Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Indonesian term or phrase:
berlawanan dengan arah mata angin/hujan
English translation:
facing away from (the direction of) wind and rain
Indonesian term
berlawanan dengan arah mata angin/hujan
1. Rumah di bangun dengan jendela dan pintu menghadap arah laut (berlawanan dengan arah mata angin / hujan), rumah dibalut dengan terpal plastik
2. Rumah di ikat dengan tali
3. Ada warga mengambil air dari sumur tetangga jauh dari tempat tinggal
3 +5 | facing away from (the direction of) wind and rain | Hendarto Setiadi |
4 | opposite to the wind / rain shower | ErichEko ⟹⭐ |
Jan 28, 2007 21:31: NancyLynn changed "Language pair" from "English to Indonesian" to "Indonesian to English"
Proposed translations
facing away from (the direction of) wind and rain
agree |
Suzan Piper
: setuju
3 hrs
agree |
Hipyan Nopri
5 hrs
agree |
Eddie R. Notowidigdo
: Excellent!
7 hrs
agree |
Hadiyono Jaqin
15 hrs
agree |
21 hrs
opposite to the wind / rain shower
opposite to the wind / rain *direction*.
Namun, orang biasanya sudah cukup mafhum bahwa "opposite to the wind" = berlawanan dengan arah angin.
Note added at 1 day6 hrs (2007-01-30 02:06:12 GMT)
...the houses nearest them, opposite to the wind, there was a large space of garden ground, so that no spark from these chimneys could have occasioned this mischief, had the wind blown the contrary way;...
Perbaikan: abaikan "shower" dalam jawaban.