Glossary entry

French term or phrase:


Romanian translation:

(forma de) hifil

Added to glossary by Multiverba (X)
Oct 22, 2004 15:10
20 yrs ago
French term


French to Romanian Art/Literary Religion
Le verbe X est un hapax de l’Ancien Testament, mais le ***hiphil*** de Y se retrouve 12 fois.

Proposed translations

1 hr

(forma de) hifil

Este vorba despre o forma verbala sui generis a limbii ebraice. Toate aceste forme se numesc binyanim (binyan la singular).

Am modificat ortografia dupa cea a limbii romane, din cate stiu ebraica se translitereaza fonetic. Ar fi bine sa verificati cu un tabel de transliterare din ebraica.
Nu stiu ebraica, tot ce am scris e dedus din linkul de mai jos.
Peer comment(s):

agree Crissy
17 mins
agree raoul weiss : v. comentariul meu despre "niphal/nifal"
2 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Multumesc mult!"
3 mins


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21 mins

cauzativ (ebraica)

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