Feb 24, 2008 12:28
17 yrs ago
58 viewers *
Serbian term

usmeno na zapisnik

Serbian to English Law/Patents Human Resources law
Zalba se predaje preko Filijale, pismeno ili usmeno na zapisnik
Proposed translations (English)
3 +2 transcript of a verbal statement
2 +1 orally for the record
3 subscribed person


Natasa Djurovic (asker) Feb 24, 2008:
Zapisnik je Temporary Decision koju stranka dobija kao ostvareno pravo.
PoveyTrans (X) Feb 24, 2008:
Does 'na zapisnik' refer just to usmono?

Proposed translations

2 hrs

transcript of a verbal statement

I would try something like this...if 'na zapisnik' refers only to usmeno which it would seem to.

A complaint is submitted via any of the S(s)ubsidiaries in written form or as a transcript of a verbal statement.

I assume that Subsidiary here is capitalised as part of a legal contract.

Note added at 3 hrs (2008-02-24 15:39:48 GMT)

Since this is a legal text, please see the link below which explains the legal meaning of transcript:


and something on verbal statement


Note added at 9 hrs (2008-02-24 21:31:06 GMT)

OK - in that case, I would just say 'in a written or verbal form'.
Peer comment(s):

agree vetime
45 mins
agree Larisa Djuvelek-Ruggiero (X)
1 day 22 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you Simon"
2 hrs

orally for the record

Ovo se često čuje u kriminalističkim serijama, napismeno bi onda bilo in writing.
Peer comment(s):

agree Bogdan Petrovic : http://www.ip-rs.si/index.php?id=346
11 mins
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465 days

subscribed person

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