Glossary entry

Serbian term or phrase:

anestezija za krać

English translation:

anesthesia for short (truncated)

Added to glossary by Jairo Dorado Cadilla
Nov 30, 2010 19:14
14 yrs ago
Serbian term

anestezija za krać

Serbian to English Medical Medical (general)
On a medical invoice:
Opšta endotrahealna kombinovana anestezija za krać
Opšta endotrahealna kombinovana anestezija za oper.
Opšta intravenska anestezija za svaki čas

I just need the translation/explanation of krać
Proposed translations (English)
4 anesthesia for short (truncated)

Proposed translations

25 mins

anesthesia for short (truncated)

Invoice items are probably truncated at specific no. of characters. "krać" is probably short for "kraće intervencije" (short interventions) or similar. I believe the best solution would be to put the word "short" (as this is most probably the right word) followed by a note "(truncated)" or without it.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Хвала Марко!"
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