uncertainty of Digital Elevation Models Derived from ...
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uncertainty in DEMs requires comparison of the original elevations (eg,.
elevations read from topographic maps) with the elevations in a DEM surface. ...
The uncertainty of elevations based on benchmarks is assumed to be 0.15 meter (0.5
ft) ... At a density of 2.67 gm/cc, elevation uncertainty translates to a ...
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Jane Lamb-Ruiz (X)
: you are right....I just realized we are all wrong..actually..I think it is Defining Uncertainty Boundaries..acotar is set a boundary..
16 hrs
thanks, Jane. Without more context there is always an element of uncertainty. No pun intended.
1 hr
Limiting uncertainty
acotar means to put boundary around something like a property
Note added at 1 day 2 hrs 42 mins (2005-10-31 23:16:09 GMT)
OK I just realized this was Mining: Setting the Boundaries of Uncertainty
Data Mining. Simulation. Convergence. Bio-interface. Asynchronous. Low energy chip
... Axes of Uncertainty: boundaries of expectation, quadrants of contrast ... - Similar pages
United Nations Statistics Division - Common Database
Attempts have been made to arrive at uncertainty boundaries around the ...
Mining includes underground and surface mines, quarries and wells and all ... - 198k - Cached - Similar pages
[PDF] Bon(r)r
Defining or setting the uncertainty Boundaries
Note added at 1 day 2 hrs 42 mins (2005-10-31 23:16:09 GMT)
OK I just realized this was Mining: Setting the Boundaries of Uncertainty
Data Mining. Simulation. Convergence. Bio-interface. Asynchronous. Low energy chip
... Axes of Uncertainty: boundaries of expectation, quadrants of contrast ... - Similar pages
United Nations Statistics Division - Common Database
Attempts have been made to arrive at uncertainty boundaries around the ...
Mining includes underground and surface mines, quarries and wells and all ... - 198k - Cached - Similar pages
[PDF] Bon(r)r
Defining or setting the uncertainty Boundaries
1 day 12 hrs
bounding of uncertainties/bounded uncertainties
"Sánchez, María Cristina, Félix Nevárez, J. R. Mahan, and Ira J. Sorensen, Bounding uncertainties in Monte Carlo ray-trace models, EOS/SPIE Symposium on Remote Sensing (EUROPTO Series),Toulouse, France, Sept 17-21, 2001."
" Data Fitting Problems with Bounded Uncertainties in the Data
Abstract. An analysis of a class of data fitting problems, where the data uncertainties are subject to known bounds, is given in a very general setting."
" Data Fitting Problems with Bounded Uncertainties in the Data
Abstract. An analysis of a class of data fitting problems, where the data uncertainties are subject to known bounds, is given in a very general setting."
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