Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

Contratación Suelo

English translation:

commercial & industrial property/real estate leasing

Added to glossary by bigedsenior
Feb 10, 2019 12:46
6 yrs ago
Spanish term

Contratación Suelo

Spanish to English Bus/Financial Investment / Securities Real Estate Investment
I'm not sure whether this refers to purchasing land or renting land. It's from an investment portfolio related to the logistics sector. The letters are cities.

"Contratación Suelo 2018

El sector logístico de X se encuentra en una fase de expansión continuando la tendencia marcada por Y y Z, con una compresión de yields y un incremento de la contratación aumentando la presión sobre los precios"

Many thanks.
Change log

Feb 15, 2019 17:40: bigedsenior Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

5 hrs

commercial & industrial property/real estate leasing

... or commercialindustrial property leasing/renting, or commercial real estate leasing/rent
'Floot space' leasing/rent is another alternativefor office buildings

The Commercial Property Leasing Guide - Colliers International states/markets/...
P. 2 Commercial Property Leasing Guide. Colliers International. “The broker showed up with a big, fancy proposal and made me all sorts of promises about.

Negotiating A Commercial Lease? Here's What You Need To Know 2, 2015 - There are different types of commercial leases and a number of ... Single Net Lease, Net Lease: tenant only pays utilities and property
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5 hrs

floor (real estate) transaction

my take
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