Glossary entry

Indonesian term or phrase:

Calon Guru Kimia

English translation:

Pre-Service Chemistry Teacher

Added to glossary by Joe Ly Sien
Mar 16, 2017 00:34
7 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Indonesian term

Calon Guru Kimia

Indonesian to English Art/Literary Education / Pedagogy Dalam jurnal
saya menemukan term "Pre-Service Teacher", tapi dalam jurnal ini calon guru kimia yang dimaksud adalah para mahasiswa jurusan pendidikan Kimia. Apakah ada istilah yang lebih tepat?


sedikit abstrak: Telah dilakukan penelitian deskriptif kuantitiatif untuk mengetahui tingkat pemahaman dan miskonsepsi calon guru kimia terkait konsep resonansi pada perkuliahan kimia organik. Subyek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Pendidikan Kimia
Change log

Mar 28, 2017 03:22: Joe Ly Sien Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

8 hrs

Pre-Service Chemistry Teacher

Calon guru kimia di sini berpadanan dengan Pre-service Chemistry Teacher. Yang saudari Desti temukan sudah tepat, yakni calon guru kimia tersebut merupakan mahasiswa jurusan pendidikan kimia, hanya tinggal ditambahkan chemistry untuk guru kimia tersebut. Yang dimaksud Pre-service adalah pendidikan dan pelatihan yang diberikan kepada calon guru. Kata calon di sini cukup diwakili satu kali saja yakni di Pre-service. Semoga membantu, salam.

Note added at 8 jam (2017-03-16 09:18:14 GMT)

Referensi 1 :

Contoh kalimat : According to Virginia Wesleyan College, a pre-service teacher is a college student involved in a school-based field experience.

Note added at 8 jam (2017-03-16 09:25:20 GMT)

Sebagai tambahan, jadi kalau yang dimaksud Calon Guru Kimia adalah dari mahasiswa ilmu kimia, padanannya menjadi Pre-service Chemistry Teacher, sedangkan kalau yang dimaksud Calon Guru Kimia saja, padanannya menjadi Chemistry Teacher Candidates.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you for the helpful answer "
5 mins

preservice teacher candidate

What does it mean to become a teacher candidate in the ECE program?
Being accepted as a teacher candidate means that you now belong to a professional school. During your study in the College of Education, you will grow from being a college student to becoming a professional educator. Your cohort coordinator, instructors, field supervisors, mentor teachers, and school administrators work together in partnership to support you in becoming a teacher.

Preservice teacher (candidate) performance should be rated on each element within each Standard as characteristic of a practitioner at one of four levels: Emergent Candidate, Developing Candidate, Proficient ...

This research shows that most preservice teacher candidates are not favorably disposed either towards students of minority descent or towards teaching in urban schools.
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8 hrs

Student Chemistry Teacher

This would be the term in British English.
Example sentence:

The Board of Education gradually relinquished its control of the examination of student teachers to the universities, signalling a much closer involvement of the universities in the examination and recognition of qualified teachers.

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Peer comment(s):

agree D. I. Verrelli : This is also the everyday expression in Australian English.
47 days
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16 hrs

Chemistry Teacher Candidates

Banyak jurnal ilmiah menggunakan istilah ini. Silakan ditelusuri di Google. Saya tawarkan dalam bentuk jamak karena menurut konteksnya tidak mengacu hanya pada satu calon guru kimia.
Example sentence:

Fostering the Development of Chemistry Teacher Candidates: A Bioecological Approach

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Peer comment(s):

agree D. I. Verrelli : This is the most straightforward translation. "Candidate Chemistry Teachers" would also be possible.
46 days
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1 day 31 mins

Chemistry Teacher Prospects

☕ Dari konteksnya, penelitian ditujukan kepada mahasiswa pendidikan kimia yang pada saat penelitian, masih mahasiswa dan belum menjadi guru, bahkan sangat mungkin belum melamar untuk menjadi guru. Setelah lulus, mereka bisa jadi guru, bisa jadi terjun ke profesi lain.

☕ Mereka ini, kalau dalam terminologi politik, baru bakal calon, belum pasti akan mencalonkan diri, dan bahkan setelah mencalonkan diri pun, belum tentu diterima sebagai calon. Mereka ini baru berprospek sebagai calon, belum berkualifikasi sebagai calon. Sebagai prospek, tentu saja mereka lebih berpeluang karena mengenyam ilmu pendidikan.

⛱ Dari kamus Oxford, prospect A person regarded as likely to succeed or as a potential customer, client, etc. Surjaya memberikan contoh berbagai professional prospect.

The world and the teacher-prospects and challenges for teacher education in the age of globalization from a cosmopolitan perspective
Teacher prospects were always encouraged to keep that in mind, but when push came to shove in their actual teaching experience, they were frequently forced ...
"The way financial advisors present themselves to physician prospects will either attract or repel them, " says Vicki Rackner MD, President of Targeting Doctors. "Think of it as 'medical magnetism.'"
Interviewing your short list of accountant prospects will help you size up the likelihood that you will work well with one of them.
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Peer comment(s):

disagree D. I. Verrelli : Despite the quotations, I don't find this to be idiomatic for general use. It's more of a pseudo-poetic usage.
46 days
What you agree with seems to be ignored anyway...
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