Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Indonesian term or phrase:
Pemangku adat
English translation:
Chief of the Tribal Council
Added to glossary by
Wiyanto Suroso
Apr 25, 2009 05:51
15 yrs ago
7 viewers *
Indonesian term
Pemangku adat
Indonesian to English
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Apakah padanan yang cocok untuk Ketua Dewan Pemangku Adat ?
Terima kasih
Terima kasih
Proposed translations
5 +2 | Chief of the Tribal Council | Wiyanto Suroso |
5 | Head of Tribal Council | Hengky Chiok |
5 | head of customary council | Hikmat Gumilar |
Change log
May 4, 2009 12:33: Wiyanto Suroso Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
3 hrs
Chief of the Tribal Council
"Chief" lazim digunakan dalam hal "adat".
"Tribal Council" terdiri dari "para pemangku/tetua adat" sehingga tidak perlu dipadankan dengan "tribal guardian council".
Note added at 3 hrs (2009-04-25 09:26:02 GMT)
"Ketua Dewan Pemangku Adat" sama dengan "Chief of the Tribal Council"
Note added at 3 hrs (2009-04-25 09:32:29 GMT)
On the other side of the world, the paramount chief of the Bentian Tribal Council in Indonesia forged a common front on behalf of the Bentian and other Dayak tribes to protect their lands.
"Tribal Council" terdiri dari "para pemangku/tetua adat" sehingga tidak perlu dipadankan dengan "tribal guardian council".
Note added at 3 hrs (2009-04-25 09:26:02 GMT)
"Ketua Dewan Pemangku Adat" sama dengan "Chief of the Tribal Council"
Note added at 3 hrs (2009-04-25 09:32:29 GMT)
On the other side of the world, the paramount chief of the Bentian Tribal Council in Indonesia forged a common front on behalf of the Bentian and other Dayak tribes to protect their lands.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Thanks
3 mins
Head of Tribal Council
Note added at 5 mins (2009-04-25 05:56:30 GMT)
Correction: Head of the Tribal Council.
Note added at 5 mins (2009-04-25 05:56:45 GMT)
Note added at 5 mins (2009-04-25 05:56:30 GMT)
Correction: Head of the Tribal Council.
Note added at 5 mins (2009-04-25 05:56:45 GMT)
5 hrs
head of customary council
pe·mang·ku n 1 orang yg memangku; 2 pengelola; penyelenggara (pemerintahan dsb); 3 orang yg mewakili (raja dsb);
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